Bet-dollars-to-donuts Meaning | Best 1 Definitions of Bet

i bet you dollars to donuts meaning

i bet you dollars to donuts meaning - win

"I'll bet you a dollar to a donut" doesn't mean what it used to

Donuts around here cost like 95 cents to 2 bucks these days.
I think it might be mildly interesting to say "I'll bet you a donut to a dollar" the next time I'm pretty sure about a minor factual disagreement
submitted by gazpachosushi to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

Relationship Ambiguity Is The New Backlash, and It's Dangerous and Effective Because of Its Subtlety

In the old days (disclaimer: this post reflects customs in Western societies) the tools of women's oppression were things like "you can't get a credit card or your own bank account" or "there's no such thing as rape in marriage." Today it's "let's not put a label on things" and "we're just talking,"
We've come a long way in terms of material progress in independence and security, but the emotional entrapment is actually more secure than ever. In a dating culture that gaslights us into thinking rules and standards are "uptight," "demanding," and "controlling," we live on the same precipice of fear that our foremothers did--we have no more fundamental sense of security in our relationships than they did.
But our increased ability to achieve material gains (not discounting this is uneven across racial demographics) creates an atmosphere of "what are you complaining about? your grandmother would have killed for the life you have!" She would have, you're right. But I'll bet you dollars to donuts that my emotional misery inside a relationship is identical to hers because the fundamental dynamics haven't changed.
Men have found a new way to make us feel always insecure, always wondering if we're good enough, always afraid he'll cheat/leave. The expectations of women are always climbing higher--beautiful! climbing the career ladder! pinterest mom! always up for sex! While the men are always carefully managing our expectations of them downward, and normalizing the lack of relationship labels, boundaries, and customs.
This is true across the entire relationship length spectrum, from talking online all the way to marriage, and it's a way of denying us dignity. We no longer get to say "we're dating" because that's uncool and threatens him. We no longer get to withhold cohabiting, much less sex, until marriage, because that's so uptight. We no longer get to shame porn use, because sEx pOsItIvItY and "every man does it." We no longer get to assume monogamy as a baseline reality of being in a relationship because "poly is cool." We no longer get to expect a man pays for a date, or brings us flowers, or any modicum of effort because "50/50." We have been deprived by society of every traditional means of expecting men put in effort and adhere to some kind of moral code of respect and care for women.
It's way subtler than the abuse our mothers and grandmothers took, but it's still hellishly damaging. It breaks down our confidence and well-being in exactly the same way their poor treatment did to them. Ten bucks says by the time millennial men hit 80, they will have normalized dumping their wives in nursing homes the moment they need anything (like as small as a cane or a grab bar in the shower) and dating other women even though they're still married, because "she can't function as a wife anymore."
My feeling is that if this backlash of eliminating all dating/marriage customs and labels because it relieves men of emotional and material responsibility continues, we will eventually be forced to be available to men for sex and physical and emotional labor like candy in a vending machine. OLD is perilously close to this as it is--pick a girl from the catalog and order her up! One day shipping just like Amazon!
Fight back, ladies. Stay solo rather than take this sh*t.
submitted by wrice05 to FemaleDatingStrategy [link] [comments]

Advice from a Crypto Veteran

Advice from a Crypto Veteran
Hey guys, there's been a bunch of noise about DOGE on my twitter feed, and everyone in the crypto community is rooting for you! However, most of the guys who've made a lot of money through crypto aren't throwing in a bunch of money at DOGE and I wanted to explain why.
Market Cap:
I'm sure most of you are familiar with this concept, but the higher the market cap of an asset, the harder it is to move up in price. Why? Because if you throw $10,000 into an asset worth $100,000, that will actually move the price by 10%, just from that one buy. However, if you throw $10,000 at a $6.5 BILLION asset like DOGE is right now at $0.05, that would only move the price up by 0.000153846%.

How much money is required to get to $1?
To find out how much money is needed for DOGE to reach a target of $1, all you need to do is divide $1.00 by the current price ($0.05). That's 20. So for DOGE to reach $1, we would need 20x the total market cap it is currently at. That means you would need $123.5 BILLION more invested into it to reach that amount.

Okay, so right now SatoshiStreetBets is at 142,000 members. Even assuming that every single member were to buy DOGE, that means that every single person on here would have to invest on average $869,718.31. And remember that money can't come from DOGE profits because taking profit out of DOGE would automatically take that amount of money out of the market cap.

I'm not here to rain on your parade for no reason. I love seeing the success of people newly entering this space, but don't fall for the same thing that happened in January of 2018. DOGE pumped over 8,750% and immediately plummeted to where it started. But the only reason it could pump that much in the first place was because it had such a small market cap back then that a few million dollars could pump it that much. Now, it's a different story.

Are there any alternatives?
Of course. There's thousands of coins with tiny market caps that you guys could pump 100x, 200x, or more if you all decided on one. Look at DONUT for example—a Reddit based meme coin that some of you have already heard of. It's already pumped 13,000% in 24 hours. It's market cap is so low that it's market cap is only around $4.5 million right now, so if even half of the money people have in DOGE were to go towards DONUT, it would increase the price by 722x.
I'm happy to answer any questions and I love the energy of this group. Keep it going bois ;)

EDIT: I added in a picture of the 8,400+% pump and dump of January 2018 for reference.
EDIT #2: Someone asked where to find donut. It’s in That’s where you can find any crypto. You’d have to buy it on a decentralized exchange like Uniswap.
submitted by axonrod to SatoshiStreetBets [link] [comments]

Advice from a Crypto Veteran

Advice from a Crypto Veteran
Hey guys, I posted this in SatoshiStreetBets this morning, where I assumed most of the Dogecoin buyers were coming from but I see that dogecoin is bigger so this probably applies more to you guys:
Hey guys, there's been a bunch of noise about DOGE on my twitter feed, and everyone in the crypto community is rooting for you! However, most of the guys who've made a lot of money through crypto aren't throwing in a bunch of money at DOGE and I wanted to explain why.
Market Cap:
I'm sure most of you are familiar with this concept, but the higher the market cap of an asset, the harder it is to move up in price. Why? Because if you throw $10,000 into an asset worth $100,000, that will actually move the price by 10%, just from that one buy. However, if you throw $10,000 at a $6.5 BILLION asset like DOGE is right now at $0.05, that would only move the price up by 0.000153846%.
How much money is required to get to $1?
To find out how much money is needed for DOGE to reach a target of $1, all you need to do is divide $1.00 by the current price ($0.05). That's 20. So for DOGE to reach $1, we would need 20x the total market cap it is currently at. That means you would need $123.5 BILLION more invested into it to reach that amount.
Okay, so right now SatoshiStreetBets is at 142,000 members. Even assuming that every single member were to buy DOGE, that means that every single person on here would have to invest on average $869,718.31. And remember that money can't come from DOGE profits because taking profit out of DOGE would automatically take that amount of money out of the market cap.
EDIT: The math is a little different now. If you want to assume that there's no people in both dogecoin and SatoshiStreetBets, then you have a max amount of buyers around 642,000 people right now. Dogecoin has taken a huge dive to $0.032, so the market cap is around $4.16 B. That means dogecoin needs $130 B invested into it with absolutely no one selling on the way for it to get to $1. Now, even if every single person on this subreddit and every single person on SatoshiStreetBets were only in one or the other, and every single person bought more dogecoin from here, that means each person would need to buyput in $202,492.21 into dogecoin to get it to $1.

I'm not here to rain on your parade for no reason. I love seeing the success of people newly entering this space, but don't fall for the same thing that happened in January of 2018. DOGE pumped over 8,750% and immediately plummeted to where it started. But the only reason it could pump that much in the first place was because it had such a small market cap back then that a few million dollars could pump it that much. Now, it's a different story.
Are there any alternatives?
Of course. There's thousands of coins with tiny market caps that you guys could pump 100x, 200x, or more if you all decided on one. Look at DONUT for example—a Reddit based meme coin that some of you have already heard of. It's already pumped 13,000% in 24 hours. It's market cap is so low that it's market cap is only around $4.5 million right now, so if even half of the money people have in DOGE were to go towards DONUT, it would increase the price by 722x.
I'm happy to answer any questions and I love the energy of this group. Keep it going bois ;)
EDIT: I added in a picture of the 8,400+% pump and dump of January 2018 for reference.
EDIT #2: Someone asked where to find donut. It’s on That’s where you can find any crypto. You’d have to buy it on a decentralized exchange like Uniswap.
submitted by axonrod to dogecoin [link] [comments]

I got some thoughts about Part 3 and Disenchantment as a whole. [Spoilers]

Okay, so this is going to be riddled with spoilers, in all likelihood. I'm disposed to not spoil much, but this is, like, spoiler territory. Besides, you're here probably because you've already seen Part 3. Also, spoilers, but I ramble on for a long time. I debated putting this under Part 3 Discussion, but dang it long.
Overall, I liked Part 3, and Disenchantment as a whole. I laughed at jokes, I sympathized with characters' plights, I dislike the baddies and I like (generally speaking) the goodies. But I'm pretty sure I'm easily entertained. A lot of people seemed to not like it? Well, imagine the threshold for it being well-liked is around 75%, most people seem to be at a 60%. But I liked it, despite its fondness for bare buttocks.
That said, folks are right, it does feel properly disjointed. A number of jokes went on too long, and not just mug-stealing or inner monologue. Things like rolling down a flight of stairs takes twice as long. Only time running long in a joke ever worked was with Spam. They don't even have strict time limits on these episodes, so it's like padding for no reason! That said, I'm going to try to make sense of what's going on. That's never gone wrong, right?
Okay, Dagmar, the big baddie, the plot activator. What's her goal? Pretty sure it's to get Bean to Hell in a specific, controlled manner, and the Cliffhanger paid that off. A large amount of things seem to be out of her control; she's unaffiliated with the Secret Society and the Elves, she lost her relatives and allies, so she's only got the Trogs under her command. Well, she had them, past tense. But I'm pretty sure a not-insignificant part of the 3rd season was her meddling. I'm about 90% sure that she's zapped herself into Bean's mind and is living there rent-free and doing magicky stuff - like worsening Zog's insanity artificially and mind-controlling him to say what she wants to be said so that Princess Bean becomes Queen Bean. Why that factors into the plan, I don't exactly know. It's probably relating to something Dagmar can't do herself, and needs an heidaughter to marry off or something.
Oddvall and the Secret Society (of stagnation) want to be in charge - secretly. They're not good at it, but no-one seems to care. The fact that Oddvall hasn't lost his head yet even though he blatantly plots is becoming something of a joke. I'm not sure if he's even useful anymore. You could just ask Luci for advice, and do the opposite of what he says! But tangent over, the Secret Society wants to have a puppet ruler in place so that they may continue their secret work without interruption. I'm pretty sure that's finding Dreamland's mystery power. Folks say it's magic, I'm not convinced it's magic like 'You are now a wizard' magic. Seems more like 'Storm of Chaos and Destruction Sealed Inside A Jar' magic. Secret Society wants it, doesn't know where it is. It's probably in the old Elven kingdom, probably. Side Note: Oddvall and the Secret Society tricking Bean and Oona into helping them make Zog even more insane was, IMO, legitimately genius. That got a laugh out of me once I realized what had happened (and also compounded on the Karma Houdini this group has going on).
That Wallace-sounding fellow from Steamland is in the same boat, goal-wise. He wants Dreamland's secret power, and he's got a sweat act, but Dagmar is much better at twisting emotions than he is. He's oddly endearing, in a creep-stalker way. Maybe it's the nice-guy British Accent, maybe it's his remarkably ineffectual lightbulb robot minions. But we haven't seen him much. In fact, Steamland as a whole is underused. I thought they were going to do a "Most Dangerous Game" scenario where Elfo becomes a Rambo-style cool dude and takes down his human oppressors. Freeing the Freakshow Prisoners was nice and cathartic, but I did want to see them do The Most Dangerous Game. Also: Regarding the Arch-Druidess: I'm pretty sure she was just reveling in the power. She's not nice, power over people seems like something she enjoys too much. 50/50 on her returning.
The Elves were also really, really underused as well. Maybe it's because they accidentally were too one-note. You've got a fleet of sweet-makers with names that define their personalities and the suffix -o. But they're looking for the old Elf Kingdom, and I'd bet dollars to donuts that whatever mystery power Dreamland is sitting on is in the Elf Kingdom, because Dreamland seems to sit on a lot of things.
Also, what's this curse about? Did the Elves lay a curse on Dreamland and it's set to break soon because Bean is now Queen? Has the curse done anything? Or is perhaps the reason why Dreamland such a stangant, ho-hum medieval setting BECAUSE of this curse? There's a curse, but we're not really seeing it. If it's the rulers meet horrible fates, that's not much of a curse. As Granny Weatherwax said, "Assassination is a perfectly natural cause of death for a King".
I guess I'll go over cliffhangers next. It looks like Elfo got abducted to meet his mother. I got a bad feeling this is going to go nowhere, perhaps because it came out of nowhere. We thought the threat was green smoke advancing, but it's an ogre army who came up because just now the Ogre Queen wants her son home.
Luci's cliffhanger got a good laugh out of me, and might actually be more meaningful. He's in heaven because a: That's the worst place for a demon to end up, and b: There's a good chance that Luci will become a better person. I'm working under the theory that God thinks that Luci can become a better person. Who knows? Maybe he'll be sent down as Bean's guardian angel. But an episode concerning him in Heaven would probably be a good bit of comedy.
And next, Zog. Oh, poor Zog. You had a plan, it wasn't clever but it was more clever than most people would've given you credit for, but you saw the decapitated head of an ally and was buried alive by the Arch-druidess. You got sucked underground by grave-robbing trogs, saw two of your back-stabbing wife, and got turned into no more than a pawn and a figurehead to be used after a life wasted on terrible dietary choices. Gotta feel for the poor shmuck. Here's to hoping that things go well for him, but perhaps the last thing I want for Zog is the ol' Status Quo to miracle-cure him. There's something almost Shakespearean about what's happened to poor King Zog. He's in a tragedy not of his own making, and even as a King, he was just a tool for others to use or an obstacle in other's way, and only barely a parent to Bean and Derek and a husband to Oona. I want things to get better for him, for him to take back some power in his life, but at the same time, I want Bean to remain Queen. I'm conflicted on poor Zog's fate.
Lastly, Bean. Welcome to hell, it appears you're going to be married to Satan. I think we all know where this is going. She'll worm her way out of this one, somehow, and back to the surface world, rescue Elfo, and perhaps see Luci as a new Guardian Angel. Bean's cool, I really do like women of action, but it's strange how her cliffhanger is most important and holds my interest second-lowest. Elfo's last.
Now, I want to get to the quality of writing. It's strange to say this, because these are experienced creators, but the entire story feels.... very beginner. I've read a lot of fantasy, I've written some of it. I breathe this genre, mostly because Sci-Fi becomes disappointing when you learn that warp speed is highly improbable. Like, if I compare Disenchantment to Futurama (this old horse), you'd notice several things.
Firstly, the setting. Futurama has got lots of stuff going on, a constant mixture of the future melting-pot of the city and worlds unknown to us. It's nice and FULL. Meanwhile, Disenchantment's world is Dreamland and friends. Dreamland is a super-stagnatory paint-by-numbers kingdom. It's almost Un-Magical, funnily enough. You got odds and ends here and there, Oddvall's 3rd eye, that incompetent Sorcero, things here and there, but it doesn't feel as innundated with the genre as Futurama was. Futurama is High Science Fiction, but Dreamland is more Low Fantasy. Dreamland's neighbors lean more into the fantasy, what with the swamp kingdom and the richer-than-thou, heading-for-a-French-Revolution kingdom, but they don't feel as captivating. Steamland is wonderfully fleshed out in every scene we see, but I think that's more because Steamland is closer to Futurama conceptually, as Steampunk is retro-future Science Fiction, and Futurama was really strong in regards to the feel of the world and Steamland benefited from that by a lot.
The reason why i think this is is because of Pop Culture Osmosis. If you just skim the surface of Pop Culture, you'll dredge up a lot more science fiction than fantasy. You got your Star Wars and your Star Trek, your robots out the kaboodle, aliens left right and center, your megacities, your advanced technology, it's everywhere. Science Fiction is Popular, so there's a lot on the surface to work with. Fantasy, meanwhile, isn't as much. You got Tolkien, and I don't think most people have read the books. Generic, Surface-Level Fantasy is like, Medieval European Kingdom, you got a wizard and a scheming advisor. People are dirty as heck and dumb as a sack of potatoes. Angels and Demons, sure why not. Ogres, sure. Elves, sure. Mermaids, they're popular, in everything, so toss them in. But the by-the-numbers of Fantasy aren't as expansive as the by-the-numbers of Science Fiction, which shackled Disenchantment, incidentally.
I mean, look at the Elves. What are the Elves in disenchantment? They're the KEEBLER elves. They make edible sweets and have simple names. Look at the Elves in more deep-dive fantasy. What are they? More-perfect-than-perfect, more beautiful-than-beautiful, ancient masters of the world with incredible power and a history fraught with world-shaking events. That's just the standard elf, the Tolkien Elf, if you will. Disenchantment's got the Keebler Elves. Most people are familiar with the Keebler Elves when they buy a box of grasshoppers at the grocery store. Tolkien Elves aren't making anything you see in a grocery store.
And Fantasy does have that kind of over-the-top potential, which is what Steamland has while Dreamland hasn't. But Fantasy stuff isn't as wide-spread as Science Fiction stuff is, so Disenchantment doesn't get as deep a dive. Heck, I'm suprised the basis of Disenchantment isn't the most basic Fantasy Plot Ever: Main Character is the Chosen One, and will destroy the Satanic Archetype in a battle for the fate of the World. Basic as it comes, you see it it loads of fantasy stuff, not here.
That skimming-the-surface approach lets me circle back to my point about the plot and the writing, because it feels almost like a beginner is doing it. These writers are experienced, but it FEELS like this is the first time they're doing a sequential story. The Simpsons has no ongoing plot, Futurama has only the barest bones of an ongoing plot, and even that feels like it never changes, but Disenchantment does have a plot that changes characters and the world. Things matter more, so it feels like the Authors are stuck at 'where do we go next?' in a sheepish manner. I've not done the intensive research on the cast, but it does feel like that awkward stage of writing where you don't honestly know where the characters are going to go next.
And I noticed this problem because of the episode "Last Splash". I swear to the gods, I've read an 'erotica' that had the exact same plot, gender included. I've also read a number of queer romance webcomics that aren't as... teenage-hormonally driven. There's a certain immaturity, or juvenile wish-fufillment, or unresolved desires, that play into a story like Last Splash. You read enough of the things I've read, you start noticing what I could only call as beginner-level queer romancing. Queer folks I've talked to are a LOT better at expressing this than I am, but the beginner-level queer romance is, more or less, a fetish. It's "Let's get these two characters (who are the same gender) to shag", and that's what happens in "Last Splash". And I SWEAR the only time I've ever seen this happen is in starting authors writing what they want to see with little thought into deeper meanings, and authors who continue with little care into deeper meanings (which i classify as more beginner-level).
Reflecting back on it, I realized it happened with Bean's arc in Part Two. In that part, if you recall, she was all about affirmative action, and the menfolk around her were all about unaffirming that. It felt very beginner and super-basic. It felt like the first time someone was approaching Feminism without reading into the topic before hand. It was just super-basic, and that was frustrating. I remember, as a little me, I read the Tortall book series, in which every main character was a girl growing into a woman and fighting for their place in the world, doing things their way, one even disobeying a God of Death for something more meaningful to herself (reanimating dinosaur remains to wreck a palace instead of all the human remains for the same effect). Disenchantment just feels super-basic in regards to plots like these when compared to books I read in Elementary School. I've gone on for too long. With posts like these, I'm tailor-made for Youtube. Anyways, I like Disenchanted, probably more than I should, but it's outclassed by a lot of stuff I've seen and read. I'll keep on with it, just because I'm attached now. I don't think I mentioned any good points, but it's because the comedy is hit-or-miss HARD, the characters are divisive, and the plot isn't moving very fast. Anything I like, I know for a fact by evidence on this very subreddit is something someone else dislikes. Except maybe Oona. Pretty sure we all like Oona.
Also, you think this is long, you shoulda seen my posts on individual episodes of Tartakovsky's PRIMAL.
submitted by TheHiddenElephant to disenchantment [link] [comments]

