Tips to make money by online gambling - TechStory

easiest way to win money online gambling

easiest way to win money online gambling - win

Follow Up to Any Interest

This is my follow up post:
Who am I and what am I doing?
My name is Cam. I’m 20 years old. I’ve been playing competitive magic and collecting for the last 10 years. Magic is a large source of my income, as I buy//sell constantly and I have hit consistently on “specs” and investments. I’m writing this because I’m sick of hearing//seeing people who have no idea what they're talking about, who haven’t actually made a significant amount of money doing it, be the standard of good information within this community. You don’t have to like me. You don’t have to read or listen to me, but I felt as though it would be beneficial to someone out there. I currently own tens of thousands of dollars in cards, and I recently just bought myself a brand new Nissan Rogue from being smart with mtg finance. I figured the best way to do this would be for me to cover one topic at a time, rather than vomiting everything all at once. That way I can judge what I got right, what I got wrong, and I’ll be able to listen to what people want to hear and move forward accordingly. The first topic I figured I’d cover is “Specs”. I will also gladly respond to those with questions, or go into more detail/give examples. I figured for now, the most basic forum of the points I’m trying to get across would be most successful, but I could write pages upon pages of material regarding this.
The best speculations are obvious. They’re not hoarding squirrel cards when they print a new squirrel lord. They’re buying and trading for Gilded Lotus’s when Dominaria hits it’s floor, waiting 2 years and making double your money. They’re not exciting, they’re not guess work, they’re buying good, played cards, when they’re low. It sounds simple, yet people don’t do this.
How do I identify these cards?”
If you’re like me, which maybe you are, maybe you’re not, you don’t play kitchen top magic. I’ve never enjoyed edh, or other casual formats. I have always been a competitive player. I enjoy winning. What I came to realize when first stepping into magic finance is that people like me are the minorities. We are the outliers. The majority of people who play this game play for fun with their friends, or play weekly at their local shop, game club in school, etc. They don’t travel to events or grind PTQs online. As such, the biggest money maker in this game are the cards those people value. Once I came to that realization, everything got much easier. I started to pay attention to the edh table at the back of my shop, and I started to listen to what and how those players talked about magic. Now how do you identify those cards? If you are a casual player yourself, this may be easier for you, because chances are if you deem a card “good”, there are thousands of other players who think like you. For me, there's a few major categories when trying to identify cards, and I will lay them out for you. Before I do, I need to mention that with my speculations, they are not quick flips. Like I said in the beginning, I’m not trying to gamble on a hot card that I think will make me money in the next 2 weeks. I want to play the 1 to 3 year game. This is ultimately the best way to make money off of individual cards. Anyways, here are some of the key categories:
Obviously price is an important category when trying to make money off of anything. What’s important to note here however, is that casual players have a price cap. Edh players, and those who play kitchen table magic for fun, are not going to spend 30 dollars regularly on a card. They’re just not. Will they spend 5? 7? Maybe even 10? Sure. The 2-5 dollar price range is the sweet spot when targeting specs, with the expectation that a 2 dollar card, will become a 4 dollar card, and a 5 dollar card, will become a 10 dollar card. It’s important to realize when a card is out of that sweet spot, and how much a card has to grow left realistically.
This is important because of the price gap I mentioned in the previous section. Causal players do not like spending a lot of money on single cards. Cards that are not unique, they will find substitutions for. When you look at the super expensive edh and casual cards, they are cards that A. either see play elsewhere, or B. can’t be substituted by another card. For example of B, look at Smothering Tithe.
Casual players and newer players especially like cards that are “cool”. They like cards that wow their friends or have some factor about them that is aesthetically pleasing. This is why Gigantosaurus, despite being unplayable in every situation ever, will never go below a dollar. It’s why every Nicol Bolas ever will be worth something. There are hundreds of cards like that out there, that will forever be safe havens for your money, and will forever sell. It’s important to identify these sorts of cards within the floor of each set, because these are some of the types of cards that will see the most growth the next 2-4 years after print. These are the kinds of cards that casual players WILL put money into. To them these sorts of cards are collection corner stones, and big ticket items.
Cards that will be in the format and decks for a long time or forever. Mana rocks, like Gilded Lotus, or Chromatic Lantern for example. Both of those cards were printed in a standard set in recent times and those should’ve been some of the easiest cards to identify when they were 2-3 dollars respectively as money makers. They print cards like them consistently that over time will follow the same price graph as those cards.
Lastly, but most importantly, you need to be able to make money off your cards. A lot of people like to say they have x dollars in cards. However cards are worth nothing until you turn them into cash. Whether that is on Facebook, Ebay, Tcgplayer, or Buylists, it doesn’t matter. You need an outlet to get rid of your cards, and the cards you spec on you need buyers for. This is why quick flips are not successful, and why you can't usually make more than 100 bucks on them. Buying 100 copies of a zombie card because they printed a new zombie lord only to sell to 10 people who want to build a zombie deck, and another 5 people doing what you’re doing, isn’t going to make you money. It’s going to leave you with 85 copies of that new zombie card, which you’ll be forced to hold onto, or sell to a buylist for less than you paid for. The same is true for a lot of speciality cards. It’s why Foreign cards on Tcgplayer are often much much cheaper than English copies. People buying cards don’t want them, and if that card ever goes anywhere in price, it's going to be really hard for you to get out of 100 Chinese copies of it. There just isn’t that large of a market share to sell to. Foils nowaday also follow this. Normal foils just aren't worth much, because those who want foils, want the extended art or alternate art versions instead. The only reason you buy foils is to bling out your deck so to speak, and if you're going to do that, you’re going to buy the most blinged versions. If you’re not buying those, you probably don’t want foils, so this leaves the basic set foils a lot of times selling for less than the non foil set versions.
How much do I buy of a certain card?
There’s a lot of questions you need to ask yourself when buying to spec. The first is how much money can you realistically afford to spend. I will say this here and I will say it seriously. Do not invest in magic if you can’t afford to. The great thing about magic compared to other hobbies, is that it’s incredibly liquid, meaning you can get out at any time and expect somewhat close values to what your cards are worth. That being said, it doesn’t make it smart to choose to put your money there, as opposed to bills, or paying off loans etc. Take care of that first, and if you want to put extra money into this hobby, by all means go for it. The next question is what are your goals? Do you just want to make the game more affordable, or are you trying to just purely make money? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you act on buying. Just like you don’t go into a gym and start picking up random weights and doing random exercises, the same is true when buying cards. If you’re buying to make money, personally I buy as much as I can. That doesn’t mean every dollar in my bank account, and it doesn’t mean buying anything. Every card I spend money on, I take time with the decision, and I have confidence in. I spend money I’ve made from other successful cards, and put it back into cards I believe will be successful in the future. This is the best way to create growth from my experience. If you’re just trying to make your hobby cheaper, maybe this just means knowing when to buy the cards you want, or what you should be trading cards you don’t want for in order to maximize those cards values at some point in the future to get cards you do want. Each person is going to be different, and the biggest thing is to ask yourself what you’re doing reading this, and what you hope to get out of this for yourself.
Thanks for reading, I’d love to talk, and hear whether or not you want more of this kind of material. Should I go deeper into stuff, and is there anything specific you want me to talk about next post? Maybe anything else I missed here, etc. Like I said, I could write for hours about any of this stuff, as it’s how I have made most of my money as a 20 year old college student. Thanks
submitted by Federal-Figure-6574 to mtgfinance [link] [comments]