Just have to vent about the dumbest argument i have ever had

So today me and my family gets pizza. We go pick up, its a large and a small. My dad is repeatedly insisting they are the same because and i quote "both have 6 slices". I point out no theres a massive and obvious difference but whatever idc food is food. He gets so upset i am not joking when i tell you he threw my pizza out the window and started ranting and raving that i'm not going to make it home. So i have to sit there listening to him make thinly veiled threats to kill me over a god damn pizza.
It gets dumber yet. We get home and he says i'm not allowed to come in. I'm now homeless and can "eat under a bridge" (?) for all he cares. He's screaming so loud my mom inside the house hears and comes out. She ask whats going on. i explain to her he threw one of the pizzas on the ground on the way home. She gets mad and starts yelling at him meanwhile he is screaming at her saying its me or him one of has to go.
This is quiet suburbia right outside cleveland. I bet you dollars to donuts everyone on the street heard this dumb argument that once again STARTED OVER A PIZZA. But it gets more pathetic. Mom makes the choice of saying screw this im going inside. I had ran inside shortly before she did.
Dad being pissed storms in and says he is shutting down the phones. He calls verizon who tell him they need to confirm this with the account holder (which is my mom because he hasn't paid for anything in almost a decade.) Mom of course goes no and he blows up more.
Mom wanting him to stop ask if i can go to a friends for a few weeks. I point out it's covid season and she just sighs and tells me to go to my room. Dad wanting of course to keep going decides to say "it isn't his room it's my room. He doesn't own anything." She tells him to leave it and to leave me alone.
He blows up more and starts saying he's leaving. Even goes as far as to come to my door and tells me to say goodbye to the dogs which i took to mean he was threatening to kill them. I of course being used to this after a decade was filming so when he goes to my mom and tells her I threatened to hurt the dogs played back the recording. Mom tells him to leave. He says fine and starts throwing out insults and accusations. He's left but he is sitting in the car in the driveway.
This has all been because of a pizza.
submitted by Jormungersfatday to offmychest [link] [comments]

I'm a commentator for a tournament of nightmares. There's more than one horrifying champion in the NFC.

The Exhibition Match.
The Opening Round.
Quarterfinals first half.
Quarterfinals second half.
NFC Wildcard Opening Round Match; “Wendigo” Wendy Hathale Vs JJ Watson
Wendy’s eyes narrowed, and she cracked her knuckles in anticipation, sighing.
“Alright, we’re both clearly freaks of nature. How do you wanna do this?”
JJ’s smile widens, and he leans down, leering at her.
“You think we can just tear each other apart without issue, don’t you?” He chuckles and licks his lips. “You haven’t realised yet that this isn’t YOUR home, little one.” He looks to what I can only assume is an invisible camera only JJ can see and flashes a far too perfect grin, mechanical in its nature. “The poor girl is so clueless, folks! But don’t you worry, JJ can remedy that stupidity!”
He laughs, shaking his head and slapping his forehead, repeatedly shouting “STUPID!” as his laughter grows more guttural, more manic. He drops to a knee and howls with glee.
“My goodness, my first true contest in a LONG time and it’s against a little girl who reminds me SO much of my dear audience back home. It’s almost ironic, I can’t get away from them how hard I try! I may as well say “HONEY, I’M HOME! DID YA GET ME ANOTHER FAILURE?”
He laughs harder, getting off his feet to lunge at Wendy and pin her down, still laughing as his drool coats her head and mask. I felt sick watching it.
Wendy, to her credit, was unperturbed.
“Man, you ever been told how much of a fuckin’ creep you are? You reek of chemicals, look like a dollar store horror mannequin reject and talk in such a creepy way that even the local pervert wouldn’t touch you. But most of all…” She pushes him off with great force and sends the laughing, drooling JJ smacking the canvas before he rights himself to stare at her. In that time, she darts forward and in an instant is across the side of the pit, clutching an ear in her hand and throwing it to the ground as JJ continues howling with laughter, white fluid and pus trickling out of his ear.
“You’re fucking disgusting, JJ.” She quips, turning back around and extending her fingers. I'm staggered, but I proceed with enthusiasm.
“This truly is a blink and you’ll miss it bout, fight fans! Wendy Hathale clears half the pit in a split second and takes JJ’s ear with her! Curious that she doesn’t go to taste it though…”
“Not at all, if you consider that JJ isn’t human.” Nelle replied, searching the contents page of her book for a particular entry, flicking through the pages until she stopped under “I”. A detailed diagram of a spectral shape that shifts at will to scare townspeople laid bare for me to see. “He’s an Ikaggen, a very special kind of trickster god that can shapeshifter into many things to enact his cruelty. But his most common appearance…” She trails off as JJ splayed out on all fours and began twitching while he laughed.
His back hunched up and snapped, stretching out to form the long neck and thorax, a bulky abdomen housing an extra pair of spindly legs with gnarled hooks across the length of them. The front hands reaching up and bending forwards to form the raptorial saw-like weaponry as his skin darkens and the carapace shimmers under the lights, piercing silver antenna split out of his head as the hair recedes and gives way to grotesque bulging eyes. The jaw crunching, splitting and gnashing as mandibles rapidly replace the perfect teeth. He gurgles as his laughter gives way to hisses and growls.
“You are not in The Hotel just as I am not Beneath The Static, we are both vulnerable to the unyielding jaws of death. I am not willing to risk such a thing in front of a live audience, young one. I will tear you to pieces and show the world what lies beneath the static.”
He lunges forward and takes a swipe at her with his hooked claws, slicing the inside of her thigh as she darts back and ripping the skin, flecks of black blood coating the hooks as he chuckles, his body remaining still.
Wendy landed as her leg gave out, looking at it expectantly, hoping it would fix itself. Instead, the blood continued to trail around her until she ripped away the torn fabric and wrapped it around her.
If she was scared, she damn sure didn’t show it.
“Well, I guess you’re truthful about something, JJ.” She said, breathing a little heavy from the blood-loss, steadying herself as she rose to her feet. “Y’know, we get cable in the Hotel Inertia, I’m aware of who you are and what you do… pickin’ on teenagers for your own amusement. You really THAT much of an attention whore that you can’t stay away? They'll grow up and come back stronger, you know. When you pick on someone your own size, you're always gonna lose.”
JJ didn’t respond, swaying ever so slightly like a brittle leaf caught in a mild breeze. He was waiting to strike. Wendy pulled off her sweater and threw it aside, showing a thin stomach that almost caved in, binding wrapping her chest and ribcages, old wounds and scars littering her body.
“This is the result of countless fights, feedings and gruelling fights. Some at home with my “adopted family”, others with The Order of the 13th floor alongside my friends, the ones this fuckin’ tournament ripped me away from at our crisis moment. You think YOU scare me? You think the idea of being torn up and actually dying scares me?” She laughs, it’s hollow and bitter, like she’s remembering the bright side of a vicious beating is the unconscious state she’ll fall into when the pain gets too much.
“You have NO fuckin’ idea. I’d be so happy to go to sleep and never wake up, to have that ceaseless hunger stop for just one day. Do you know what that kind of hunger does to someone? It makes an ordinary person angry on the first day, delirious on the second and manic by the third. Now take what I am and multiply that number by thousands.”
Wendy takes off her mask and shows the gritted teeth biting on her lower lip so much that she’s torn through the flesh, blood coating her chin as the teeth grow more spiked and the jaw grows larger, her eyes blackening and skin greying. She grows taller and the features of a once beautiful woman give way to a horrifying creature known for its insatiable lust for flesh.
Crouching down like a sprinter at the starting line, she stares down her opponent like a piece of meat.
“So just imagine what that’s gonna do to you now I’ve let loose, JJ.”
I can’t believe my eyes. In that moment, the reality of the situation hit me like a freight train and I feel the innate fear of being a small fish in an ocean filled with sharks. I can’t let my composure falter, not with Alduin’s gaze bearing down on me. I take a long drink of water and tumble headfirst into my adrenaline.
“AMAZING! Wendigo Wendy living up to her name as she assumes a more terrifying form! This fight looks to be heading to its climax folks, expect blood and guts galore!”
I was right. Within 20 seconds, it was over.
Wendy leaves great dents in the canvas as she tears forward, JJ swipes at her in the instant she comes into his range, his front forearm hooking into her flesh and pulling her in. She pushes forward, the skin tearing with the force of her movement and an ungodly shriek emitting from her as she bites into the offending arm and pulls up with her jaws, tearing it free while her right hand slices into JJ’s eye, the nails going straight through the soft flesh and pulling at the socket until it’s wrenched completely free.
She casts it aside and lets the wailing JJ Watson stumble away, leaking that same fluid addled with a horrid chemical stench.
Losing strength, he begins forming back into himself; the eye closing up and his suit tattered as he gripped the stump. Wendy watches him for a moment, bits of JJ’s mantis-arm still in between her teeth that she spits out as she stares him down. He’s breathing heavily as she walks closer, every step impactful.
“Well, folks… It seems I underestimated this young woman’s ability to let go. I thought she’d be like my hardcore audience and just cave under the pressure of mortality…” He looks up, that perfect skin cracking around the edges. “But I’ll tell you something, this will make for great publicity!”
She kicks him square in the gut and he’s sent into the air with a wheeze. As he falls down, she catches the back of his neck in her jaws with a sickening crunch, his body twitching in the air as he gasps.
“Looks like… my time at the NFC… is up. But, Wendigo Wendy… I made you see what you fear. What lies Beneath The Static… Death itself.”
He snaps his fingers and the lights go out across the venue, obscuring us for a moment. When they turn on, Wendy is kneeling on the ground in her normal form, exhausted and her mask firmly back on.
“A stunning turn of events! Right as Wendigo Wendy had JJ in her jaws. He pulls a fast one and escapes out of the back door! But, I think we can all agree that while Wendy had some scrapes, it’s absolutely her fight to win!”
I look to Alduin who is seething with rage, but concedes the fight is over and awards Wendy the victory.
“Wendy Hathale advances, we will announce the remaining participants at the end of the interval, but each has been told of their inclusion already. The tournament will recommence in 3 hours. Rest up, you’ll fuckin’ need it!”
Alduin storms off to the back, leaving Wendy still struggling to get up as the crowd disperses. I debate going down there to help, but a surprising hand is offered to help her up.
Eustace De Kolta holds out a red-gloved hand, his curled smile betraying his keen and curious eyes.
The guy gave off the sort of vibe one would expect from an old creepy man on public transport.
“You had quite the ordeal, Miss Hathale. I knew you had something special in you, I just wasn’t aware of how unique you truly are…” His voice was like silk, every syllable softly declared and hanging in the air, Wendy looked up before slapping his hand away, struggling to her feet.
“I know what you are and what you do, De Kolta. A single handshake from you and I could end up in that nightmare fuel Pokemon satchel you keep with you. No thanks.” She walks towards him and despite being a solid foot shorter, gets in his face and stares up at him. “You come near me, I’ll pull a disappearing act of my own on your jugular. Understand?” He shows his teeth as he grins and backs away, bowing deeply.
“I look forward to seeing your future matches and I do hope you succeed. It would be most fortuitous if we were to meet in the pit. I think you’d play well with my menagerie.” He stands and watches her as she leaves, an open door leading into the main lobby of the arena now available. Before I can process everything, his gaze locks onto me and I see something I never expected.
The smile immediately dips into a low, sinister grimace.
He looks at me with a hunger and a hatred I have never seen before.“Hey, Sal.” A voice calls behind me. I turn to see Nora in an orange and white hoodie, the hood turned up and a warm smile beaming at me, immediately disarming my sense of anxiety. When I turn back, Eustace is gone.
“Oh, hi! Nora Zayne, you were fantastic in your bout! I knew Pencak Silat was deadly but man… who’d of thought it’d be used so well against monsters, huh?” I stood up and felt my knees buckle, the adrenaline wearing off and hunger overtaking me. Before I even hit the floor, Nora caught me.
“Easy big guy, I gotcha. Let’s get you some food and talk, kay? You coming along, Nelle?” Her informal nature was so unexpected from a woman I’d just seen decimate something Asia fears across the continent, but I felt myself just naturally going with it. Nelle looked and immediately busied herself with the compendium.
“Oh! Uhh.. no, no. I have far too much work to do, research for the wildcard entrants and whatnot. Oh and there’s that uh.. that thing I have to attend to. Gotta speak to Alduin too about something… I’ll catch you in a couple hours to go over notes, kay Sal?” She looked awkward and hurried herself past us as Nora stared incredulously.
“Huh… well, that was a bit odd. But no matter, let’s go get some grub. I’m sure you have questions, right?” I just nodded as she took me by the arm and kept me steady as we barrelled past the denizens of the audience still debating “who would win” scenarios, old champions and other nightmarish spectres. The upper ring was sprawling and hard to navigate, I had no idea how Nora was so familiar with it. As we descended to the middle floor where the vendors and entertainment was situated, we passed a bar serving strange drinks with a multitude of bottles, a beautiful Bernese mountain dog barking at the window, his big fluffy face licking at the glass until a man pulled him away.
“He’s cute, can we stop there?” I asked. “Feelin’ kinda thirsty… maybe they have an adrenaline drink?” She looked back, a tad confused, but didn’t stop as we made a beeline for the fighters only cafeteria.
“What bar?" She asked. I looked again, but in its place stood a donut stand, a surly older man dishing them out by the dozen with a multitude of sprinkles. My mouth agape, she chuckles. "Hey since you'r so eager, I’ll make you a deal; I make it through the semis, you can buy me a drink.” She winked, and I felt my stomach knot up.
Couldn’t tell you if it was the hunger or butterflies, but motormouth was very much silent for a little bit.
“You’re wondering why I’m taking an interest in you, right?” She called over the booming sound of the crowd and pumping metal music, I nodded. “You showed a support in me when you called my fight and when I had to defend you... Well, I looked up and thought you were cute. Got a thing for the nerdy ones.”
“But that’s not all, is there?” I asked, my head pounding as I did so. Maybe it was the music? She looked back and flashed a cheeky grin.
“Nope, but that’s a story for another day. We gotta eat and you’ve got more interesting questions for all of us.” She laughed as we watched a fighter far too drunk for his own good challenging a still-eating Miroslav Zanaya to a fight.
One side punch later, the guy was on his ass and vomiting.
“All of us? What do you mean?”
“The fighters! You’ve gotta meet and interview ‘em ahead of the semifinals and wildcard, don’t ya?” I shrugged, and she laughed again. “Man, you really are clueless, Nelle wasn’t kidding. You’re doing part of her job, too. I’m doing you a favour by bringing you with me.”
We passed a betting table showing the odds for the semifinals and wildcard, Eustace and Wendy respectively being the odds on favourites to win. Nora and Landry Eavy being the biggest underdogs.
Whatever was lurking in the booth and taking slips from paying customers, it had tendrils and shimmering red eyes. I didn’t dare stare too long as we passed it.
Down one more flight of stairs and we were in the employee section housing the nightmares, fighters and various services like medical stations, prep rooms and the like. One long hallway to our left was all that stood between us and some glorious smelling food. As we got halfway down, however, Nora pushed me to the wall and put a hand over my mouth, her slightly taller frame covering me as someone walked past.
I looked to her and was about to protest, but the look on her face screamed danger. Her brow was furrowed. The calm and kind demeanour she’d showed was replaced with an instinct to protect.
As I followed her gaze, I saw why.
It was like watching a great black swarm that undulated into the visage of a human man with long horns. A cloak of hungry, vivacious locusts that jostled and crawled for position. The sound rippled through my ears, my eardrums threatening to burst and my skull screaming for breath as it neared.
When the locusts parted, a skull with an elongated back that stretched out horizontally peered down at Nora, the arms on the back of the thick spine pulling at a sheathed sword on its torso. The smell of rot was so powerful that I felt my vision blur.
“You realise that by coming back here, you’ve sealed your fate and thus our deal must be concluded.” It spoke in a thousand voices at once, the boom of so many souls screaming for relief and joy and ecstasy. A bead of sweat ran down Nora’s forehead as she tried to find the words.
“I’m aware of our arrangement and what it means to return. But I ask that you wait until my time in the tournament has concluded.” The locusts hissed, and the cloak revealed more of this abomination; the shimmering black armour clad in gold, the powerful arms on the shoulder blades, the hoofed feet and a worn down, blackened and cracked NFC Belt.
It turned its head to me and I felt the looming shadow of death put its hands around my throat in a way I can only describe as seeing an oncoming car and veering out of harm’s way, but amplified 100 fold. A sensation that your life could end with one false move.
This creature was a foot away from me and we both know it could crush me in an instant. Fear doesn’t begin to describe how I felt in that moment. He spoke again, silencing her.
“I will decide when such a contest must be undertaken. Be it now, during your next bout or when you are nearing death at the hands of Alduin IF you somehow survive your next two bouts… I will add you to the chorus where you shall remain.” The locusts covered him again, and he walked away, humming. “You should have stayed forgotten, it would have been better for all.”
As he walked away and into the darkness, both I and Nora collapsed against the wall in a heap. It took a good couple of minutes to regain thought, and I’m man enough to admit I was shaking.
“What… what the hell was that?” I breathed. Nora wiped the sweat from her head and stood up, clenching her fist.
“That was someone I made a deal with when I was last here. He offered me a fight I was not supposed to refuse. The penalty for leaving meant he could challenge me anytime, anywhere, and under his rules. If he beats me… well, you’ve seen what happens." She walks with me expediently to the end of the hallway where the other fighters are waiting. Suddenly, all the terrifying and skilled talent we've seen in the tournament ebbs away, just for a moment. She continues, the noise and ruckus of the semifinalists drowned out by the mixture of fear and anger in her voice.
"Where Alduin rules the openweight division and anyone can compete, making her the queen of the NFC... He rules the nightmare division with an iron fist. Only the most terrifying of creatures compete for that prize and the promise of something... more."
She swallowed and turned to me, genuine terror in her eyes.
“That was Abaddon. The NFC's Abyss Champion. And he’s coming for me.”
NEXT: There's more going on here than just the fights.
submitted by tjaylea to nosleep [link] [comments]