login Joker and Dari Slot Machine For Internet Casinos

If you are looking for a good site to do some slot machine gambling online, then look no further than a login joker388 review. We have all done it at one time or another; we were at the casino or at home and found ourselves in the place where we just wanted to hit two or three jackpots. We are not usually the first ones to get there or to win the money, so the place becomes a hive of activity with everyone trying to join in on the fun. This can often lead to some people getting into trouble with the police for gambling money or other illegal activities.
The login joker388 is a very popular online casino that is one of the favorites of many players. There are many different games that can be played, such as poker, blackjack, baccarat, keno and roulette among others. It also features a video slot machine that can give players hundreds of dollars in as little as fifteen minutes. The baccarat game is a favorite at this casino, which you can try for yourself by playing a game for real money. You might be surprised to learn, however, that it is actually one of the easiest games to play.
A game that you may want to try are the blackjack games that the login joker388 site has to offer. Blackjack is probably the most popular game at this casino, with over ninety percent of all players winning money on a regular basis. You will need to know the basic strategy for blackjack before you start, so if you are not sure what you are doing, I would suggest that you stick to playing the simpler versions until you can master the trickier versions. The basic strategy for blackjack involves playing for the long term and bluffing as soon as you see that your opponent is throwing up the white flag. This means that you should be prepared to lose a lot of money, but since blackjack is a game of probability, you should also have an idea of when you are likely to win. Once you have the basic strategy down, you should try the other versions of the game.
Another game that you may find interesting are the online versions of the casino's other popular games: the card games Yodlee and Layaknya, which are known collectively as the Baccarat game. The login joker388 site boasts that this version of the game is far more exciting than the regular version because of the wild card shuffling that players must use to come up with more combinations. These wild card shuffles are used to make the game more exciting than it already is. If you like the excitement this offers, then you will love playing the card games, which you can do while you are having fun at the casino bar.
The login joker and dari slots are great games to play during your casino visits. In the regular version of these games, there are five different colors of chips that are used, which must be mixed using a machine that works via a spinning wheel. The colors used in the traditional version of the slots are green, red, blue, orange and black. You can choose which color your chips are by how many coins are rolled over the course of a single spinning cycle, and then you can use those colors to place your bids. In the online version, however, you will be given two different colors. These chips will still be used in the same way, but the only difference is that you will be able to select from the many colors of chips in the virtual slot.
The login joker and dari slot machines offered by the website are supported by software that has been designed by a professional arcade game designer, who is a member of Slicks Inc. This software allows for all of the characteristic features of the traditional slot machine games, such as random number selection, reel spin, bonus games, jackpot games and progressive betting. This software also offers a feature that allows the players to increase their chances of winning the jackpot prize by bidding higher than the current bid amount by using coins bought with real money or through the payment of a withdrawal fee. The login joker and dari slot joker are one of the slot games offered on the site, and is a popular choice among visitors to the site.
submitted by dekiyi to LoginJokerDari [link] [comments]

Playing Free Slot Machines in Asia

To increase your chances of winning at slot machines located in Asia, the best way is to search for slot machine online casinos that offer the biggest prize and the biggest incentives. Playing slot machine games in Asia has grown in popularity over the past few years. As more people from all over the world begin to visit the casinos and live-in in internet cafes in Asia, they are also beginning to try slot machine games. Some people prefer to play slots in Asia because there is a large prize and a lot of cash prizes available. In addition, because slot machines are offered by online casinos in Asia, slot machine games are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
In most cases, slot Asia online casinos do not require any sort of membership fee or membership sign up. However, there are a few online casinos that require a deposit bonus when you play their slot games. Some casinos have a maximum daily deposit bonus amount. To get the largest bonus amount, it is advised that you play slot games for a long time in order to maximize your earnings. In order to find out which casino in Asia offers the biggest deposit bonus, the easiest way to find out is to log onto the website of a slot game in Asia and then follow the instructions that are provided.
Once you have located the casino that you wish to play slot games, you can then download the free money slot Asia online software. Once you have downloaded the software, you will then be ready to start playing your favorite online slot games. In most cases, you can play as many times as you want, and you will never be asked to pay additional bank fees or registration fees to play online slot games. You are actually allowed to play slot games as much as you like as long as you are not located in a country that prohibits online gambling.
It is important to note that most casinos in Asia offer a free spins only slot machine online that offers players the chance to win real cash. If you are looking to download slot machine games for free to play with, it is advisable that you select the highest paying machines that you feel will be beneficial to you. In some cases, these high-paying slots are located on casino websites that are specifically aimed at casino enthusiasts. For example, there are websites that allow players to download slot machine games for free and play for up to one hour each day. The highest paying slot machines are often featured on these websites.
Once you have been given access to these free slots machines through the casino websites that feature them, you will find that they function exactly like the ones you would find in a real casino. For example, you can press the "red light" button in order to reveal bonus reel contents and you will find that jackpots of several thousand Euro are available. When you play slot machine games using the free spins offered by the online casinos, you will notice that you do not stand a slim chance of winning real money from these games. This is because you do not know which of the slot machine games will pay out more when you win. It is important to read all of the information provided on the website in order to determine how much the slot machine will pay out when you win.
In the case that you are looking to download free slot machine games for your personal use, you should bear in mind that they can be addictive and this can lead you to become frustrated. This is why it is important that you take your time when selecting websites that offer these free downloads. You should also ensure that you read all of the instructions on the casino websites in order to ensure that you will be able to play the games of your choice while ensuring that you will not become too addicted to them. As with any other type of casino game, you can play slot machines Asia for real money or play virtual slots. However, you should ensure that you play your slot games in the casinos that host such slot games in Asia for you to experience the benefits of playing these slot games in Asia.
submitted by tecif to FreeSlotMachinesAsia [link] [comments]

Enjoy The Game And Earn Money At The Same Time

The casino is a new addition to the list of online casinos in Las Vegas. You are basically allowed to play this casino via the use of your credit card. But in case you would like to play the slot machines in a more secure manner, you can get help from a guide that will give you tips on how to beat the odds. The Jokers is one of the hottest slots at the casino and many players find this one of the easiest slots to play. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you are on a budget and can't afford to spend a fortune playing slots, then the Jokers is the best option for you. There are two types of slots that you can choose to play at the Jokers; the progressive and the straight.
The slot game is considered as the most popular of all the slot games available on the internet. It is the closest in nature to land-based slots. If you are familiar with the mechanics of the land-based slots, then you will be able to understand what the slot game entails. When you play the joker games, you will not have the opportunity to make mistakes while playing the game. This is because there is a limit on the number of bets that you can make while playing the game.
When you place your bet, you will have the opportunity to win a jackpot of $10k. This means that the odds of winning are almost 0.1%. If you play the joker123 slot machines in a proper manner, you can almost ensure that you will hit the jackpot. There are many things that you need to keep in mind when playing the slot joker games online. One of the most important tips is to ensure that you read the instructions carefully before you start gambling. You need to learn about how the joker games work before you get into the act.
There are many people who do not understand why they should not indulge in these games when they are offering huge jackpots. In fact, many experts suggest that playing these slot machines is one of the best ways for you to earn some extra money. Playing these games online will allow you to experience the thrill of gambling without having to leave your home. In fact, you can play your favorite joker games all by yourself and you can earn money while you are enjoying your favorite activities.
You can find a number of online casinos that offer slot joker123 slot machines. However, you need to make sure that the online casino that you choose offers this slot machine for free. There are some online casinos that provide free slots but you might not be able to access them. You need to carefully look for online casinos that offer joker games for free so that you can enjoy your favorite slots games without spending any money.
Once you find a reliable joker game slot website, you can start playing the slot games on the website. You can also use the feature of the chat to interact with other players who are also using the same gambling platform as you. This will help you learn more about the different gaming platforms and choose the one that is suitable for you. In fact, it will also help you find a reliable online casino. After you have found the right online casino, you can start making money while enjoying the most enjoyable casino game.
submitted by jigolayht to Joker12300 [link] [comments]

My problem gambling story from mid 20's dude

Thought I'd share my story on a throwaway account.
I'm a dude in his mid 20's. I got addicted to gambling at some point and started going there more and more often. During the worst of it, I went 3-4 times a week and stayed for hours on end. My most terrible memory is me playing 6 hands of Blackjack (going black every time) and missing. After blowing $2k, I go to the ATM and withdraw another $2k for another big final hand and put that on black too. It was red again (7th time in a row). The dealer then did an extra spin with no one betting and it landed on black finally. I still remember how shit I felt that night leaving my friends, going home, crying myself to sleep and feeling depressed for the next month.
Overall, I must have lost $15-25k total as my regular sessions I took in $400 - $1200, usually leaving with none. I actually vaguely recall only a few winning sessions (my biggest winning session was $650). My last session live session was 8 months ago (2 blackjack hands at $100 each and lost). My last online session was 6 months ago.
COVID has helped me avoid the casino since and I have decided to never go back again after doing some financial analysis of my spending and realising the casino is how my salary is getting crushed. In reality, I will still gamble but with very sensible risk.
Some things that have helped me:
  1. Avoid friends who like to go to the casino or tell them you will never go again. The easiest way I was dragged back in is when someone convinces me to go.
  2. Have the mentality that you are spending 100% of the amount you enter the casino with. You aren't gambling or making money. You are spending on entertainment at a high price! Seriously this tip helps a lot, whenever I consider gambling somewhere I say wait this is a scam why would I do it. Consider cocaine and hookers instead, probably more fun and cheaper.
  3. Associate the casino with a scam, this helps a lot. Keep repeating how its a scam, all machines are rigged and only an idiot would get scammed like this. While this may not be true in the long run you'll lose all your money so it is a scam.
  4. Find cheaper ways to enjoy the thrill. I still like gambling but gambling $50 on a sports game every 4 months is different than spending $1k on slots 3 times a week. Over the last 8 months, I spend $50 on an online poker casino and bet $20 on the US election. Overall a small amount relative to my salary which I can afford to lose. Win or lose here doesn't matter but its a bit of fun to be had.
Anyway, I rambled on a lot there and still disappointed in myself that I gambled so much money away. Thankfully it didn't ruin my life and if I now am responsible and gamble only a $50 here and there for fun and thrills it won't matter if I lose or win and I can live happy the rest of my life.
submitted by throwaway_N32 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Spin Casino - free spin no deposit bonus (Multi Win Wheel)

Spin Casino - free spin no deposit bonus (Multi Win Wheel)