Wild Tornado Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Wild Tornado Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Wild Tornado Casino Review & Bonuses
Create your account at Wild Tornado Casino and get exclusive welcome bonuses. First off, enjoy 25 free spins on registration! Next, get 100 free spins and 100% up to 1000 EUR on first deposit! Keep playing and depositing to qualify for further free cash and extra spins!
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About Wild Tornado Casino

The Wild Tornado Theme

Wild Tornado has a unique and colourful theme, but it’s also one that may seem familiar to you. As it happens, the Wild Tornado Casino layout is the same one used at Gunsbet Casino, which we have also reviewed here at Coinbuzz.
However, that really just covers the layout, including the placement of the menu options, the sidebar, the main graphics, games, and well, pretty much everything except for the finer details. The good news is that it’s still unique enough to work, with a theme that revolves around strong winds, manic bunny rabbits, and other eccentric visuals.
Like all good online casinos, the Wild Tornado theme runs much deeper than a few basic visuals. It’s something that you will see throughout the casino and something that also influences the promotions and the VIP Program, all of which we will cover in this Wild Tornado review.

Wild Tornado Casino Bonuses and Promotions

The Wild Tornado Welcome Bonus is one of the smallest we have seen on Direx online casinos. This includes the 2 BTC offered by KatsuBet Casino and the 4 BTCs available at CryptoWild. Even the smallest casinos tend to go all-out where their Bitcoin casino bonuses are concerned.
However, at Wild Tornado, players are limited to just $100. This comes in the form of a 100% Matched Deposit Bonus, with a minimum qualifying deposit of $20. You will also get a bundle of 100 Free Spins and these are released as batches of 20 over 5 days.
The second issue we have with this bonus is that it has a wagering requirement of 40x and this needs to be cleared in just 2 days. That’s not too difficult if you’re a high roller, but what about the players risking just $0.10 or $0.20 per spin? In fact, even if you do like to throw your money around, you’ll still need to spend some time on these requirements as there is a maximum bet of $1.
Other bonuses are available at Wild Tornado and these are offered to loyal players. At the time of writing, these offers are available every Monday, Saturday, and Sunday, and they include Free Spins, Reload offers, and Cashback. Check the Wild Tornado promotions page for more information and make sure you read the Terms and Conditions before you agree to anything.
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Loyalty Bonus

While the Wild Tornado Welcome Bonus isn’t very generous or rewarding, the Loyalty Scheme definitely is.
There are three versions of this bonus and they all offer something a little different. You can choose to be part of the Tornado, Lightning, or Storm level, and the one you choose will dictate whether you get weekly cashback, weekly cashback and comp points, or Free Spins.
There is no ideal option, but if you’re a small stake player, we recommend sticking with the Storm option and the Free Spin bonuses that goes along with it. For medium stake players, opt for Tornado. For high rollers, the Lightning may provide the best bonuses, as it offers much higher cash back rewards when you make it to the latter stages.
Visit the Wild Tornado VIP Program page to see a full list of loyalty prizes and options. Bear in mind that in addition to the cashback and spins listed here, you will also be offered additional Reload offers, Free Spins, and other prizes as you advance through the program.

Wild Tornado Casino Software and Games

The average online casino has around 500 to 1,000 real money slots and many have fewer than 100 table games. It’s a decent-sized collection and one that will appeal to most types of players, but once you’ve played at multiple casinos like this, you start seeing the same games time after time and it gets old fast.
At Wild Tornado, you have a lot more variety to explore. This top-rated crypto casino has over 3,000 real money slots and a massive 1,000 table games.
We’re not sure that we’ve ever seen a large collection of table games. In fact, we’re not even sure why you would ever need that many table games. But variety is good, and we’re not complaining.
These titles are provided by a host of highly-rated online casino developers, including a few player favourites like Yggdrasil Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Big Time Gaming, and Microgaming.
Wild Tornado also has a specific section for BTC Games. You can find the link for this section in the website’s footer, where it highlights games such as Geisha, Spin and Spell, Undying Passion, Donut Rush, and Signs of Fortune.
If you’re one of those players who has seen it all and you’re always looking for something new, we recommend sticking with the New Games section. This is where you’ll find all the latest slots by the casino’s 20+ developers. There is also a section for “Hot Games”, but as is often the case, these are just the games that the casino wants to highlight at that particular moment.
It’s like the Specials menu at a restaurant. They want you to think that the options are there because they are popular and/or special, but in reality, it’s just the stuff that earns the restaurant the most money.


  • Vast Selection of Games
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Wild Tornado Casino Payment Options

In recent years, there has been a trend towards charging fees for casino deposits. Casinos encourage players to use options like Bitcoin by charging a fee of between 1% and 3% for everything else, including Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, and Neteller.
Thankfully, there are no such issues with Wild Tornado.
The minimum deposit here is just €20, or the equivalent in your chosen currency, and like most Direx casinos, the maximum is fixed at €4,000. Also just like most Direx casinos, there is no maximum when you use Bitcoins. In fact, the site accepts payments through CoinsPaid, which is one of the easiest and fastest way to fund your account with Bitcoins.
Most methods require you to withdraw a minimum of €50, and Bitcoin is fixed to 0.001 BTC. This is very large and will no doubt be off-putting for traditional currency users, especially when you consider that the casino is geared up to appeal to small stake players. It’s even worse if you use iDebit, Bank Transfers or Instadebit, as the minimum withdrawals for these methods are fixed at €500.
On the plus side, while bank transfer withdrawals typically incur a fee, there is no such issue with Wild Tornado.

Everything Else

In the unlikely event that you have an issue with Wild Tornado, look for the “Complaints” link in the website footer. This will direct you to a contact form where you can vent about any issues you have with the site and its features. If this doesn’t work out for you and you have a genuine complaint, you can take it to a third-party website, as Wild Tornado typically makes an effort to respond to comments made on other sites (see below).
The Wild Tornado site can be displayed in 15 different languages, but 5 of these are different variations of English. These include Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian English. They all have their own unique quirks and spellings, and this makes the differences worthwhile, if not a little redundant.
Other languages include Spanish, Polish, French, German, and Russian, while currency options include Canadian Dollars, Euros, Russian Rubles, and Australian Dollars.
Wild Tornado is tightly regulated, incredibly secure, and uses advanced auditing features to ensure it is fair. All games have built-in RTPs and house edges and you can see these by clicking the little menu icon in the top corner. The same gamescreen that shows the payout info will also show you the game’s rules, paylines, features, and everything else you need to know.
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Wild Tornado Casino Mobile Support

Wild Tornado is very mobile friendly and uses instant play technology, which means you can play through your browser and don’t need to download an app. Some players still like to play downloadable casinos and mobile apps, but we feel that the majority are leaning towards instant play. It’s quicker, easier, and you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues because of your chosen operating system or device.
Just make sure you’re using a popular web browser and a device or computer that was made in the last ten years, and you should be good to go. When playing on mobile, you should also secure your device using a passcode or fingerprint/face and log out of the casino when you finish.
As long as you protect your device and play using a secure Wi-Fi connection, there should be no risks and no issues.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

10 Things You Didn't Know About Fast Food

10 Things You Didn't Know About Fast Food
You'll never look at a tray of burgers and fries the same way again.
They may relatively harmless, but Ronald, Wendy and that Burger King guy are all members of an underground society of fast food owners--a club with more tricks up its sleeve than Houdini. The good news: Protecting your waistline and wallet doesn't mean you have to always ditch the burgers, sandwiches and fries you hate to love. Once you've learned the fast food industry's trade secrets, it's easy to place healthier orders, lose weight and save your hard-earned dollars.
Strange but true: Even if you generally eat a healthy diet, consuming fast food can increase your risk for depression, according to a study of nearly 9,000 participants. In fact, those who eat greasy burgers, hot dogs and fries are 51 percent more likely to develop depression that those who don't indulge. Thankfully for those who only hit up the drive through once in awhile, the researchers observed a dose-response relationship between the blues and the burgers. "The more fast food you consume, the greater the risk of depression," explains Almudena Sanchez-Villegas, lead author of the study. The takeaway here: Try to limit your fast food habit to once or twice per month at the very most. Or better yet, stick to one of these healthy fast food restaurants when you need to grab grub on the run.
If you're an avid Eat This, Not That! reader, you probably have a pretty good idea how many calories are in your go-to fast food order. But the majority of folks aren't as knowledgeable, according to a Harvard Medical School report. To come to this finding, researchers asked 1,877 adults, 330 school age children and 1,178 adolescents dining at Burger King, Subway, Wendy's, KFC, Dunkin' Donuts, and McDonald's how caloric they thought their meals were. Compared with the actual figures, participants underestimated their meal's calorie content by 175 calories, 259 calories, and 175 calories, respectively. If the calorie information is printed on the menu, give it a peek and look for something with 500 calories or less. (At BK that's might mean ordering a Whopper Jr. Sandwich, a side salad with half a dressing packet and a water. )
Your pal Ronald put his restaurant by your house on purpose: he wants you, bad. And that's because one of the strongest influences on fast food consumption is ease of access. Basically, if we see it and can easily get it, we will eat it. In fact, having a fast food restaurant within miles of a school increases the probability of obesity among students by percent, according to a joint study conducted by Columbia University and University of California, Berkeley. For pregnant women, having a restaurant within miles increases the probability of gaining over 44 pounds during pregnancy by percent. (Experts typically recommend that women with a healthy BMI gain no more than 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. ) To maintain your trim figure, keep healthy, grab-and-go snacks in your car or bag. If you're prepared with your own healthy fare, you'll be less apt to give in to temptation when your tummy starts to rumble. These 25 Eat This!-Approved Snacks are all solid options.
Kentucky may be called the Bluegrass State, but maybe it should change its nickname to the Fast Food State. With more than four establishments per 10,000 residents, they have more fast food joints than anywhere else in America. (Considering they are home to Papa John's International Inc. and Yum! Brands Incorporated, the company that owns fast food giants Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC, we can't say we're totally shocked. ) Kentucky also has the twelfth highest adult obesity rate in the nation, according to the non-profit organization Trust for America's Health. A few possible reasons why there's a connection: Not only is it harder to resist temptation when there's fast food all around, it also drives down the cost, making it even more accessible and attractive, say researchers.
Contrary to conventional thought, eating dinner at a fast food chain isn't cheap. In fact, it costs about $30 for a family of four to have dinner at their local McDonald's. On the flip side, for just $12 you could easily buy a pound of millet, ($ a pound of ground turkey ($ , and a bag or two of frozen veggies ($ $ and cook up a big bowl of yum and nutrition. For even more ways to save dough on your groceries, check out these 17 Simple Swaps That Save $255 a Month on Groceries!
Have you ever wondered how your favorite burgers and chicken sandwiches get that fresh-off-the-fire taste even though they're frozen and cooked indoors? We have. And as it turns out, that smokey flavor is isn't legit. When a fast food item contains something called "natural smoke flavor" it likely was created by Red Arrow Products Company, a commercial flavor firm. To create the flavor, the company burns wood, captures the flavor of the smoke in water, bottles it and sells it to places like Burger King and Wendy's. We bet that burger seems a little less appetizing now, right?
"Not only do I eat guilt-free at McDonald's, I think they get a bad rap all too often," says Christine M. Palumbo, a Chicago-area registered dietitian and nutrition communications consultant. Other diet experts concur. We've sat down with countless experts and asked them when they order at places like Burger King, Mickey D's, Panera, Wendy's, and Starbucks and they never come up short. It's all about navigating the menus with some knowledge on your side. To ensure you know everything you need to know to eat fries without expanding your waistline, check out our exclusive report, How to Eat Fast Food--Without Gaining Weight!
Have you noticed that a lot of fast food chains use the same colors on their logos and inside their restaurants? That's no coincidence. Pizza Hut, In-N-Out Burger, Wendy's, McDonald's and Burger King--just to name a few--all use yellow and red in their logos. These hues have been proven to grab consumers' attention, stimulate appetite, increase the speed in which we eat and make us crave all things convenience--including fast food, say University of Rochester researchers. To keep your appetite in check, order from the drive-thru window and enjoy your food at home. Nowhere near your house? If the weather is nice, eat outside the restaurant at a picnic table or take your meal to a nearby park.
A lot of health-minded folks go into fast food joints with the best of intentions but somehow end up leaving with a bacon cheeseburger and a soggy order of fries. Here's why it keeps happening: Food marketers tend to use descriptive phrases on their menus and in-store ads such as "Finger lickin' good" and "hot n' juicy" to boost the craveability of menu items they're hoping to sell. (The only problem is, they're not typically pushing the healthy stuff; those dishes are less apt to get you hooked. ) In fact, customers are 27 percent more likely to order an item if it's described with yummy-sounding adjectives, say Cornell University researchers. The same group of scholars also found that certain menu design elements such as fancy fonts, colors, and graphics tend to draw the eyes toward specific items and can sway customers' orders. Next time you hit up a fast food joint, your best bet is to decide on an order (preferably one of these 20 healthiest fast food orders) you arrive and stick to your guns when you get up to the counter--no matter how "finger lickin' good" those ribs may sound.
Duke University researchers discovered that chains often encourage customers to buy larger sodas by increasing the number of ounces in their sodas. That's because people subconsciously pick the middle option, so the larger the "medium," the more they can charge for it--those sneaky devils! Consider this just one more reason to stick to water and avoid the chemical-spiked sugar water altogether.
submitted by yellowumbrella to HealthyZapper [link] [comments]