Spin Casino Free Play and Bonus Wheel
Get one no deposit free spin on Multi Win Wheel at Spin Casino! Here you can win up to 100 extra free spins on Microgaming slots and a $1000 free money bonus on all games, including jackpots and live dealer. Are you ready to spin and win with us?
>> Grab Your Free Chances and Bonuses <<

Claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €400,-

At Spin Casino you will also be welcomed with a generous deposit bonus. Every new player can claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €400,-. You can trigger this bonus by making a minimum deposit of €10,-. This means Spin Casino will double every deposit you make between €10,- and €400,-. When you for example make a €150,- deposit, you will receive a €150,- bonus. In this case, you can start playing with a €300,- total balance. On top of this, you will receive the money you have collected during your 50 free spins.
Bonus funds at Spin Casino are subject to a 50 times wagering requirement. This wagering requirement is only for the bonus, and not for the deposit. When you for example make a €100,- deposit, you will get a €100,- bonus. In this case, you will need to wager 50 x €100,- = €5.000,-. All bonus money you win during your free spins will also be subject to a 50 times rollover requirement. In the bonus terms and conditions on the promotions page, you will find all the important terms and conditions. Below we have summed up to most important ones.

Significant bonus terms and conditions

  • New customers only;
  • 18 years and older;
  • Minimum deposit amount to trigger bonus is €10,-;
  • Maximum bonus is €300,-;
  • All deposit bonuses have an x50 wagering requirement;
  • Only available first 7 days after opening account;
>> Grab Your Free Chances and Bonuses <<

Reload your account with two €300 match-up bonuses

In addition to a generous €400,- welcome offer Spin Casino offers you the chance to reload your account with a bonus twice. During both your second and third deposit you can claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €300,-. This offers you the chance to grab another €600,- in bonuses. All in all this means you can claim up to €1.000,- in bonuses at Spin Casino.
Please note the welcome offers at Spin Casino are only valid during the first 7 days counting from the day you have opened your account. The reload bonuses are available for all new customers who make a deposit of €10,- or more. The reload offers are also subject to a 50 times wagering requirement. Have a look at the bonus terms and conditions for more information.

Significant bonus terms and conditions

  • New customers only;
  • 18 years and older;
  • Minimum deposit amount to trigger bonus is €10,-;
  • Maximum bonus per deposit is €300,-;
  • All reload bonuses have an x50 wagering requirement;
  • Only available first 7 days after opening account;
>> Grab Your Free Chances and Bonuses <<

Game portfolio Spin Casino

At Spin Casino you will find a wide range of casino slots. All in all the casino offers over 600 Microgaming slots. This includes all popular titles such as Thunderstruck, Break da Bank, Immortal Romance, and Ariana. When you launch the ‘’Vegas’’ part of Spin Casino you will find more slot games. This includes the full line of NetEnt slots. These amazing slot games are very popular with desktop and mobile players. A few of the most played NetEnt slots are Starburst, Jack Hammer, Gonzo’s Quest and Steam Tower. When you open the lobby you will be able to view the full line of available video slots.

Table games

Spin Palace offers besides slots various other quality online casino games. You will for example be able to hit it big on one of the many Microgaming progressive jackpot slots. All of these jackpots can get huge and some of them even exceed 10 million euros from time to time. Some of the most popular jackpot slots at Spin Palace are;
  • Mega Moolah;
  • Cash Splash;
  • King Cashalot;
  • Major Millions;
  • Tunzamunni;
In addition to these titles, Microgaming offers loads of other jackpot games such as Fruit Fiesta, Jackpot Deuces, LotsaLoot, Poker Ride, and Treasure Nile. You will be able to enjoy these jackpot slots on any type of device. Although this is the case I think most players prefer to play these on desktop. The main reason for this is that the older design of most of these games doesn’t really show well on mobile screens.
One other game type where Microgaming is famous for are table games. In the lobby you will find a very extensive list of table games. These games usually offer interesting payouts and high RTP’s. Because of this, they are popular with most high rollers in online casinos. Some of the most popular games in Spin Palace Casino are;
  • Blackjack;
  • Baccarat;
  • Roulette;
  • 3 Card Poker;
  • Craps;
  • Hold’em High;
  • Red Dog;
And there is plenty more. Only Blackjack is already available in Atlantic City, Classic, Spanish, European, and Vegas Strip style. On top of this the game portfolio offers many variety games such as Card Climber, Flip Card, High Speed Poker, Multi Wheel Roulette and Cyberstud. You can enjoy most of these games using a limit varied from €2,- up to €1.000,- per hand. This makes them perfectly suitable for players with both a small and big gambling budget.

Video Poker

You will find video poker games at most online casinos and Spin Palace is no exception. This is a good thing since many online players love to play these types of games. All in all Spin Palace offers a portfolio of around 30 different video poker games. This includes different variants of video poker such as ‘’gold series’’ and ‘’multi-hand’’. Below you will find an overview of some of the available games. Enter the lobby to have a look at the full range.
  • Aces & Eights Poker
  • Aces and Faces
  • All Aces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better Poker
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces & Joker Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker

Live Casino

While collecting your deposit bonuses at Spin Casino you will also be able to play a thrilling collection of live casino games. Spin Live is home to the full range of live dealer games by Evolution Gaming. This includes the traditional table games, but also the newer exciting game shows. The more traditional games include Live Blackjack, Live Roulette, and Live Baccarat. On top of this, you can play the Lightning version of some games which enhance the maximum win up to x500 per number. The selection of game shows offers more fun orientated games including Live Dream Catcher and Monopoly Live. I recommend launching Spin Live to view the full range of available games.

Sports and e-sports betting (in-play)

To provide you in all your gambling needs Spin also offers Spin Sports, Spin In-Play and Spin e-Sports. Using Spin Sports you can place bets on upcoming sports events. Since the sportsbook offers the most dynamic markets you will be able to enjoy great odds at any time. The sportsbook offers a wide range of sports to bet on. This includes Football, Tennis, Basketball, American Football, Hockey and more. Because of this you will be able to bet on all huge sporting leagues. Some of the most popular sports events are the NFL Championships, the Australian Open, the Premier League, FA CUP and UFC. When you open your free account at the sportsbook today you will be able to enjoy a free bet up to €200,-.
Using Spin In-Play you can bet on sports events that happen right now (live). This section of Spin is getting more and more attention lately. The main reason for this is that they offer a wide range of markets to bet on. In addition to this odds are above the market standards and the amount of sports events is increasing every month. As a new customer, you can also enjoy a free bet up to €200,- at Spin In-Play. Terms apply.

Significant bonus terms;

  • Only available during your first deposit;
  • New customers 18+ only;
  • The maximum value of your free bet is €200,-;
  • Minimum deposit of €10,- is required.
  • Wagering requirement is x5 at minimum odds of 1.3;
One last piece of the Spin platform I would like to mention is Spin e-Sports. Although e-Sports is still an upcoming phenomenon in online betting it is already available at Spin. You can now bet on various international gaming events. Some of the most popular games to bet on are Counter-Strike, Overwatch, League of Legends, Starcraft, Dota 2 and Rainbow Six. Spin e-Sports always offers the best available odds and many secure payment options. This makes it a great choice for everyone who like to try a bet on their favourite gaming events. All e-Sports bettors are now also eligible to claim a €200,- free bet during their first deposit.
>> Grab Your Free Chances and Bonuses <<

Mobile gambling

People who enjoy some mobile action from time to time won’t be disappointment at Spin Casino. Using your smartphone or tablet you can easily get access to the mobile casino. This includes Android, iOs and other types of devices. In the mobile casino, you will find the regular selection of games and all the other functionalities. This includes slots, table games, live casino games, and betting. You can also make easy and secure deposits and withdrawals in the mobile casino. This ensures you will always be able to enjoy some spins while on the go or during your lunch break.

Loyalty Club; Enjoy many rewards at Spin Casino

From the moment you start playing at Spin Casino you will be able to collect points for the available loyalty program. Using the loyalty program you can enjoy many benefits and exclusive rewards. Every time you wager money on any of the available games you will be collecting points. These points are exchangeable for bonus credits. You can use these bonus credits to play games in the casino for free. In addition to these bonus credits you will also be able to enjoy;
  1. Tailored bonus offers just for you;
  2. Faster ways of earning new loyalty points;
  3. A dedicated account manager;
  4. Quicker support and fasted payments;
Depending on how often you play at Spin Palace you will be able to reach various loyalty levels. New players will be in the bronze loyalty tier. After this tier you can upgrade to the silver, gold and platinum tier. On top of these regular loyalty levels there are two more very exclusive loyalty levels. Players who reach the Diamond or Privé levels will enjoy countless benefits. When you sign up your account now and deposit you will be awarded with a Loyalty boost of 2.500 points. Claim them now to reach the bronze level.


A unique thing about Spin Palace is that the casino is available in countless languages. This makes the casino customer-friendly and understandable for players from across the globe. The main language of the website is English. But by using the menu you can switch to other languages. Spin Palace for example offers its website in France, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Latvian, Japanese, Thai, Greek, Arabic, Korean and Lithuanian. In addition to this most international languages are available for specific countries. Spin Palace for example offers Canadian English, New Zealand English and Irish. In my opinion, it is very user friendly that the casino has translated their website into so many different languages.


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submitted by freispiele to u/freispiele [link] [comments]

Some trading wisdom, tools and information I picked up along the way that helped me be a better trader. Maybe it can help you too.