How To Handle Finances for the New (and Existing) exJW

During my time in the borg, I have met far too many witnesses that have absolutely no grasp on their finances. It's especially sad to see in older and elderly witnesses. Many of them have to rely on the generosity of other witnesses and government help to get by. But you can't really blame them! We are taught to put the meetings and the preaching work above all else. We are even told to quit our jobs if they don't give us meeting or assembly days off. On top of that, many of these witnesses are planning their lives and finances around the idea of "the world could end tomorrow", so what good are material things?
As you leave the organization and learn the truth about the truth, you've probably come to the realization that no, the world is not going to end tomorrow. You have your whole life ahead of you! But that also means you need to prepare for your future, your grand plans, and your retirement. I've read many posts here from young exJWs and new exJWs that feel lost when they leave and are worried about providing for themselves after getting shunned by everyone they know and losing their entire support network. Well I believe that the best way to take control of your life is by taking control of your finances first! After all, you will just be faced with a mountain of stress if you aren’t able to maintain yourself and achieve your dreams in the world. You might even consider doing the unthinkable… Going back 0_0
Since leaving the Borg, I have gotten my bachelor's degree in finance. After trying out several different positions and companies, I now own my own Capital Management company. In short, I provide financial analysis services and advice for individuals and companies, as well as manage various investment portfolios. I figured why not help how I can? While this post is primarily targeted towards those just leaving or planning to leave, I hope everyone can find this advice helpful as you prepare for your bright future outside the Borg. I'm going to start with the very basics and work our way up. This is going to be very long, but I promise I'll try to make it entertaining and relevant to the exJW.
But first, legal disclaimer time - Don't sue me bro. I'm not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Do your own research. Don't YOLO Tesla Puts. Don't leave your inheritance to the Borg.
With that out of the way, lets dive in.
**1. Open a bank account! **
This seems very basic, but it is the most critical step to begin your path to financial freedom. I know many younger people may have relied on their parents to “hold” their money or had a joint account with a parent, but it’s time to control your own money. Don't just stuff money under your mattress or in your sock. At the bank of your choice, open both a checking account and a savings account. My advice for a checking account is Wells Fargo; they have branches across the US, as well as many thousands of ATMs all over the place. It's helpful to be able to easily get to a branch to talk to a human when you need help with your account. For savings accounts, my recommendation is Ally Bank. This is a fully online bank, so no branches, but thanks to that they typically have among the highest interest rates of the industry. They also have the highest rated customer service for a bank. You call them up, wait for a couple minutes, and you're talking to a human - no more yelling at a robot when you need help with your account.
Earning interest on your money is important because otherwise you are literally losing money thanks to a little thing called inflation. Briefly, this means that the value of $1 (or whatever your local currency) goes down over time. Typically in the US, it's around 2% per year. Over your whole lifetime of not dying in a fiery Armageddon, that's a whole lot of percents. Interest rates don't always match inflation for a few complex reasons, but Ally will usually pay you 1-2% a year on your money. That's better than 0% on the money under your mattress.
Most companies offer direct deposit for your paycheck so your money can go directly into your account rather than having to deal with checks, plus its free unlike cashing checks. Having a bank account also makes it easier to pay all your bills, and holy sh*t will you have bills when you're independent. But we'll get to that later.
On top of paying you interest and keeping your money safe, a huge reason to have and use a bank account is that you will always know exactly how much money you have, how much money you spend, and where your money went. This brings me to the next point...
**2. Make a budget! **
The next step to your financial Independence is making a budget to see how much money goes in and out of your account on a monthly basis. I recommend using the free Mint app by Quicken. This lets you link all your bank accounts, credit cards, investment accounts, and large assets in one place to keep track of everything. They also have a budget function where you can type in what you want to budget for every category, and they will automatically keep track of how you're doing every month.
Once you know how much money is going out every month, you know how much needs to come in. If more money is going out than is coming in, or you need to increase your savings, then you need to...
**3. Trim the fat off your budget! **
Pretty much all of us are guilty of spending more than we should. I mean we're accustomed to getting our Starbucks coffee right after the service group, going to our favorite return visit - the donut shop, stopping for lunch with the friends after knocking on 2 doors, and donating to global pedophile ring... But I digress. Now it's time to trim the fat! Any unnecessary expenses need to go in order to succeed in your final future. Now that you have a budget, you'll actually be able to tell what you can cut down on.
If you are spending $100+ on Starbuck coffee, cut that sh*t out! I don't care how many stars you're earning. Buy yourself a $10 drip coffee maker or a $20 stovetop espresso maker (even though its more work, I prefer the espresso maker). Then buy a bag of your favorite ground coffee, some milk or half and half, and a sh*t ton of sugar. Want to play barista in your own home? Buy some flavored coffee syrups to add to your coffee. You'll be able to recreate your Starbucks coffee flavored sugar beverage for a fraction of the cost. Usually under $1. You can even misspell your name on your cup for a more authentic experience.
Fairly universal expenses are Food, rent, and utilities. But even these can be cut down on.
For food, you might be tempted to go out and eat, get some fast food, or some takeout. Maybe even just survive off meals from the frozen aisle. These are the easiest options. But you will quickly rack up a significant food bill over the course of the month. Instead, try your hand at cooking! Start easy with some pasta. $1.50 for a box of pasta, and $2.50 for a jar of sauce. The ratio I use is 1 box of pasta to 1/2 a jar of sauce. This leaves my pasta with plenty of flavor and color but not a huge pool of sauce in my bowl. To cook - boil & salt water, throw pasta in for 10 minutes, drain, add sauce, mix, done! (*Instructions unclear, got baptized into a cult*). For this $2.75 you should end up with 3-4 servings of food (Less than $1 each!). Toss the leftovers in some Tupperware and you have your lunch for work and another dinner! My advice is to look up your favorite recipes online and just practice. You will very quickly learn how to make lots of great food and significantly cut down on your food budget. I just learned how to make Nigerian Jollof rice by reading recipes online! Another way to cut down on food expenses, BUY THE STORE BRAND!!!! There is absolutely no reason to buy name brand foods IMO. Kroger is my favorite, but Great Value and Market Pantry are just as good. You can also buy the off brands. Fruity pebbles and Dyno bites? Same sh*t.
For rent and utilities, get a roommate! By getting a roommate you can cut your rent in half. If getting a roommate isn't an option, then try looking for another smaller or cheaper apartment. If that's not an option, then go the opposite direction and find a bigger apartment with a roommate! Getting a roommate is the most effective way to cut down on your rent expense. Sure, it may be awkward at first to live with someone else, but your wallet will thank you and you may even make a friend! We all know those are in short supply when you leave the Borg...
Subscriptions are the biggest killer of any budget. They leach off your bank account every single month like a cancer. For years I subscribed to the gentleman’s box to get my tie and colorful socks of the month to rock at the meetings. But after leaving, I can count on one hand how many times I've worn a suit. Now I have a closet full of ties and a drawer full of socks and nowhere to wear them. Subscriptions have got to go!
After having watched years of the broadcast (*cough* propaganda *cough*), you may now be tempted to subscribe to every streaming service you can find to fill your brain with meaningless worldly TV. But don't overdo it! You don't need Netflix, Hulu, HBO, AND Disney+. Pick your favorite streaming service with the most shows you like to watch, and stick with that one for a while. You can only watch one thing at a time after all. Once you get bored with it, cancel it, and try another one. You can cancel these and restart them at any time, and for the most part the content isn't going anywhere. There’s also YouTube, which is free. There is a mind-blowing amount of professionally made content on YouTube completely free, I guarantee you will find channels and shows you like watching. Sure, there's commercials, but that just gives you time to look at a couple memes on exjwhumor.
These are just some basic suggestions for how to cut out or reduce some large expenses. If you want to dive deeper in to saving even in the small places in your budget, you should explore some ideas of a frugal lifestyle. I find it kind of fun seeing everywhere you can save money by adding just a small amount of effort. Over time, these small efforts can really start to add up to some serious savings.
Once you cut down on your expenses, you should have a nice jingle in your pocket left over at the end of every month. **Don't forget to treat yourself! ** I'm not telling you to buy a jet ski or the newest iPhone with your extra money. In fact, you should be saving most of that extra money! (But we'll get to that next). You have just gotten out of a long-term toxic relationship and you need to take care of yourself. Give yourself a nice little discretionary budget every month to do whatever you want to do with it. If you like getting a manicure or pedicure (fellas, you don't know what you're missing out on), treat yourself! If you want to go get an ice cream or some dessert, treat yourself! Want to buy that video game that you have been dying to play? Treat yourself! If possible for your budget situation, try to give yourself $100 a month (or whatever you can) to do something you want to do.
**4. Start an emergency fund! **
The current pandemic and economic crisis show better than anything why you need to have an emergency fund. One day to the next you could be out of work, of you could have your hours cut, or you could fall ill and not be able to work. The average American can't afford a $500 emergency, and I don't want that to be you now that you don't have your support network anymore. Your emergency fund should be in its own high interest savings account. You want it to be easily accessible for when you need it, but not so easy that you might use it when you see a top at H&M that you just can't live without.
The rule of thumb is to keep 6 months worth of expenses, though having more doesn't hurt. Set your own goal based on what you think you need. The Mint app can also help you set and track a savings goal. On your budget, look at your monthly expenses and multiply x 6. This number may seem daunting at first, but remember that you don't need to get it all at once. Take your time and plan it based on your budget. Now that you have trimmed the fat off your budget, you might have some leftover money burning a hole in your pocket. But don't succumb to the temptation to spend! At the end of the month (or the end of the pay period), move all your leftover money into your emergency fund! No matter how big or small, contribute to your emergency fund every month.
But now that you have this pile of money staring at you in your bank account, you're going to need to set yourself some ground rules. Limit yourself on what you can spend this money on. Don't break open this piggy bank just because its Prime day and everything on your wish list is on sale, or because Gabe Newell decided to put an 80% discount on all your favorite Steam games. This is an EMERGENCY fund! Use it when your car gets a flat tire and you can't afford to fix it. Use it when you get an unexpected medical bill you can't pay. And of course, use it if you're laid off or can't work.
**5. Get a credit card and build credit! **
Getting a credit card may seem counter intuitive because you're taking out debt, but that's not really what it means. When you buy things on a credit card, after you get your statement at the end of the billing cycle you get a whole month to pay it interest free. *whispers* It's free money. The key is PAY OFF YOUR CREDIT CARDS! The interest rates on credit cards are f*cking painful, don't do that to yourself. If you're carrying a credit card balance, then pay that sh*t off as fast as you can or it will snowball into a nightmare.
When you get a credit card, they check your credit. If you have no credit history, it’s kind of hard to get a credit card but not impossible. However, it is nearly impossible to get any other type of loan, at least at any reasonable interest rate. This will especially hurt when you are trying to buy a house in the future. However, once you get a credit card, they will start reporting your credit usage every month to the credit bureaus which will start to build your credit history. Remember how you thought you would no longer get graded on anything when you left school? Guess what! You get graded on how well you can manage your debt. If your balance stays reasonable and you pay off your balance when its due, your credit score will go up. If you max out your cards, and let the balance roll, your credit score will go down.
Download Credit Karma, type in your info, and check out your credit score for free. It even updates every 7 days so you can keep track of how you’re doing. If you have absolutely zero credit history, it may not work right away. But that doesn't mean it won't work or that you can't get a credit card. It is very very very important to know your credit score and to keep it high because banks will judge you based on your credit score the minute you walk through the door. Remember how worldlies looked in jeans and a T-Shirt the first time they came to a meeting? That’s how a bank will see you with your sh*tty credit score. You gotta pump those numbers up!
Discover bank is a great credit card provider for starter cards. But you can google "started cards" and find tons of lists of different starter cards. If this is your first credit card, just spam applications until you get approved for one. Pay attention to your credit limit. A pretty standard limit is for your first card is $1,000. You may look at that and think "Cool! I always wanted to buy those sweet pinky rings the GB wear!" WRONG! Use your credit responsibly. Ideally you want to keep your credit usage under 30% of your limit. At $1000 this would be $300. But always remember to only spend what you can actually pay off when the bill comes due. Follow your budget!
Once you get your first card and manage your credit nicely, you should try applying for cards once a year. Pick a month where you will apply to several credit cards to expand your access to credit. For me this is the month of November. I will usually apply to 3 credit cards I've thoroughly researched. Focus on credit cards with no fees. There is absolutely no reason you should be paying an annual fee on a credit card when there are so many free ones out there. Also look for cash back cards. It means you will earn money just by spending money. *whispers* It's free money. Even if I get approved for all 3 credit cards, I won't use them. I'll just throw these somewhere super safe like my underwear drawer. If one of your new cards gives you a significantly higher credit limit, or gives you lots of cash back, then start using that as your primary and put the rest somewhere safe. Effectively, you are raising your credit limit every year while (hopefully) keeping your expenses the same. On your credit report it will look like you have access to a huge amount of money, but use a smaller and smaller portion of it. It will make you look responsible and in turn raise your credit score over time. Now when you walk into a bank, they'll look at you like you would look at the visiting speaker from South America when they walked into the kingdom hall. Banks may even take you out to eat after (with all that cash back they give you).
As you move through your life, it is very important to have a good credit score. That is what will allow you to get a good rate on a car loan (I don't recommend that, but that’s a story for another day), and also get a good rate on a mortgage when you buy a house. Debt isn't always a bad thing as long as you know how to manage it well.
**6. Make a Career Move! **
This may seem like a crazy option, but it serves a great purpose. If you are stuck in a dead-end job, if you don't make the kind of money you want to be making, or you don't see making a career out of your job, then its time to switch jobs! We have been told to avoid higher education our whole lives but that just forces us in to sh*t dead end jobs dreaming about how wonderful paradise will be instead of going out and grabbing life by the horns. Invest in yourself! Invest in your knowledge! Quarantine lock down is the perfect time to do that, and it doesn't look like its wrapping up anytime soon. Personally, I'm taking online classes to become a Real Estate Broker. This will let me expand what I am able to do with my company and increase my income. These classes were only $800, compared to going to college for 4 years to the tune of $20k+ per year. If you have some savings, use that to invest in yourself! If you want to change to a different career path, then look into what you need to do to make the move. Look for online courses or trade school if you don't want to go to college years or incur lots of debt.
Here's some examples of careers that don't take a lot of education but can take your income to the next level:
*Real Estate Agent or Broker
*Computer Technician
*Electric Pole Climber
The world is full of options. Now that you aren't committed to studying for 2 meetings a week, attending 2 meetings every week, reading the bible every day, personal study, family study, monthly broadcast, and service on your off days, you should have much more free time to invest in yourself. Take advantage of that and move up in the world! Do what you never could have while drinking the Kool aid.
**7. Side Hustle! **
A great way to increase your income is to take on a side hustle. There are so many you can do (just google side hustles), but some of the easiest to get in to are being a food delivery driver. This is especially good business right now during the pandemic with everyone staying home. Sign up with Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats, InstaCart, or any other delivery service you can. After gas and maintenance, you will typically earn an average hourly rate of $10-$15. Sometimes more. Like I mentioned in the last point, you should have a lot more free time to yourself now that you are not drinking the Kool aid. Why not take advantage of that time to make more money?
If your primary income covers all your expenses, you can use all your side hustle income towards your emergency fund, general savings, or investing. Personally, I use all my side hustle income towards increasing my investment accounts. Rather than making $10 an hour, in the long run you can turn that money into much much more by investing it.
**8. Start Investing! (Retirement Accounts) **
Now we're getting to the good stuff. Now that you have a bank account, a budget, and an emergency fund, it's time to start thinking about your future. The world isn't going to end in our lifetimes, although 2020 looks pretty dicey so who knows. You are going to want to stop working one day in your old age and relying on government cheese doesn’t give you too much freedom. This is where retirement accounts come in. The two primary types of retirement accounts are an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) and a 401k (four-oh-one-khay). The main difference is that an IRA is self directed, ie. you fully manage the account, and a 401k is employer directed, ie. your employer or benefit provider manages the account.
Let's start with a 401k. Most companies where you would have a career offer a 401k as part of your benefit package. The Benefit part of this package is that your employer will give you free money!!!! Kinda. Back in the olden days of the pre-1980s, a company would pay you a salary, called a pension, when you retired at 60ish as a thank you for your loyalty and career with that company. Then in 1978, 401ks became a thing and employers realized they didn't have to treat you like a human and reward your loyalty anymore. Instead, most employers will match your 401k contributions. It varies by company, but an example is that if you put 6% of your salary into your 401k, your employer will match your contribution adding another 6%. They may match it in full or in part, again it all depends on the company rules. But in some cases this could double how much money goes in to your retirement account just by using this one easy trick. The key to a 401k is that the money has to come directly out of your paycheck, you can't go back and add more later. But this can be a benefit; if you never had that money in your bank account to spend on a pair of Yeezys, it’s almost like you never earned it so you won't miss it. Plus, when you finally do get access to that money in retirement, it will be worth more and you'll be able to buy even more pairs of Yeezys!
On the other hand, with an IRA you can add however much you want, whenever you want, up to the legal limit. The current IRA contribution limit in 2020 is $6,000 per year. There are some tricky ways you can get around that but I won't get in to that here. Just google "backdoor Roth IRA" if you plan on contributing more than $6,000 a year. With an IRA, you get to choose the provider, you get to chose what you invest in, and you get to chose when and how much to invest. If you’re young, a high stock (high risk, high return) and low bond (low risk, low return) mix is best for your retirement account. You can afford more risk since you have more time to recover. However, as you get older you will want to slowly reduce how much you have in stocks and increase how much you have in bonds. The older you get, the more your risk tolerance goes down.
Now let’s talk Roth. To Roth or not to Roth? Well that depends. If you're under 59, you get charged penalties to access your IRA, or 55 for your 401k. In other words, you aren't supposed to access these accounts till you are (close to) retirement age. When you contribute money to a traditional IRA or Traditional 401k, you are contributing pre-tax money. You won't pay taxes on that money until you take it out at retirement age. The issue with that is that hopefully, that money will be worth a sh*t ton more when you retire than when you put it in. You'll be paying taxes on a bigger pile of money! Thats where a Roth IRA and Roth 401k come in. With a Roth account, you are contributing Post-tax money, or money you already paid taxes on. When you go to take the money out in retirement, its tax free! And everything you do in those accounts is tax free! My personal recommendation would be to go with a Roth account, especially if you are young. We all know to "Give to Caesar what is Caesars" (or whatever the f*ck that book says, I never read it), but you want to give Caesar as little as possible so you end up with more money in your pocket.
The best thing you can do for your future is invest in your retirement. You don't want to be working at 70 just to make ends meet. Future you will thank you.
**9. Start Investing! (Personal Accounts) **
Personal Investing! This is investing with (almost) no restrictions! When you invest into non-retirement accounts, you will be able to access this money whenever you want and do whatever you want with it. Almost. Don't buy drugs. Unless you're into that… When I'm talking about investing in this section, I'm talking about stock market investing. The best way to grow your wealth long term is by investing your money. When you invest, your money starts making you money. So even though you work the same amount, and get paid the same amount, by investing your money you are making more money because your money starts working for you. In general, you should be investing for the long term. This is for a couple of reasons - 1. you're more likely to make money over the long term than the short term, and 2. you'll pay less taxes on what you earn in the long term than the short term. Long term would be anything more than a year. Sure, you can go on to WallStreetBets and see people making a killing by day trading, but you can find far more people losing their asses day trading. I’m going to focus on long term strategies.
When you invest, there are 2 main strategies - Growth, or Income. Growth investing is if you want your money to grow at a good rate over time. Your $100 today will be worth $150 tomorrow (Not really that quick, but you get the point). The stock price itself will go up, so when you sell it in the future it will be worth more. Good long-term growth stocks would be Apple, Amazon, Coca Cola, and other large established companies. I would say Tesla, but who knows what the f*ck is going on with Tesla stock. One tweet from Elon can wipe out your investment or double your money. Income investing is if you are trying to get a second source of income. This is through stocks that pay dividends - once every 3 months they will pay their shareholders a piece of the profit they have made. This is straight up cash deposited into your investment account just for owning certain stocks. You can either reinvest this money to grow your investments, or you can deposit it into your bank account and use it. If you're young, the best thing to do is focus on growth and reinvest any dividends you get. Either strategy you choose, you can be making much larger returns on your money than you would on a bank account or by not investing. Investing is magic. Though they won't admit it, even the Borg has sizeable investment accounts to grow their money. Yes, they rely on the world that they condemn so much. As those CSA cases get more expensive, they need more money with which to pay them. The Mormon church has over $100 billion invested, one of the largest investment funds in the world. Investing is the smart thing to do with your money.
So while the people living "the best life ever" are dreaming about where they want to travel in paradise, you can use your growth or dividends to actually go there. The more you cut your expenses, the more you can afford to invest. The more you invest, the more money you will make in the long term. If you invest enough, you can even generate a completely independent source of income from your job which will go a long way in granting you financial freedom. My goal is to invest at least 50% of my income, but currently I'm at 20%. Try to invest as much as you can. Future you will thank you.
The way you choose to invest will fully depend on your comfort level with investing and your investing budget. Yes, you should have an investing budget.
Let’s say your comfort level is zero and/or your budget is very small. Then I would recommend Acorns. Acorns is a round up or spare change investing app. You link your credit cards and bank accounts, and every time you spend, it will round up your purchase and invest that. Say you buy a pastry for $1.75, Acorns will pull $0.25 out of your account and invest it, bringing your total to $2. You can choose from conservative through aggressive portfolios. If you are young, I would recommend you lean more towards aggressive investing. There is more risk involved, but you can also make much more money than a conservative portfolio. If you are young, you can afford some down days in the market. The one issue I have with acorns is that they charge a $1 a month fee, though this is very low.
If you are more comfortable with investing, have a larger budget, but still want a hands-off approach, then I would recommend M1 Finance. This is a portfolio-based investment platform where you pick what stocks you want to invest in, pick how much you want to invest in each based on percentages, and M1 will handle the rest. They have a minimum investment of $100 to open your account, then only $10 each time you invest every time after. For long term growth, I would recommend doing a portfolio with 50% allocation of SPY (S&P 500 Index tracking fund, tracks the largest 500 stocks on the US Stock market), and 50% other stocks you like. Follow the Warren Buffet investment method. Like Coca Cola? Invest in Coca Cola. Like Target? Invest in Target. If you like something, chances are that other people like them too and the stock will keep growing. Every time you add money to your account, M1 will automatically invest it in the allocation you chose. If you chose 50% SPY, 25% Coca Cola, and 25% Target, when you add $10 M1 will buy $5 worth of SPY stock, $2.5 worth of Coca Cola stock, and $2.5 worth of Target stock. This is a great option if you want easy investing, and its completely free.
Now if you're more advanced and comfortable fully running and managing your portfolio, then I would recommend Robinhood. With Robinhood, there are no minimums, and you can buy fractional shares. But you are fully in control of exactly where your money goes when you invest it. You want to buy 10 shares of Coca Cola? Then you click on KO, click buy, type in 10 shares, and boom, you own 10 shares. Robinhood even lets you trade options, but this is effectively just gambling on the stock market and I don't recommend it. Robinhood is also completely free and is a great and easy to use full-service investment platform.
I recommend these because I use all of them myself. I won't include my referral links on this post, but if you want to get some free stuff when you sign up for any of them just PM me which ones you want and I'll send you a referral. With a referral link you can get some free money or free stocks.
Invest your money! It will take you a long way towards your independence from the borg!
**10. Invest in Real Estate! **
Now we're getting really crazy. Though it may not be as crazy as it sounds. I won't go in to too much depth in this since there is so much information.
Real estate is by definition a long-term investment. It is highly illiquid, meaning you can't quickly turn your investment in to cash, but the beauty of real estate is that you can earn a wonderful income off of it. The easiest way to invest in real estate is by investing in REITs, or Real Estate Investment Trusts. These are portfolios managed by companies backed by real estate assets that generate a regular income, usually on a monthly basis. REITs are required by law to pay out 90% of their profits to shareholders. There are publicly traded REITs on the stock market you can invest in (Ticker Symbols - O, BPY, IVR, WPG, PEI, and many more). While the barrier to entry on these is very low (you can buy just one share at a time), and they have higher liquidity, they carry a lot more risk because their price moves with the stock market rather than based on the underlying real estate they own. They do still pay very nice dividends which can supplement your income.
The way that I would recommend investing in real estate would be through Fundrise. They have a minimum investment of $500 to open your account, and $100 minimum investment every time after. Since this is a private REIT, the prices remain stable even if the market is fluctuating like crazy. Personally, my Fundrise investment account is the only one that didn't lose money during the 2020 economic crisis. Plus they pay out very nice dividends, and the real estate assets appreciate nicely. Again, this is a LONG TERM investment. Don't expect to invest today and pull your cash out 6 months from now. Ideally you want to keep this money invested for years. If you want an income, you can set your dividends to deposit into your bank account, or if you want to grow your investment you can set dividends to be reinvested.
Investing in REITs is a great way to get started with real estate investing. Real estate is a "get rich slow" scheme. It may take a very long time for your investments to grow, but they will see very long-term stable growth. If the Borg is nothing else, it is a massive global real estate holding company. They own all the kingdom halls which are essentially big commercial buildings with empty interiors. They have great resale value, and since many of them were built and maintained with free labor, they have appreciated tremendously. So take a book out of the Borgs secret playbook and invest in real estate.
**11. Buy a House! **
This seems like its way out of reach to many people but it's really not. Owning a house is the single biggest indicator of wether a family will accumulate wealth or not. For most homeowning families, their house is their single biggest asset. Real estate has historically always appreciated, so when you go to sell your house or pass it down your house to your children, it will be worth more than when you bought it. Sometimes a lot more. I won't go into a huge amount of detail because again, there is a lot of information.
Once again, real estate is a very long-term asset. So make sure that you are ready to buy a house. Take your time, do your research, and find the right house. Thanks to the magic of leverage by using a mortgage, you only need to put 3% down to buy a house. While this will definitely mean you will have a higher interest rate, it also makes buying a house much more accessible. Say you want to buy a $300k house, the minimum you would have to put down is $9,000! Traditionally you would put down 20% on a house which in this case would be $60k. Always go with a 30 year mortgage, cuz math and numbers; don't do a 15 year mortgage. Yes, it is very daunting that you will be paying for your house for 30 years, but think about it this way - if you're not paying a mortgage, you're going to be paying rent for a place to live. When you pay rent, you are essentially throwing money out the window never to be seen again. When you pay a mortgage, a portion of your monthly payment goes towards equity in your house. You are buying a piece of your house every month, not just throwing money out the window.
When you pay rent, you are paying your landlords mortgage + profit that goes into their pocket. You are the one buying your landlords house for them. When you are paying a mortgage, you are paying interest on your loan + equity in your house (the balance of the loan). You are effectively paying yourself when you pay the balance of the loan because that piece of equity in your house is now yours to keep. You may even find that your mortgage payments are lower than your rent. In my case, I went from renting a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment to paying a mortgage on a 4 bedroom 2 bath house and my monthly payments went down by over $500!! That's an extra $500 in my pocket every month to do as I please with (like invest it).
Additionally, you can buy more houses and rent them out! Then you become the landlord, and your tenants are the ones buying your house for you. That is the magic of real estate investing. If you want to learn more about mortgages or real estate investing, just watch some Graham Stephan videos on YouTube.
When you're young, buying a house might not be at the front of your mind or in your near-term plans. But you should absolutely plan on buying a house as soon as you have the credit (remember I told you why you need credit?) and the money for it. Buying a nice car might seem like a better use of your thousands or tens of thousands of dollars instead of buying a house. But how much is that car going to be worth in 10 years? Chances are it will have almost no resale value left. It will also be way out of style and may not even run well anymore. But if you put that money down on a house? You will own an appreciating asset (an asset that goes up in value) that you can sell down the road and get your money back.
**Closing Thoughts**
YOU ARE FREE! You have made the biggest step towards having a great life already by leaving the organization. Things may seem very overwhelming right now that you are stepping out from behind the curtain and looking at the real world for the first time. But don't panic! It gets better, I promise you. Me and many thousands of others on exJW can tell you that though stressful, leaving was the best decision we have made in our lives. I hope all this information will help you make some better informed decisions on how to financially prepare yourself to step in to the world. We have all been told that it is too difficult out in the world and that we will never make it, but I'm here to tell you that you can and you will! Focus on yourself, take care of yourself, and enjoy your freedom! :)
submitted by elmexiguero to exjw [link] [comments]