Its a bit lengthy and I tried to condense it as much as I can. So take everything at a high level as each subject is has a lot more depth but fundamentally if you distill it down its just taking simple things and applying your experience using them to add nuance and better deploy them.
There are exceptions to everything that you will learn with experience or have already learned. If you know something extra or something to add to it to implement it better or more accurately. Then great! However, my intention of this post is just a high level overview. Trading can be far too nuanced to go into in this post and would take forever to type up every exception (not to mention the traders individual personality). If you take the general information as a starting point, hopefully you will learn the edge cases long the way and learn how to use the more effectively if you end up using them. I apologize in advice for any errors or typos.
Introduction After reflecting on my fun (cough) trading journey that was more akin to rolling around on broken glass and wondering if brown glass will help me predict market direction better than green glass. Buying a $100 indicator at 2 am when I was acting a fool, looking at it and going at and going "This is a piece of lagging crap, I miss out on a large part of the fundamental move and never using it for even one trade". All while struggling with massive over trading and bad habits because I would get bored watching a single well placed trade on fold for the day. Also, I wanted to get rich quick.
On top all of that I had a terminal Stage 4 case of FOMO on every time the price would move up and then down then back up. Just think about all those extra pips I could have trading both directions as it moves across the chart! I can just sell right when it goes down, then buy right before it goes up again. Its so easy right? Well, turns out it was not as easy as I thought and I lost a fair chunk of change and hit my head against the wall a lot until it clicked. Which is how I came up with a mixed bag of things that I now call "Trade the Trade" which helped support how I wanted to trade so I can still trade intra day price action like a rabid money without throwing away all my bananas.
Why Make This Post? - Core Topic of Discussion I wish to share a concept I came up with that helped me become a reliable trader. Support the weakness of how I like to trade. Also, explaining what I do helps reinforce my understanding of the information I share as I have to put words to it and not just use internalized processes. I came up with a method that helped me get my head straight when trading intra day.
I call it "Trade the Trade" as I am making mini trades inside of a trade setup I make from analysis on a higher timeframe that would take multiple days to unfold or longer. I will share information, principles, techniques I used and learned from others I talked to on the internet (mixed bag of folks from armatures to professionals, and random internet people) that helped me form a trading style that worked for me. Even people who are not good at trading can say something that might make it click in your head so I would absorbed all the information I could get.I will share the details of how I approach the methodology and the tools in my trading belt that I picked up by filtering through many tools, indicators strategies and witchcraft. Hopefully you read something that ends up helping you be a better trader. I learned a lot from people who make community posts so I wanted to give back now that I got my ducks in a row.
General Trading Advice If your struggling finding your own trading style, fixing weakness's in it, getting started, being reliably profitable or have no framework to build yourself higher with, hopefully you can use the below advice to help provide some direction or clarity to moving forward to be a better trader.
  1. KEEP IT SIMPLE. Do not throw a million things on your chart from the get go or over analyzing what the market is doing while trying to learn the basics. Tons of stuff on your chart can actually slow your learning by distracting your focus on all your bells and whistles and not the price action.
  2. PRICE ACTION. Learn how to read price action. Not just the common formations, but larger groups of bars that form the market structure. Those formations carry more weight the higher the time frame they form on. If struggle to understand what is going on or what your looking at, move to a higher time frame.
  3. INDICATORS. If you do use them you should try to understand how every indicator you use calculates its values. Many indicators are lagging indicators, understanding how it calculates the values can help you learn how to identify the market structure before the indicator would trigger a signal . This will help you understand why the signal is a lagged signal. If you understand that you can easily learn to look at the price action right before the signal and learn to watch for that price action on top of it almost trigging a signal so you can get in at a better position and assume less downside risk. I recommend using no more than 1-2 indicators for simplicity, but your free to use as many as you think you think you need or works for your strategy/trading style.
  4. PSYCOLOGY. First, FOMO is real, don't feed the beast. When you trade you should always have an entry and exit. If you miss your entry do not chase it, wait for a new entry. At its core trading is gambling and your looking for an edge against the house (the other market participants). With that in mind, treat as such. Do not risk more than you can afford to lose. If you are afraid to lose it will negatively effect your trade decisions. Finally, be honest with your self and bad trading happens. No one is going to play trade cop and keep you in line, that's your job.
  5. TRADE DECISION MARKING: Before you enter any trade you should have an entry and exit area. As you learn price action you will get better entries and better exits. Use a larger zone and stop loss at the start while learning. Then you can tighten it up as you gain experience. If you do not have a area you wish to exit, or you are entering because "the markets looking like its gonna go up". Do not enter the trade. Have a reason for everything you do, if you cannot logically explain why then you probably should not be doing it.
  6. ROBOTS/ALGOS: Loved by some, hated by many who lost it all to one, and surrounded by scams on the internet. If you make your own, find a legit one that works and paid for it or lost it all on a crappy one, more power to ya. I do not use robots because I do not like having a robot in control of my money. There is too many edge cases for me to be ok with it.However, the best piece of advice about algos was that the guy had a algo/robot for each market condition (trending/ranging) and would make personalized versions of each for currency pairs as each one has its own personality and can make the same type of movement along side another currency pair but the price action can look way different or the move can be lagged or leading. So whenever he does his own analysis and he sees a trend, he turns the trend trading robot on. If the trend stops, and it starts to range he turns the range trading robot on. He uses robots to trade the market types that he is bad at trading. For example, I suck at trend trading because I just suck at sitting on my hands and letting my trade do its thing.

Trade the Trade - The Methodology

Base Principles These are the base principles I use behind "Trade the Trade". Its called that because you are technically trading inside your larger high time frame trade as it hopefully goes as you have analyzed with the trade setup. It allows you to scratch that intraday trading itch, while not being blind to the bigger market at play. It can help make sense of why the price respects, rejects or flat out ignores support/resistance/pivots.
  1. Trade Setup: Find a trade setup using high level time frames (daily, 4hr, or 1hr time frames). The trade setup will be used as a base for starting to figure out a bias for the markets direction for that day.
  2. Indicator Data: Check any indicators you use (I use Stochastic RSI and Relative Vigor Index) for any useful information on higher timeframes.
  3. Support Resistance: See if any support/resistance/pivot points are in currently being tested/resisted by the price. Also check for any that are within reach so they might become in play through out the day throughout the day (which can influence your bias at least until the price reaches it if it was already moving that direction from previous days/weeks price action).
  4. Currency Strength/Weakness: I use the TradeVision currency strength/weakness dashboard to see if the strength/weakness supports the narrative of my trade and as an early indicator when to keep a closer eye for signs of the price reversing.Without the tool, the same concept can be someone accomplished with fundamentals and checking for higher level trends and checking cross currency pairs for trends as well to indicate strength/weakness, ranging (and where it is in that range) or try to get some general bias from a higher level chart that may help you out. However, it wont help you intra day unless your monitoring the currency's index or a bunch of charts related to the currency.
  5. Watch For Trading Opportunities: Personally I make a mental short list and alerts on TradingView of currency pairs that are close to key levels and so I get a notification if it reaches there so I can check it out. I am not against trading both directions, I just try to trade my bias before the market tries to commit to a direction. Then if I get out of that trade I will scalp against the trend of the day and hold trades longer that are with it.Then when you see a opportunity assume the directional bias you made up earlier (unless the market solidly confirms with price action the direction while waiting for an entry) by trying to look for additional confirmation via indicators, price action on support/resistances etc on the low level time frame or higher level ones like hourly/4hr as the day goes on when the price reaches key areas or makes new market structures to get a good spot to enter a trade in the direction of your bias.Then enter your trade and use the market structures to determine how much of a stop you need. Once your in the trade just monitor it and watch the price action/indicators/tools you use to see if its at risk of going against you. If you really believe the market wont reach your TP and looks like its going to turn against you, then close the trade. Don't just hold on to it for principle and let it draw down on principle or the hope it does not hit your stop loss.
  6. Trade Duration Hold your trades as long or little as you want that fits your personality and trading style/trade analysis. Personally I do not hold trades past the end of the day (I do in some cases when a strong trend folds) and I do not hold trades over the weekends. My TP targets are always places I think it can reach within the day. Typically I try to be flat before I sleep and trade intra day price movements only. Just depends on the higher level outlook, I have to get in at really good prices for me to want to hold a trade and it has to be going strong. Then I will set a slightly aggressive stop on it before I leave. I do know several people that swing trade and hold trades for a long period of time. That is just not a trading style that works for me.
Enhance Your Success Rate Below is information I picked up over the years that helped me enhance my success rate with not only guessing intra day market bias (even if it has not broken into the trend for the day yet (aka pre London open when the end of Asia likes to act funny sometimes), but also with trading price action intra day.
People always say "When you enter a trade have an entry and exits. I am of the belief that most people do not have problem with the entry, its the exit. They either hold too long, or don't hold long enough. With the below tools, drawings, or instruments, hopefully you can increase your individual probability of a successful trade.
**P.S.*\* Your mileage will vary depending on your ability to correctly draw, implement and interpret the below items. They take time and practice to implement with a high degree of proficiency. If you have any questions about how to do that with anything listed, comment below and I will reply as I can. I don't want to answer the same question a million times in a pm.
Tools and Methods Used This is just a high level overview of what I use. Each one of the actions I could go way more in-depth on but I would be here for a week typing something up of I did that. So take the information as a base level understanding of how I use the method or tool. There is always nuance and edge cases that you learn from experience.
I use the above tools/indicators/resources/philosophy's to trade intra day price action that sometimes ends up as noise in the grand scheme of the markets movement.use that method until the price action for the day proves the bias assumption wrong. Also you can couple that with things like Stoch RSI + Relative Vigor Index to find divergences which can increase the probability of your targeted guesses.