iama survey

you know the deal. everything was completely arbitrary.


everyone put their name. -1 to bnavis for "george soros" because that is not his name

hello this is a question (it is important that you answer this correctly)

Option 2 was correct. +1 to rose and cory. -1 to jamie, bnavis, kuhan, and pole for selecting "none of the above" which by definition excludes option 2. everyone else stands pat.

How has your day been?

bad then ok then i went to taco bell and got 2 free doritos locos taco then bad again
I hope your day improves but I am happy for you that you got free tacos
Its been a solid day. Work has been quick and im making chicken alredo for dinner. I see it as a win
good. spent some time with my mom and my sister, went to target, had a good lunch and a coffee.
that sounds like a refreshing day.
just fine? i hope that a) you meant that in the sense that your day has been damn fine so far; b) alternatively, I hope you have a better rest of your day.
I just woke up so it's been solid
filled out at 17:44:57. this man values his beauty sleep.
Today was fine. Yesterday, the Cardinals declined Kolten Wong's option so that sucked.
must have been a double whammy when cory also did it
Pretty chill so far! Woke up with no alarm clock today (and Nerys didn't wake me up a 5:45am to be fed), got a slow start to the morning, made a nice bagel sando for brunch, and am now taking care of chores/tasks.
sounds like a chill and productive day.
Everyone gets 1.


This was self explanatory. You got the number of balls you selected.
1 ball: pjd, ruairi, kuhan, cory
0.5 ball: pole
0 balls: jamie,
-0.5 balls: rose
-1 balls: bnavis

I couldn't think of a good question for this one, sorry.
Detecting some real ambivalence here, guys. Nobody gets points on this one. I hope for more enthusiasm next time.

Bulbasaur is the best starter.
You guys all nailed this one. Very proud of this group. Everyone gets 1.

please tell me what your favorite album (musical) of all time is (and why you enjoy it so much). I will add it to my to-listen list.