Trade Example from Yesterday This is an example of a trade I took today and why I took it. I used the following core areas to make my trade decision.
It may seem like a lot of stuff to process on the fly while trying to figure out live price action but, for the fundamental bias for a pair should already baked in your mindset for any currency pair you trade. For the currency strength/weakness I stare at the dashboard 12-15 hours a day so I am always trying to keep a pulse on what's going or shifts so that's not really a factor when I want to enter as I would not look to enter if I felt the market was shifting against me. Then the higher timeframe analysis had already happened when I woke up, so it was a game of "Stare at the 5 min chart until the price does something interesting"
Trade Example: Today , I went long EUUSD long bias when I first looked at the chart after waking up around 9-10pm Eastern. Fortunately, the first large drop had already happened so I had a easy baseline price movement to work with. I then used tool for currency strength/weakness monitoring, Pivot Points, and bearish divergence detected using Stochastic RSI and Relative Vigor Index.
I first noticed Bearish Divergence on the 1hr time frame using the Stochastic RSI and got confirmation intra day on the 5 min time frame with the Relative Vigor Index. I ended up buying the second mini dip around midnight Eastern because it was already dancing along the pivot point that the price had been dancing along since the big drop below the pivot point and dipped below it and then shortly closed back above it. I put a stop loss below the first large dip. With a TP goal of the middle point pivot line
Then I waited for confirmation or invalidation of my trade. I ended up getting confirmation with Bearish Divergence from the second large dip so I tightened up my stop to below that smaller drip and waited for the London open. Not only was it not a lower low, I could see the divergence with the Relative Vigor Index.
It then ran into London and kept going with tons of momentum. Blew past my TP target so I let it run to see where the momentum stopped. Ended up TP'ing at the Pivot Point support/resistance above the middle pivot line.
Random Note: The Asian session has its own unique price action characteristics that happen regularly enough that you can easily trade them when they happen with high degrees of success. It takes time to learn them all and confidently trade them as its happening. If you trade Asia you should learn to recognize them as they can fake you out if you do not understand what's going on.

TL;DR At the end of the day there is no magic solution that just works. You have to find out what works for you and then what people say works for them. Test it out and see if it works for you or if you can adapt it to work for you. If it does not work or your just not interested then ignore it.
At the end of the day, you have to use your brain to make correct trading decisions. Blindly following indicators may work sometimes in certain market conditions, but trading with information you don't understand can burn you just as easily as help you. Its like playing with fire. So, get out there and grind it out. It will either click or it wont. Not everyone has the mindset or is capable of changing to be a successful trader. Trading is gambling, you do all this work to get a edge on the house. Trading without the edge or an edge you understand how to use will only leave your broker happy in the end.
submitted by marcusrider to Forex [link] [comments]