I have added these to my list and will report back.
the la la land soundtrack is quite the banger
"Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park First album i listened to and got me hooked on music. Linkin Park has been my favorite band forever and that album got me through some rough times.
Solid album! Crawling is a great song. I haven't listened in years so it will be good to revisit.
listen to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by kanye. it's his magnum opus. compelling lyrics, incredible production, one of the best pieces of work in the '10s
honestly, i probably should be crossing this off my list considering the great reputation it has.
"69 Love Songs by The Magnetic Fields. one of the all time great marvels of songwriting. it IS a novelty, but being a novelty that is so completely and skillfully committed to is what makes it so great. it's a spectacle, it's a joke, it's a commentary on itself, and it's a triumph.
in theory it's an album about love, in practice it's an album about love songs, and even deeper it's just an album about songwriting. it's listening to a creative mind set out on a stupid task and seeing what happens.
it's obviously dense, and can't really be fully taken in in one 3 hour listen. but even just picking out a random song in the middle, listening on shuffle, listening to disc 2 or disc 3 alone, what makes it a masterpiece is how many tracks stand out as perfectly put together stripped from the context of the marathon album. the 40th or 50th best song still justifies its existence when you single it out.
i love the enthusiasm in this writeup. it looks like this will be quite the endeavor but this does seem interesting. it may take me a little longer but i will deliver.
maybe not an album but this performance of Messiah
Still counts!
see answer to rose. minus the enthusiasm bit but i am sure i will enjoy this
Meme Answer: Kid Cudi's Man on the Moon (I do love the album, but it is not my favorite). Real Answer: Jon Bellion's The Definition. The main reason is because of the time in my life when I heard the album. It was my freshman year of college close to Thanksgiving time and my ex introduced me to Jon Bellion. I instantly was like oh yea this is my shit. Fell in love with the album and listened to it a lot for a while. It reminds me of Christmas time that year when I went home to Temekilla and would just drive around listening to it.
man on the moon is indeed a good album. neat writeup. i think those albums that take you back to a time and place are often the most meaningful.
This is a toughie but I'm gonna say Commit This to Memory by Motion City Soundtrack. It's just a great pop punk album and they're my favorite band. Also dope synths. Honorable mention to Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen
I will check both of them out
cory germs:
"Honestly it's gotta be Crack the Skye. I already talked a lot of about it in LC, so I'll just copy/paste my writeup here.
This is a concept album, and the concept is pretty fuckin wild, so strap in: a paraplegic, who feels trapped in his body, learns how to astral project. During his travels, he flies too close to the sun, causing his umbilical cord to burn off. Untethered, swirling wildly through time and space, he gets sucked into a wormhole, and lands in the body of Rasputin in Tsarist Russia. After a failed attempt to usurp the Tsar, Rasputin is murdered, sending both Rasputin's and the boy's souls back the æther, before Rasputin finally helps guide the boy's soul back to his body. Beyond the concept, this album also carries lots of personal meaning for Mastodon's drummer Brann - it is named after his sister, Skye, who committed suicide when they were teenagers. Personal loss and (family) tragedy are big-time themes in Mastodon's music, but CtS was probably the first album really built around them (they would explore these further with follow-up albums ""The Hunter"", ""Once More 'Round the Sun"", and ""Emperor of Sand""). Musically, Mastodon stands in a league of their own. Their music is extremely intricate and heavily-layered, especially considering the band is just four guys. Seriously - I pretty much hear something new every time I re-listen to a Mastodon song. The two guitarists, Brent and Bill, are both masters of their craft, and very complimentary. Brent is the often more flashy, 'solo' guy, and Bill is the often the more grounded 'Riff Master'. You'll frequently hear them play a riff in unison, but then one of them will move up the fretboard to play the same riff slightly higher, creating a very unique harmony and sound. This technique is fairly standard in metal, but most metal bands harmonize their riffs in thirds, wheras Mastodon often uses fifths (not to get too technical). Brann grew up playing a lot of jazz, and it's super obvious in his playing. He is extremely light and busy in his touch, filling in the spaces between guitar lines with complex fills that extend over barlines and phrases, creating an sometimes-off-balance/syncopated feeling. The drums on this album also feel massive. Like, two-foot-diameter-drums-recorded-in-a-warehouse massive. You just feel the weight of every snare hit, crash, and tambourine shake, especially in songs like ""Oblivion"" and ""The Czar"". This is also the first album that Mastodon really experimented with more melodic melodies & hooks, as well as vocal harmonies. For the more vocally-attuned among you, I have good news: if you don't like one of the lead vocalists, there are two more (and a guest vocalist on the title track)! Brann, Brent, and Troy (the bassist) all share lead vocal duties, often times switching off on the same song, creating very dynamic forms, and keeping long songs that otherwise might get stale fresh. In fact, the two long songs on the album might just be my favorites (the riff/section that starts at 7:25 in ""The Czar"" is one of my all time favorite musical moments). Looking back, the creation of CtS was kind of a watershed moment for the band: this album divided Mastodon fans at the time of its release, because it went in a more proggy, melodic, spacey direction, whereas their first three albums were decidedly more thrashy/sludgy, with harsher vocals. Safe to say that the detractors lost that battle, seeing as Mastodon continued to develop this specific sound in later albums, but also kept growing and trying out new things on subsequent albums. For example, their next album, ""The Hunter"", featured an even more focused attempt at creating hooky, melodic, radio-friendly tunes (while still being heavy as shit), and that album was produced by Pop/Hip-Hop notable Mike Elizondo).
I enjoyed listening to this in LC! I actually ended up buying it iirc.
3 rose, 2 ruairi, 1 cory. nobody loses any for recommending what they like.

Who is the best gym leader and why?

two people did not understand the question and chose their high school gym teachers:
  • jamie:
    my 11th grade gym teacher, mr. schmidt
  • Ruairi
    I had a trainer in high school named Tate Hess. He was an awesome dude and taught us a lot about working out so he's my best gym leader.
    i am glad tate hess was able to make that impact on your life
Blue in Gen 2, his gym team was a great challenge
honestly blue remains one of the great rivals and it was a great moment to re-encounter him in GSC
brock, only one i could name off rip, has to be the best
bnavis is still in Mt. Moon being chased by Zubats.
Skyla. she cute
you argue your case well.
Wattson from Gen 3. He's just a jovial electric gym leader. I can dig it.
I dig your pun too
cory germs:
Blaine, but mostly because Cinnabar Island is pretty badass, and fire pokemon are also badass.
Blaine definitely holds his own.
2.5 tied pjd/pole, 1 kuhan
-3 jamie, -2 ruairi, -1 bnavis

Select a cool Lego set and share the link below ( is a good resource)

a truly impressive show of defiance
a classic star wars set. combines playability, display value, and theme.
this is neat and i would totally put this on my desk
this is the bionicle you picked?
I did not know they had avatar sets now. neat.
you really can't go wrong with lego pirate ships
a classic star wars set. combines playability, display value, and theme.
you and pjd are on the same wavelength here.
cory germs:
I have selected this one because I love the concept of buying a Lego set for the Death Star II, which is famously still under construction/missing pieces."
On one hand, this death star set notably does NOT come with the minifigs and multiple movie scenes that this one does.
That said, I do appreciate the logic you have offered, and I agree that this would be an excellent display model.
3 pjd and kuhan, 2.5 ruairi, 1.5 bnavis, 1 cory
-3 jamie, -2 rose, -1 pole

share something neat about yourself that will impress us!

i have an idetic memory but only for really useless info or inconsequential conversations
eidetic memories are neat
I can quote every line from Star Wars A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back
i am a prolific mod of pokemontrades
i do not think you would make it past our vetting process
i was born 11 pounds. just a brick shithouse
as of tomorrow i am EMPLOYED
i am so proud of you that is awesome
My junior year of college I interned as a scout, scouting teams at SDSU and USD. Some notable names I scouted: Brhet Bewley, Heston Kjerstad, Dominic Fletcher, Tommy Wilson, and quite a few more. It was a totally awesome experience and I had a lot of fun not doing homework so I could watch college baseball instead.
this explains why you wanted dominic fletcher from me
Bradley Whitford follows me on twitter
ive been meaning to check out the west wing
cory germs:
I once accidentally sneezed on Leslie Odom Jr.
that seems rude. especially from the germ guy. especially if it was since march or so (I hope not!!!)
3 pole, 2 pjd, 1 ruairi
-3 bnavis, -2 cory

You are given the power of invisibility. What is the first thing you do?

you are all criminals, i don't know what i expected
  • rose:
    i mean the first thing i do is steal a lot of money. sorry it's just OBVIOUSLY that's what i'm gonna do
    at least you're (I assume) thinking bigger than the other bozos who are robbing Targets
  • jamie:
    kill some people.....steal some stuff
    why is your first thought murder
  • cory germs:
    Walk across the street to the Target and commit some grand larceny
    you picked a Target of all places?
criminals, but for the people:
  • pole:
    steal from cops
  • kuhan:
    idk steal some shit? Maybe slap around some assholes like Planned Parenthood protestors
  • bnavis:
    run outside without fear of being judged. also probably punch someone, see how they react
    okay, reverting back to crime at the end there
  • Ruairi
    Pull pranks on people. Make them think things are floating and what not.
    this is so basic but on the other hand you're not harming society theoretically
just vibing, and sort of committing crime under federal law I guess (as well as torts)?
  • Pjd:
    I sneak into the white house and see whats up
None of you are original. -2 to jamie, cory, and pjd

What is your favorite special effect in a movie or a show? (visual links are encouraged so we can see)

when the disney stars would draw the mickey mouse outline
Lens flares
always neat
in this scene,, there's a shot of a big crowd listening to kane speak. the people listening? holes with light shining through them, to create the appearance of a moving crowd.
Never noticed that before. That's actually quite neat.
this fight
This is cool. You gotta appreciate all the work it must have taken to make this--very visually impressive.
Gonna go with a classic, the Star Destroyer at the beginning of Star Wars (1977)
Also classic.
"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl: The pirates turning into skeleton's is so cool and Pirates is one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite rides at Disneyland. Another scene that I love from the movie:"
The PotC movies declined quickly, but the first one is so good.
The crazy stupid stunts that Tom Cruise does for Mission Impossible.
his stunts are crazy but perhaps you could have picked one
cory germs:
"Dolly zooms! Popularized by (invented by???) Alfred Hitchcock, in Vertigo."
Very cool. I need to watch that one.
A lot of good answers here.
3.5 Cory, 3 rose/ruairi, 2 bnavis, 1 pole
-2.5 pjd, -1.5 kuhan

What is the absolute best dessert?

best overall? chocolate milkshake. most commonly eaten? brownie or chocolate chip cookie
Vanilla Bean Cheesecake
warm pecan pie, vanilla ice cream
Anything in the custard genre, but gun to my head (i don't know why there's a gun to my head) a good creme brulee.
chocolate lava cake
I don't each much dessert, but I like some good cake with dank frosting
but dessert is good
cory germs:
Oreo milkshake (if you're ever in the bay area, get one from Barney's)
I am now hungry and these all sound delicious. Everyone gets 3.

this is your space in which you can leave another member of slack a compliment (if you are so inclined).

digi seems like a nice young man whom you would bring home to meet your parents
I love all of you equally. You are all a good group of people
:blobheart:, but also cop-out
this is not a compliment
bgro is one of the funniest people in the world and i am astonished by the effort and quality of the stuff he puts together on here and even if we don't deserve him i hope we have his presence back soon, he is easily the best of us. i probably value what bgro says above anybody else on slack.
bgro does not get enough credit for the stuff he puts together on slack.
I cannot restrict my compliments to just one slack member
i am interpreting this as an indirect compliment in the sense that it suggests at least two of us (unclear which 2) are deserving of a compliment
To everyone: You guys are all amazing and I love having all of you in my life. This has been one hell of a year, but having you guys to talk to and have fun with, has been an absolute treat.
:blobheart:; also better cop-out than pjd
desmond is such a great dude and i'm glad to call him my friend.
desmond is a great guy.
cory germs:
Pjd has been doing a bang-up job as an agent/fake Heyman, even including completely fabricating trade rumors.
it's been fun, but he also keeps at channeling which is a negative.
receiving points: digi, wharble, bgro, desmond, pjd, everyone, everyone
digi, wharble, bgro all get 1. pjd gets 3. everyone else gets 2. pjd loses his extra point plus one for at channeling too much, for a net of 1.

Activity: Make up a career seasonal stats page for a pretend MLB hall of fame player of your design. Feel free to go as in-depth with the stats or as surface level as you like.

only one option for best superhero????? its thor how did you edit this IN THE MIDDLE OF ME TAKING IT TO ADD MORE QUESTIONS
it is not thor. i am taking 1 away from the superhero question.
Haram Bea From: Cincinnati, Ohio
Career Service Time: 17 years
Spent 14 years with the Texas Rangers before being moved to Cincinnati where he spent his final 3 years before suffering a debilitating head injury and dying on the field
Career Stats 2401 GP 9910 PA 8102 AB 1676 Runs Scored 2415 Hits 344 2B 72 3B 536 HR 1509 RBI 153 SB 1733 BB to 1710 Ks .291 AVG .977 OPS 110.2 WAR
3x MVP 15 All Star Games Triple Crown Winner
When looking at players who changed the game Haram Bea comes to mind. In an ERA where everyone did the same thing Haram changed it. His switch hitting abilities were unprecedented as he destroyed opposing pitching. What he did with the bat he could do with the glove as he was an expert fielder. Haram Bea will be remembered for uniting the world after his untimely death where he was assassinated on the field during a game in Cincinnati while meeting with young fans. The league will always remember Haram Bea. You may say their Dicks are out for him.
.158/.220/.211 2 doubles 1 homer worth -1 WAR
this is the profile of a hall of fame player
Alvin Weakness: 27 years managing, 2,030 wins. World Series titles with the Orioles and Tigers. Also managed several successful Expos seasons.
I like that you thought outside the box. That said, the question did say "player."
1B Danny Millan, born 12/15/2025 in Santiago, DR, B: L, T: R.
This is awesome, very well put together. EXACTLY what I was hoping for.
Kyle Blake
2022: 62 games, .254/.364/.486, 13 HR, 48 RBIs
2023: 147 games, .292/.389/.562, 28 HR, 91 RBIs
2024: 155 games, .304/.402/.578, 36 HR, 114 RBIs
2025: 162 games, .327/.435/.621, 48 HR, 132 RBIs
2026: 158 games, .317/.412/.602, 42 HR, 148 RBIs
2027: 138 games, .297/.427/.578, 36 HR, 102 RBIs
2028: 145 games, .307/.448/.623, 52 HR, 154 RBIs
2029: 160 games, .348/.462/.685, 60 HR, 162 RBIs
2030: 154 games, .320/.444/.647, 54 HR, 132 RBIs
2031: 112 games, .346/.472/.622, 32 HR, 86 RBIs
2032: 147 games, .311/.438/.609, 47 HR, 123 RBIs
2033: 160 games, .372/.521/.704, 70 HR, 152 RBIs
2034: 152 games, .320/.448/.635, 57 HR, 134 RBIs
2035: 140 games, .308/.420/.587, 41 HR, 113 RBIs
2036: 152 games, .313/.404/.568, 38 HR, 108 RBIs
2037: 160 games, .297/.386/.532, 34 HR, 111 RBIs
2038: 124 games, .282/.396/.542, 28 HR, 92 RBIs
2039: 148 games, .260/.370/.508, 30 HR, 94 RBIs
2040: 104 games, .278/.378/.472, 17 HR, 69 RBIs
2041: 142 games, .282/.364/.482, 21 HR, 82 RBIs
Impressive run of power. Very graceful decline. Hell of a 2033. Curious what position he plays.
Lame. This is the most fun question!
cory germs:
Tedward ""Ant Legs"" Macguillicudy was an American former baseball catcher who played 13 seasons with the Boston Braves (from 1917 to 1930), and one season with the Chicago Cubs (1933).
Macguillicudy was noted for his small stature, especially amongst catchers, standing only at 5'7"", 160 lbs. This frame allowed him to be a threat on the basepaths, stealing 326 bases over his 14-year career, to go along with his 87 HR's and 1,033 RBI's.
80 grade name. I like the olden setting.
3 Pole loveruairi, 1 cory/pjd
-3 kuhan and jamie, -1 bnavis

Best superhero

Everyone who put Dazzler (bnavis, rose, pole, kuhan) lost 1 for choosing a random, not very impressive, random "superhero" in a naked attempt to ride the dazzler train. Superman is cool, so Cory and Jamie did not lose points for that. Jamie, however did lose one regardless for putting Thor in the previous question as her real answer. Everyone who put Batman (Pjd and Ruairi) got 1 for choosing the best superhero.

Guilty pleasure?

leaving other people to make mistakes because i dont have the energy to correct them
Lego's, i still collect a massive amount of Legos
fuck yeah
gossip girl
Eating expensive cheese and cured meat and crackers and charcuterie shit for dinner far too frequently.
ancient aliens
I like Nickelback. Chris Brown is an awful dude but his music is catchy (I feel guilty listening to it).
i respect the honesty.
cory germs:
""Guilty pleasures"" are a creation of a society that has been seeing a steady increase in available platforms, leading everyone to believe they hold the 'correct' opinions on pop culture - 27 Youtube Subscribers can't be wrong! You are entitled to like what you like, without even needing a second to think about how that will reflect in others views of you.
Also, ""Wildest Dreams"" by Taylor Swift"
everyone gets 2.

What is the best vacation you ever went on?

mexico was fun
Irish Weekend with my friends. We went to the shore to escape the madness from the Pope coming to Philadelphia. It was irish weekend so all the bars were packed. One friend ended up in the hospital after we couldnt find him for 4 hours. He got drunk, tried to fuck some guys wife and got beat up for it. Other than that we also went crabbing, had some delicious steak dinners. I met a girl and ended up going on some nice dates with her after.
went to myrtle beach over winter break a few years back. didn't do much. good time.
didn't pat do this question? spending time dog sitting for my sister in san francisco, getting to just live in her apartment for a while and do nothing but eat and drink in sf all day.
He evidently did and I feel bad. I like this answer tbh.
turks & caicos, 2010. My mom became best friends with Joe Girardi.
I thought we had this question on the last survey. But I'll give a different vacation just because I don't want to repeat my answer. So I went up to Tahoe a month or so ago for one of my best friends birthday. It was sick. We stayed in an air bnb, about 20 of us. I only knew about 3 people when I got there but everyone was cool and we had a great time. Hit up the lake and got in the water (it was freezing). Drank a lot. Even drank coffee (I hardly ever have coffee. I maybe have 10 cups in a year). It was awesome because I hadn't seen one of my best friends since beginning of quarantine and hadn't seen another since New Years.
I am sorry :(
In 2013, basically took like a month off and flew around the world. Sydney for 2 weeks (brother graduated med school), Hong Kong 3 days, Bangkok 1 day, Karachi 2 weeks (visit family), London 3 days, then back home.
I'd love to do this sometime.
cory germs:
New Zealand, September 2019. Fantastic food every single place we went, great landscapes and scenery, home of Lord of the Rings, extremely nice populace, weak dollar compared to the US (which meant everything was relatively cheap). It's at the top of my list of places I want to re-visit.
You all had awesome vacations, everyone gets 1.

Pitch me a cool idea.

a slider but backwards. i call it a reverse slider! terribly stressful on the arm and not really better than a sinkescrewball though
The Yankees winning 5 straight world series titles
I enjoy this scenario.
pretend we reenacted the pen scene from wolf of wall street. pretty cool right?
y'know how there are like yogurt drinks and stuff? Boom: drinkable hummus
baseball but extra innings do not start with runners on second base
this is a good idea
So I have this idea that I've told to a few people and they thought it was stupid (which tbh I totally get their responses). Basically it's a WW2 video game (kinda like Call of Duty or Battlefield). The difference is, it is historically accurate, showing things like Pearl Harbor, Germany concentration camps, US camps for the Japanese, etc. I love history (AP US History was one of my favorite classes in high school) and I think that with how many kids/teens/people play video games now, it's a great tool to use to teach them about what really happened. Like war isn't just some game, it's scary and fucked up. Obviously this game would have to be rated M and would get flamed hard by people against it, but personally I would like to play a game like that. Then we could expand the series into the Civil War, Cold War, etc.
:neat: I wonder how it would be in practice but this is original and I dig the thinking behind it.
I had an idea for a TV show but then I realized it was basically just Chuck
oh okay
cory germs:
A standalone (or nearly standalone) movie set in Star Trek's mirror universe, with a simple-yet-fun plot - maybe something about space pirates??
what if it also had magical knights who use laser swords
3 ruairi, 2 rose
-3 bnavis, -2 jamie, kuhan

please share a wholesome gif for us to appreciate

who the fuck has links of gifs saved? i have them all in my camera roll you moron
incredibly wholesome but please link correctly next time
unsure how this is wholesome
Samoyeds are usually safe bets.
I think you may have misunderstood the question
Seen it before but it's classic good cat content.
This is very wholesome.
cory germs:
Stay # blessed
3 cory, 2 kuhan
-3 jamie, -2 pole

Breakfast of choice?

very rude
Cornbeef hash, a bacon omelette with home fries
sounds delicious
vague, what kind of bagel we talking?
hard to beat a bagel sandwich, but tbh just some good ol toast with jelly is 10/10
probably wouldn't be my optimal breakfast, but toast is nice.
anything with nutella
I don't eat breakfast, but I like Cinnamon Rolls, donuts, muffins, pancakes (french toast is better), and waffles
:anguished: breakfast is the best meal of the day possibly
Leftover birthday cake.
fair. hard to go wrong with that.
cory germs:
Eggs benedict, with a side of home fries. Dark chocolate mocha & a mimosa (or three) on the side.
i am not sure what else i expected from the lord of #breakfastbuds
3 cory, 2 pjd
-3 jamie, -2 ruairi

how many balls should i receive for this exercise?

Basically just gonna average it out.
jamie: none you pervert
Pjd: 69.42
bnavis: 6
rose: 6
pole: 34
Ruairi 10
kuhan: -1 because you made too many questions required
cory germs: 47
171.42/8=21.4275 balls.
I will divide that by 2 (per cory's pick) to get 10.71375. The square root of that is 3.2731865208.

if you have round topic suggestions, feel free to leave them here and I will take them into consideration when/if we resume!

I have noted all the answers. Also, several comments:
i thought this was going to be about fast food
bulbasaur is a shit tier starter, especially when compared to squirtle and charmander
I may have to deduct the point I awarded for question 6 :(
i do not have any suggestions, thank you for your service
Ruairi suggested many ideas, thank you for your service ruairi. 0.5 to you.


I did the count at the very end. Tried to be accurate.
jamie: -11
Pjd: 17
bnavis: 0.5
rose: 15.5
pole: 9
Ruairi 21
kuhan: 8.5
cory germs: 20.5
iama: 3.2731865208
digi: 1
wharble: -4
bgro: -4
desmond: -4
Dylan: -5
jori: -5
keith/glenwood/jiggy/the fucking wolf: -10
I subtracted points from former participants for lack of commitment.
submitted by IAMADeinonychusAMA to groupselect2k18 [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: DeadorVegetable top posts from 2020-01-14 to 2020-12-18 04:12 PDT

Period: 338.33 days
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Rate (per day) 2.92 393.07
Unique Redditors 500 34629
Combined Score 1864945 2511190

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 223601 points, 110 submissions: BrianGoodwin_
    1. Standing on a conveyor belt. (8882 points, 693 comments)
    2. Long way down. (7191 points, 444 comments)
    3. From minor accident to vehicular manslaughter. (6554 points, 478 comments)
    4. Chainsaw confiscated. (5903 points, 249 comments)
    5. Glass must feel painful. (5731 points, 392 comments)
    6. Fired. (5665 points, 639 comments)
    7. Unaware of power lines. (5489 points, 587 comments)
    8. Ejected. (5452 points, 365 comments)
    9. Met the pavement. (5270 points, 756 comments)
    10. Should have been looking up. (4973 points, 371 comments)
  2. 83145 points, 44 submissions: windowseat4life
    1. "She ain't got no clip" (11271 points, 336 comments)
    2. Well, he was successful in not getting shot (7424 points, 429 comments)
    3. Crushed by a lift - India (6079 points, 597 comments)
    4. Messing around on an electric tower (5846 points, 846 comments)
    5. Slow down in construction zones (5833 points, 283 comments)
    6. Gotta watch out for obstacles (4037 points, 239 comments)
    7. That's not what I expected (4032 points, 197 comments)
    8. Insurance scam fail (3909 points, 393 comments)
    9. Chain reaction starting with animals on the highway (2426 points, 345 comments)
    10. If dude would have just kept his door shut (2022 points, 236 comments)
  3. 36411 points, 17 submissions: PirateDock
    1. Homemade Rocket Crash While Trying To Prove The Earth Is Flat (7203 points, 819 comments)
    2. Another Chinese Darwin Award (4810 points, 315 comments)
    3. Man Falls From Hot Air Balloon In China (4360 points, 749 comments)
    4. Waitress mishandled burning decoration torch (3103 points, 174 comments)
    5. Textile Machine Roll Falls on Worker (3102 points, 190 comments)
    6. Woman Crushed By Snow Plowing Tractor (2139 points, 341 comments)
    7. Septic Tank Explodes Because of Rookie Mistake (2078 points, 188 comments)
    8. Ladder Seemed Wobbly From The Start (1485 points, 179 comments)
    9. Spinny Machine (1369 points, 232 comments)
    10. Worker Gets Buried Alive in China (1342 points, 156 comments)
  4. 33495 points, 14 submissions: H150180
    1. Work accident (8258 points, 1075 comments)
    2. Warehouse door to the head (6559 points, 493 comments)
    3. Pressing headache (5228 points, 578 comments)
    4. Loose clothing and machinery (3186 points, 320 comments)
    5. Chinese escalator (1461 points, 271 comments)
    6. Oldie. Lathe. (1383 points, 275 comments)
    7. Darwin award winner (1310 points, 132 comments)
    8. That's a wrap (1140 points, 143 comments)
    9. Unexpected (993 points, 120 comments)
    10. Marble slat crush (892 points, 153 comments)
  5. 32096 points, 15 submissions: thegreatSN0WMAN
    1. Ladder goes jousting (6702 points, 365 comments)
    2. 2 Colombian Air Force guys rope breaks as they’re doing a flag demonstration (6506 points, 359 comments)
    3. Girl can’t control her dog so grandma’s face pays the price (5222 points, 390 comments)
    4. Guy tries to break up dogs fighting but went for a spin on a driveshaft instead (2616 points, 280 comments)
    5. Lemme just jostle your back and neck around a little bit more (1800 points, 67 comments)
    6. Russian solider takes getting run over by an APC pretty well (1644 points, 75 comments)
    7. Human claw machine game (1238 points, 119 comments)
    8. Seatbelts can do wonders if you wear one (1060 points, 117 comments)
    9. Driver has a “blackout” and ends up plowing into a group of motorcyclists (1056 points, 136 comments)
    10. This time the kid doing the suplex gets the full neck experience (959 points, 77 comments)
  6. 29363 points, 20 submissions: thebigcheese50
    1. Go ahead and jump. With sound this time. (5941 points, 436 comments)
    2. Hot metal to the face! (2529 points, 132 comments)
    3. Where's a ref when you need em!! (2319 points, 359 comments)
    4. You decide. (2085 points, 142 comments)
    5. DoV (1893 points, 46 comments)
    6. This guy has guts for messing with the bull. Literally... (1484 points, 189 comments)
    7. Broken back for sure? (1348 points, 86 comments)
    8. Fried veggie. Actually probably not. (1293 points, 181 comments)
    9. Dude runs right into car. (1292 points, 147 comments)
    10. Dead or freshly planted? (1106 points, 120 comments)
  7. 27727 points, 10 submissions: _Kristian_
    1. POV: You are Indian and downloaded TikTok (9512 points, 686 comments)
    2. Indian man attempts to insurance scam a truck (8174 points, 637 comments)
    3. Indian train video number #173639 (2567 points, 273 comments)
    4. Indian man breaks his neck for TikTok clout (2048 points, 255 comments)
    5. Russian low-budget bungee jump (1992 points, 115 comments)
    6. Damn Indians love playing with death on trains (864 points, 77 comments)
    7. Speeding car falls off flyover in India, hits woman below waiting for the bus (747 points, 80 comments)
    8. Man drops from overpass while getting chased by staff for shoplifting at Forever 21 (687 points, 118 comments)
    9. Window cleaner falls off ladder into opening of flight of stairs (579 points, 66 comments)
    10. Tractor rams a man in India (557 points, 58 comments)
  8. 27174 points, 10 submissions: lxsully
    1. Truck driver speeding towards a crosswalk with two full loads of tree trunks (5822 points, 556 comments)
    2. D or V after elevator goes up 31 floors in 15 seconds in Chile (5064 points, 519 comments)
    3. D or V if a moose does the salsa on your ribcage? (4756 points, 488 comments)
    4. D or V after getting sucker-punched by nature (4237 points, 201 comments)
    5. Rule 6, guys. D or V? (2339 points, 344 comments)
    6. D or soggy V? (ep. 2) (1488 points, 201 comments)
    7. D or V? x26 (1296 points, 141 comments)
    8. D or V after trying to run a red light (1005 points, 117 comments)
    9. He thought he heard something (607 points, 63 comments)
    10. D or V after getting stabbed for no apparent reason? (560 points, 91 comments)
  9. 25281 points, 14 submissions: 9_dani
    1. Man gets on top of train, lights a cigarette. Soon, sparks fly. (6140 points, 428 comments)
    2. Cyclist hit by truck (4576 points, 325 comments)
    3. Villagers “fixing” live electricity pylon (3618 points, 369 comments)
    4. Electrical engineer touches the wrong wire... (2259 points, 263 comments)
    5. Sat on by an elephant (1366 points, 149 comments)
    6. POV bike crash into car (1339 points, 153 comments)
    7. Machinist gets pulled into a lathe (1156 points, 197 comments)
    8. Drunk falls over stair railings down gap between floors (1108 points, 98 comments)
    9. Skier(s) caught in avalanche (742 points, 74 comments)
    10. Tire go zoom (702 points, 58 comments)
  10. 23057 points, 6 submissions: droopydrip1007
    1. Inb4 you watch this 15 times (7272 points, 455 comments)
    2. All aboard! (6156 points, 736 comments)
    3. Like a deer in the headlights (5839 points, 386 comments)
    4. No need to check the mirrors, nobody drives down this road anyway (1347 points, 161 comments)
    5. Bonk! (1233 points, 107 comments)
    6. Street fight ends spectacularly (1210 points, 202 comments)
  11. 23019 points, 8 submissions: BillyManHansJr
    1. Oklahoma Police Officer Shoots Man Holding a Baseball Bat (8759 points, 1502 comments)
    2. Woman Gets Shot After Charging Police Officer With a Knife (5133 points, 814 comments)
    3. Phoenix Police Officer Shoots Man Charging With a Knife in a Parking Lot (4876 points, 699 comments)
    4. Modesto Police Officer Shoots a Man For Pulling a Gun (988 points, 222 comments)
    5. Las Vegas Police Officer Shoots Man Holding a Knife Outside of a Dollar Tree (901 points, 197 comments)
    6. Man Sets Himself on Fire To Protest Against the Indian Government (840 points, 157 comments)
    7. Man Randomly Sets Himself on Fire in Brazil (828 points, 183 comments)
    8. Delaware Police Officer Shoots a Man For Pulling a Knife (694 points, 292 comments)
  12. 21527 points, 7 submissions: Resgignickell
    1. That guy was out of luck (6969 points, 263 comments)
    2. Don't do drugs kids (6773 points, 848 comments)
    3. Unfortunate pole climbing event (3556 points, 283 comments)
    4. That was unnecessary complex (1600 points, 306 comments)
    5. He just wanted to chill (1193 points, 117 comments)
    6. The many dangers of mountain biking (800 points, 147 comments)
    7. A bit bumpy ride (636 points, 49 comments)
  13. 20606 points, 15 submissions: SlaightTheGreat
    1. Guy tries to light cop car on fire (2458 points, 80 comments)
    2. Forklift snaps an object out of the ground and destroys an observer (2016 points, 184 comments)
    3. Zeus is not a soccer fan (1986 points, 227 comments)
    4. Man hits 88 miles per hour (1970 points, 174 comments)
    5. DO NOT PLAY WITH ELECTRICITY (1751 points, 188 comments)
    6. These rides are officially deathtraps (1653 points, 153 comments)
    7. Should have just kept going (1632 points, 68 comments)
    8. These 6 pixels show a man getting dropped by lightning while walking his dogs (1520 points, 72 comments)
    9. Well that was unexpected (1260 points, 156 comments)
    10. She just didn't need this bullshit in her life right now. (Falling glass) (1161 points, 121 comments)
  14. 20510 points, 6 submissions: dantrack
    1. Dov (6956 points, 1046 comments)
    2. Dov (4905 points, 453 comments)
    3. DOV (3293 points, 503 comments)
    4. Dov (2439 points, 208 comments)
    5. DoV (2037 points, 614 comments)
    6. DOA (880 points, 86 comments)
  15. 18976 points, 12 submissions: nycsellit4me
    1. I bet he's thinking...Next time I won't stand so close (4608 points, 587 comments)
    2. I think they hit him a couple of times. D or V ? (4121 points, 1066 comments)
    3. 2 elderly women mowed down in the street D or V? or both? (1626 points, 188 comments)
    4. Watch carefully there is a lot going on (CCTV Birds Eye view) - "Did the subjects die, become a vegetable, or walk away unscathed?" (1575 points, 141 comments)
    5. PSA: The lines on the pavement in the roadway is a designated pedestrian crosswalk. All traffic will come to a complete stop if any person steps off the curb. (D or V? keep in mind it's a heavy truck) (1270 points, 200 comments)
    6. The How to video on getting famous on DeadorVegetable - 1. Buy a scooter 2. Do not wear a helmet. (1192 points, 126 comments)
    7. 1st he does the Starfish and then @ least one shoe went flying (1127 points, 178 comments)
    8. After climbing up an 8 foot ladder, his hands slip he falls and slams his spine into a jacuzzi rockwall (909 points, 86 comments)
    9. Following a brief struggle during an arrest, shot twice by the Police Officer he begs "Please finish me please" (his voice sounds so demoralized) (827 points, 260 comments)
    10. The last thing she heard was the warning horn of impending doom (583 points, 49 comments)
  16. 18186 points, 9 submissions: XFATKILLERX
    1. Russian fall from bridge (6448 points, 853 comments)
    2. Ambulance accident from the interior (2718 points, 113 comments)
    3. Sandwich (2398 points, 171 comments)
    4. Mmmm dead or veggie? (2015 points, 148 comments)
    5. To fast (1462 points, 124 comments)
    6. Cow hits on face a men (896 points, 119 comments)
    7. WTF??what happen? (832 points, 102 comments)
    8. couple run over old woman and then run (815 points, 170 comments)
    9. Speed limit exist for something (602 points, 65 comments)
  17. 18185 points, 7 submissions: Jack_The_Karrigan
    1. 3 Guys Fight, But One Has a Gun (7749 points, 867 comments)
    2. Well That's Most Definitely Painful (5575 points, 460 comments)
    3. In Ottawa, Canada (2023 points, 300 comments)
    4. Oppan Gangnam Style (901 points, 167 comments)
    5. 200 Kilogram Cotton Bale Hits Driver (731 points, 93 comments)
    6. Skiier Takes Painful Plunge (631 points, 100 comments)
    7. Rocks Hit Miner (575 points, 66 comments)
  18. 15895 points, 7 submissions: redddiablo
    1. Crazy drivers (6019 points, 202 comments)
    2. Allow me to help you cross the street madame (3542 points, 153 comments)
    3. Luckily the baby didn’t get hit (2349 points, 129 comments)
    4. This happened 2 days ago in Rotterdam (1411 points, 124 comments)
    5. Not sure what he was thinking (989 points, 102 comments)
    6. Man gets sandwiched (909 points, 141 comments)
    7. Guy volunteers to be a speed bump (676 points, 65 comments)
  19. 14857 points, 4 submissions: l1ld3ath
    1. The ole rope a dope. DoV? (8471 points, 380 comments)
    2. DoV (5181 points, 314 comments)
    3. Does it live? (624 points, 113 comments)
    4. Dead, veggie or Deadgie? (581 points, 78 comments)
  20. 13015 points, 6 submissions: atatbilge
    1. "Yallah" DoV (3934 points, 268 comments)
    2. Clean Veg (2689 points, 144 comments)
    3. D or V (2508 points, 237 comments)
    4. Watch his neck (1646 points, 139 comments)
    5. Fresh one guys ! (1457 points, 151 comments)
    6. Bong (781 points, 153 comments)
  21. 12804 points, 3 submissions: Mirko_88
    1. You spin me round round baby... (6677 points, 500 comments)
    2. Do you see the light? (5353 points, 226 comments)
    3. Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'... (774 points, 82 comments)
  22. 12311 points, 7 submissions: SvSlazer18
    1. Man Initially Walks off Vicious Sword Wielding Attacker, Collapses from His Injuries (6713 points, 448 comments)
    2. Worker Pinned Against Machinery, China (1491 points, 159 comments)
    3. Cat Rescue Ends Badly — Man Cries out in Pain as He Brushes High Voltage Cable (1105 points, 123 comments)
    4. Dump Truck Operator Hit in the Head in Unfortunate Accident (1048 points, 128 comments)
    5. Boiled Vegetables (715 points, 99 comments)
    6. Gas Explosion, China (696 points, 96 comments)
    7. Tree Falls, Lands on Unassuming Bystander (543 points, 39 comments)
  23. 12276 points, 5 submissions: pentarh
    1. Donk (5977 points, 526 comments)
    2. Drunked + grenade (4517 points, 453 comments)
    3. Rebound (671 points, 88 comments)
    4. Yet another biker body met metal. DoV? (564 points, 57 comments)
    5. Yet another carmageddon (547 points, 44 comments)
  24. 11897 points, 4 submissions: Gooch_Butter
    1. Friendly reminder to always wear your seatbelt (6280 points, 562 comments)
    2. "Oy yoy yoy blyat" usually means someone is dead or a vegetable (2211 points, 178 comments)
    3. Two things that don't mix well - China and cheap amusement park rides (2019 points, 188 comments)
    4. Whether he's D or V, at least his face is nice and clean (1387 points, 352 comments)
  25. 11673 points, 9 submissions: Iflookinglikingmove
    1. Snapped chain = Mashed brains? DoV? (5057 points, 541 comments)
    2. First time parasailing. DoV? (1406 points, 287 comments)
    3. BMW rams into protestors in Manhattan. DoV? (1047 points, 339 comments)
    4. Just pumping some gas. DoV? (905 points, 145 comments)
    5. He forgot to look before he leaped. DoV? (731 points, 64 comments)
    6. Well, he stopped the truck. DoV? (657 points, 75 comments)
    7. I think the floor was a little too slippery. DoV? (644 points, 93 comments)
    8. Wrong place, wrong time. DoV? (636 points, 50 comments)
    9. Let's slam your head to the ground to celebrate your wedding. DoV? (590 points, 66 comments)
  26. 11055 points, 2 submissions: askances
    1. DoV: Motorcycle Crash (5991 points, 412 comments)
    2. DoV: Man Burns Himself (5064 points, 634 comments)
  27. 10538 points, 1 submission: sleepysalomander
    1. Like yeah, they might have a bruise and a sore jaw but they aint dead (10538 points, 216 comments)
  28. 10426 points, 3 submissions: OGKYANITE_YT
    1. D o V? Either way, karma bitch. (7472 points, 454 comments)
    2. DoV (1872 points, 236 comments)
    3. DoV (1082 points, 95 comments)
  29. 10344 points, 5 submissions: fortressnight
    1. Yeah I think he become a vegetable (3514 points, 350 comments)
    2. Man gets slammed on the street and repeatedly gets stomped and kicked (3395 points, 622 comments)
    3. Slammed on the hard floor (1624 points, 192 comments)
    4. There’s a dent in his dead D or V (935 points, 94 comments)
    5. At least he wore a helmet (876 points, 75 comments)
  30. 9997 points, 5 submissions: yellayahmar
    1. Glass is 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 heavy... D or V (5390 points, 615 comments)
    2. Last day on the job, falls asleep at work... d0v? (1487 points, 203 comments)
    3. Working with a live wire, D or V...? (1142 points, 132 comments)
    4. Trying to get her shoes down....? 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖔𝖗 𝖛𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 ? (1051 points, 191 comments)
    5. Driver ejected from car in racing crash... (927 points, 106 comments)
  31. 9955 points, 3 submissions: Zachman97
    1. D or V after trying to climb this gate? (5124 points, 659 comments)
    2. D Or V? Guy tries to jump over open mineshaft/ well. (2621 points, 204 comments)
    3. Thai police officer tries to kick a grenade that was thrown at them. (2210 points, 299 comments)
  32. 9606 points, 9 submissions: bcg85
    1. Stealth: 100 (2193 points, 103 comments)
    2. Hit it so hard he knocked it out of gear! (1422 points, 144 comments)
    3. Why use the sidewalk when there is a perfectly good street right here? (1217 points, 108 comments)
    4. Woman pushed onto train tracks by homeless man (1060 points, 150 comments)
    5. Too tired to drive. (953 points, 68 comments)
    6. Dude gets way too fired up. (757 points, 171 comments)
    7. The behavior of some people is just shocking. (734 points, 142 comments)
    8. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. (671 points, 43 comments)
    9. The pressure of this job is overwhelming. (599 points, 57 comments)
  33. 9438 points, 2 submissions: dr__hellspawn
    1. Afghan Army trying to pull off a Mission Impossible. (8785 points, 560 comments)
    2. His footwear disappeared on impact. (653 points, 61 comments)
  34. 9260 points, 1 submission: Thechlebek
    1. bro this is dead or vegetable, not homeinjuries (9260 points, 201 comments)
  35. 9228 points, 4 submissions: Kadolii
    1. Conflict (6187 points, 247 comments)
    2. Waist gone (1229 points, 103 comments)
    3. Misfortune (1168 points, 86 comments)
    4. I wonder why he jumped (644 points, 107 comments)
  36. 9146 points, 3 submissions: Slaapzak_24
    1. Close call I guess? (6905 points, 357 comments)
    2. D or V? (1689 points, 231 comments)
    3. Another one hits the wall (552 points, 59 comments)
  37. 8958 points, 2 submissions: ipqwert
    1. Parachute didn’t opened this time! (7766 points, 676 comments)
    2. Ohh damn d or v? (1192 points, 202 comments)
  38. 8578 points, 1 submission: BunglingBoris
    1. Found on another Sub, DOV (8578 points, 542 comments)
  39. 8545 points, 1 submission: ymbapexd
    1. Man electrocuted by fan (8545 points, 808 comments)
  40. 8529 points, 5 submissions: mydogisonfirehelp
    1. biker crashes right into an ambulance, D or V? (3522 points, 370 comments)
    2. head on collision, D or V? (2211 points, 241 comments)
    3. man walks through a semi trucks blind spot, D or V? (1194 points, 188 comments)
    4. d or v? (835 points, 89 comments)
    5. car hits pedestrian at high speed, D or V? (767 points, 177 comments)
  41. 8367 points, 3 submissions: im-so-offended
    1. Bull riders wild ride...dead or veggie (4207 points, 489 comments)
    2. Full out airplane mode, dead or veggie? (2177 points, 211 comments)
    3. Probably not dead, veggie potential (1983 points, 99 comments)
  42. 8079 points, 4 submissions: highvalyriaan
    1. A new way to burn the virus out of your lungs (5265 points, 264 comments)
    2. When roommates telling you it’s cold (1518 points, 155 comments)
    3. Donut fear the reaper (721 points, 66 comments)
    4. Veggie for sure? (575 points, 87 comments)
  43. 8014 points, 1 submission: Gromann27
    1. He was already a vegetable dammit (8014 points, 507 comments)
  44. 7987 points, 3 submissions: retisk
    1. Didn’t see that one coming (6441 points, 388 comments)
    2. CrossIng four lanes on the motorway. D/V (974 points, 151 comments)
    3. Redneck summer fun DorV (572 points, 48 comments)
  45. 7970 points, 2 submissions: swan001
    1. D or V (5530 points, 451 comments)
    2. D or V? The guy who fell... (2440 points, 260 comments)
  46. 7880 points, 3 submissions: JohnDarkEnergy99
    1. Idk if this been posted before but this guy isn’t smart at all. (4066 points, 127 comments)
    2. Wheelies + Car at highway speed = Disaster (2753 points, 216 comments)
    3. Old Balcony Produce (1061 points, 65 comments)
  47. 7804 points, 1 submission: Hoodrick
    1. 360 noscoped in wedding (7804 points, 1279 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. windowseat4life (6966 points, 240 comments)
  2. AnotherRandomUs (6659 points, 188 comments)
  3. bcg85 (6474 points, 141 comments)
  4. mindaugas_mar (6309 points, 73 comments)
  5. ThrowRA564738925 (6170 points, 186 comments)
  6. vp_spex (5937 points, 64 comments)
  7. BigBrown609 (5751 points, 21 comments)
  8. lxsully (5491 points, 48 comments)
  9. icywoodz (5302 points, 30 comments)
  10. PirateDock (5228 points, 33 comments)
  11. Steakman765 (5219 points, 105 comments)
  12. TheLastCitysDrifter (4850 points, 8 comments)
  13. ThatsMrPooToYou (4740 points, 4 comments)
  14. DiegotheEcuadorian (4737 points, 5 comments)
  15. hondwerpen (4672 points, 33 comments)
  16. angloashanti (4591 points, 49 comments)
  17. Dspsblyuth (4434 points, 44 comments)
  18. whorton59 (4390 points, 275 comments)
  19. feltonpbeaver (4358 points, 29 comments)
  20. all_tha_sauce (4220 points, 84 comments)
  21. KalMusic (4126 points, 4 comments)
  22. LilSkills (4041 points, 134 comments)
  23. Fyroth (3911 points, 4 comments)
  24. Downvoter6000 (3866 points, 3 comments)
  25. JohnnyPrecariously (3830 points, 44 comments)
  26. nostracannibus (3706 points, 53 comments)
  27. onmyknees4anyone (3621 points, 143 comments)
  28. MoSalad (3567 points, 61 comments)
  29. Lusterkx2 (3560 points, 58 comments)
  30. Punishedjuloxx (3485 points, 74 comments)
  31. turtleturtletown (3359 points, 22 comments)
  32. LeakyThoughts (3345 points, 118 comments)
  33. refurb (3343 points, 44 comments)
  34. steve_im-lost2 (3325 points, 28 comments)
  35. felixjawesome (3324 points, 49 comments)
  36. bashfuleve (3316 points, 1 comment)
  37. Xatuga (3303 points, 20 comments)
  38. Bustanut1755 (3293 points, 157 comments)
  39. RIPeepes (3248 points, 24 comments)
  40. Dumpster_Sauce (3232 points, 19 comments)
  41. Jimrodthadestroyer (3224 points, 32 comments)
  42. ZiggoCiP (3167 points, 171 comments)
  43. Advisor_Pretend (3163 points, 106 comments)
  44. Lord_Slong (3128 points, 6 comments)
  45. SubstantialJoke (3108 points, 38 comments)
  46. ZePotato (3108 points, 6 comments)
  47. MikeDAgreat713 (3072 points, 35 comments)
  48. Masol_The_Producer (3005 points, 61 comments)
  49. Azhurkral (2979 points, 7 comments)
  50. totallylambert (2968 points, 51 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. "She ain't got no clip" by windowseat4life (11271 points, 336 comments)
  2. Like yeah, they might have a bruise and a sore jaw but they aint dead by sleepysalomander (10538 points, 216 comments)
  3. POV: You are Indian and downloaded TikTok by _Kristian_ (9512 points, 686 comments)
  4. bro this is dead or vegetable, not homeinjuries by Thechlebek (9260 points, 201 comments)
  5. Standing on a conveyor belt. by BrianGoodwin_ (8882 points, 693 comments)
  6. Afghan Army trying to pull off a Mission Impossible. by dr__hellspawn (8785 points, 560 comments)
  7. Oklahoma Police Officer Shoots Man Holding a Baseball Bat by BillyManHansJr (8759 points, 1502 comments)
  8. Found on another Sub, DOV by BunglingBoris (8578 points, 542 comments)
  9. Man electrocuted by fan by ymbapexd (8545 points, 808 comments)
  10. The ole rope a dope. DoV? by l1ld3ath (8471 points, 380 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 4766 points: deleted's comment in Dov
  2. 4733 points: DiegotheEcuadorian's comment in "She ain't got no clip"
  3. 4468 points: TheLastCitysDrifter's comment in Man electrocuted by fan
  4. 4041 points: ThatsMrPooToYou's comment in D or V
  5. 3550 points: vp_spex's comment in She slipped
  6. 3374 points: hondwerpen's comment in 360 noscoped in wedding
  7. 3316 points: bashfuleve's comment in Standing on a conveyor belt.
  8. 3094 points: Downvoter6000's comment in From minor accident to vehicular manslaughter.
  9. 3076 points: ZePotato's comment in Work accident
  10. 2965 points: MikeDAgreat713's comment in Dov
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i bet you dollars to donuts meaning video

bet dollars to donuts. 1. (idiomatic) To suggest that something is very likely to be true or that one has a strong hunch about something. 1996. "Now I'm willing to bet you dollars to donuts that out of every twenty stills in the county, the ATF boys know, personally, at least nineteen operators." Virginia Lanier, Death in Bloodhound Red, p. 38. A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "bet dollars to donuts" - from the website. Login . you die, I bet you die trying to get some paper (I bet you would die, I bet you would die) Shame shame A fucked up game without the green. Dollars To Donuts is an idiom. The meaning of this idiom is This idiomatic expression is used to suggest that something is very likely to be true or that one is certain about something.. Here you can check out the meaning of Dollars To Donuts. Explore more Idiom Meanings. 'Dollars to doughnuts' is a pseudo betting term, pseudo in that it didn't originate with actual betting involving doughnuts, but just as a pleasant-sounding alliterative phrase which indicated short odds - dollars are valuable but doughnuts aren't. The phrase parallels the earlier English betting expression 'a pound to a penny'. Dollars to donuts that the economy is going to be hit adversely due to fall in prices. Origin. Dollars to doughnuts is one of several ‘dollars to …‘ phrases, like ‘dollars to buttons’ and ‘dollars to cobwebs’, which date from 1884 (in G. W. Peck’s Boss Book) and 1904 (in The Boston Herald) respectively. It is obviously an American phrase and so it is used as donuts rather than its actual notation doughnuts. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. See also: bet someone dollars to doughnuts. bet you dollars to doughnuts. you can bet your bottom dollar (on something) bet on it. a long shot. long shot. long shot, (not by) a. bet dollars to donuts (Verb) To suggest that something is very likely to be true or that one has a strong hunch about something. Related to the earlier 'bet dollars-to-buttons' and 'bet dollars-to-dumplings' that appeared in the 1880s, meaning 'almost certain' because the dollars are bet against something near worthless, and perhaps zero shaped. : : : : Most users maintain that the phrase to "I'll bet dollars to donuts" indicates something is almost certain. If the origin is late 1800s to early 1900s when a dollar was worth a lot and a donut might have cost a penny or a nickel, then the odds would be 100 to 1 or 20 to 1, either way a long shot or something almost certain not to win or happen. bet a dollar to a doughnut ( third-person singular simple present bets a dollar to a doughnut, present participle betting a dollar to a doughnut, simple past and past participle bet a dollar to a doughnut ) ( figuratively, mildly humorous) To declare with confidence . quotations . Bet-dollars-to-donuts. meaning. (idiomatic) To suggest that something is very likely to be true or that one has a strong hunch about something. Related to the earlier 'bet dollars-to-buttons' and 'bet dollars-to-dumplings' that appeared in the 1880s, meaning 'almost certain' because the dollars are bet against something near worthless, and perhaps

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i bet you dollars to donuts meaning

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