Make a shit-ton of money promoting online casinos

So, for those of you who are familiar with REALLY black hat affiliate marketing this wouldn't be a huge surprise, but still.
Basically, i think i found the ultimate way to promote online casinos as an affiliate and make huge amounts of money with it, and basically this is by turning lots of people into temporary (or not so temporary) gambling addicts.
Is this immoral? I'm a diagnosed sociopath and i couldn't care less, we're all adults and we're all responsible for our decisions. Is this illegal? No.
Basically, let's first analyze what a gambling addict is and HOW HE THINKS:
The key factor that distinguishes a gambling addict from an enthusiast is that the addict genuinely thinks he can beat the game, he thinks he knows what the next card coming out the deck is going to be, he thinks he knows that the next roll of the slot machine is going to be the one etc.
So, how do you turn random people into gamblers? You PROVE THEM you found an actual method to actually beat the game, and you prove it in an incontestable way just so that nobody can prove you wrong. This is going to cost you some money btw, let's say 500 bucks, but you'll make a lot more in a day so...
Basically, here's what you do:
1) You create a fake Baypal balance, just log into your Baypal account and select the values, right click, then "inspect". Now you can edit whatever you want and create a fake balance showing fake payments from whatever company you want (name of the casino, will explain later, but you have to put money in the casino, lose some, and then get it back on Baypal so that you know the exact name that will appear when you receive payments). This would only be illegal only if you were selling the method, but you're going to give it away for free (because it's not a method) so no worries.
2) Once you have the fake Baypal set up you record the screen and start talking, say stuff like "Hey everyone i'm recording this video to show you this INSANE method i just found to make money online, i wouldn't believe this because they told me it was a method to make a lot of money easily, but i tried it and wow, this is crazy. BLA BLA BLA. I'm a MATH graduate and i couldn't get a job anywhere, let alone a well paid job. BLA BLA BLA."
3) You then start talking about the money you made while moving your cursor ONTO the numbers so that people will see it's not a screenshot that you could've photoshopped because the page is interacting, because it's a real page, just edited. You basically just say stuff like “so you can see my balance now is 36k which is not all the money i made in this past month/month and a half, you can see i received these payments here, i was testing it first, made the first 221,64 bucks here, then 743,85 (remember not-so-perfect numbers have more impact), then i started doing this seriously and we got to 4k, 13k, and 28k today.”
4) You then keep talking for a bit about how crazy this is and it has changed your life, make sure the whole talk lasts about 3-4mins, then say “let’s not waste any time here, let me show you how this works”. And you stop recording. This will be the first part of the video just save it as it is, you’ll find out why later.
5) Open up whatever online casino you’re going to promote (will discuss on how to get your affiliate link later) on which you already loaded 50 euros or dollars, then start recording again, this will be the second part of the video, but people will not even notice the cut.
Say “this method works in online casinos. Okay i know what you’re thinking, don’t worry this is not one of those black-red tricks that don’t work, they’re scams and we all know that, this is a new method and works, as you saw on my Baypal, but i will show it to you live. Please remind most online casinos are not functional for this method because they will find a way to block you after you keep winning all the time, check the description for the link to this one that i’m using which is the very best. so, let’s go to the roulette section and pick french roulette. this is our workplace, i guess everyone knows how roulette works, but here we’re not trying to get lucky, we’re following a precise sequence which is this one *show sequence image at this point* (which is basically Red Black Red Red Black Black in cycles) and i’ll put a link for this too. Here’s how it works:”
So, you have to apply this cycle while placing your bets, this cycle actually kinda works, but it just makes your chances of winning slightly above 50%, it’s nothing special, but looks like it. What you do is you keep betting the colors of the cycle all the time, while explaining what you’re doing with confidence, betting 0,10€ at a time, saying this is exactly where you started from. If you win you place the minimum bet again, if you lose you double up, if you lose again you double up again, but you keep following the sequence as a cycle.
Explain that this is the classic double-up, but it’s very different because YOU HAVE A PRECISE SEQUENCE THAT CAN’T BE REVERSE-FOLLOWED ALL THE TIME, and thus is 100% winning, all of this while proving it, while still suggesting the more you bet the more money you make.
This might go very wrong and you’d end up wasting 50€, if that happens (took me 6 trys, 300€, to get the right one) record this part of the video from scratch and load 50 more euros, as i said this will cost you money. When you get the right shot and get to let’s say 51€, point out that you just made 1€ in a couple mins, starting from 0,10, which is A LOT, point that out clearly.
6) If step 4 went correctly now say “so, i think you’ve figured out how this works but let me prove you this works for real, i’ll set a stopwatch, do it for a while speeding up the video so that you see what i’m doing, and i’ll be right back” then proceed to activate a stopwatch, go back to the casino page for a couple seconds and CUT the video.
7) Now, in post-production, you’ll take the part where you explained the method and use that video while speeding it up very quickly.
8) Go back to the casino, try until you win one bet so that it will show (that’s really hard to edit), then edit your balance to around 56€. Start the stopwatch again from 0:00, and go back to the casino page.
9) When 5 mins or so have passed start recording FROM THE CASINO PAGE, go the the stopwatch, stop it, and say “so that was 5 mins”. Go back to the casino page and show you are now at 56€, say “we made 5 more euros, and that was 5 minutes, let’s calculate how much WE WOULD’VE MADE if i kept going for an hour.” Pull out whatever calculator you want and divide euros by minutes (in this case 5 divided by 5, could be different in your case depending on what you decide to do) in this case it will show 1€ a minute, multiply x60 and say “guys, 60€ an hour, i know people are getting jobs for like 7€ an hour or less, let’s see how much that’d be if i kept doing it for 8 hours, that’s 480€. In a few days that will be a month of salary, and that’s with 0,10 bets, can you imagine what that would be if we made 1€ bets? this is insane.”
10) Pull out a table you previously created, showing bets, expected earnings and SAFETY RATIOS (totally made up).
Basically, 0,10 lost bets doubling up 9 times (which will look very very rare if step 4 went correctly) will require a 51,20€ balance for ABSOLUTE certainty, 25,20€ for VERY GOOD CERTAINTY and 6,40€ for GOOD CERTAINTY, create the rest of the board according to other bet options. Then on a side of the board show hourly and monthly potential earnings working 2 hours a day, so let’s say 60€ an hour as in hour example (point out that you usually go faster than what you did during the chronometer) and this will result in 3.600€ a month with 2 hours a day.
Explain the table and talk about the great earnings you can achieve with just 0,10 bets or 0,20 bets with just 2 hours a day, and then talk about the earnings you can achieve with higher bets, that REQUIRE CERTAINTY. Say “How do you get certainty, with a higher balance, here’s what we have, for 0,10 bets 6,40€ is good certainty, 25,20 is very good certainty and 51,20 is absolute certainty”. Suggest people to do 1€ bets (that require 512€ for absolute certainty) because they will be able to make 36k a month with just 2 hours IF THEY DO THIS SLOWLY, one hour if they do it faster. Keep discussing the huge earnings they can achieve, and point out you achieved a lot more and that the table underestimates it, as they saw in your Baypal. do some small talk for a while, the whole videos should be 15-20mins long.
11) End the whole video by saying “guys, i’m not joking this is for real, you’ve seen my Baypal, you’ve seen me do this right in front of you, it works, you’ll see for yourself, i’ll put the WEBSITE LINK (avoid saying “go play now” or phrases that directly encourage gambling) and the FREE DOWNLOAD link for the sequence in the description, i changed my life and got my dream life and you can do this too, dreams are not dreams anymore, they’re goals that you can achieve, bye!”
So, this is how you create the gambler-maker video that will turn random people into real gamblers. The cool thing is that the lowest “absolute certainty” balance is 51,20 but they can’t deposit 51,20 because they will be able to deposit 50, so if they comment the video saying they lost their money say the didn’t listen to you and needed 51,20. They will then refill their balance. Lots of people will do the same with the 512 balance. Delete upset comments if they don’t take any “advice” and place some “this changed my life” and “1000€ in 2 hours easiest money of my life” comments with fake profiles during the first week or two.
Most online casinos will pay you a 20% commission on deposits when you’re first starting out as an affiliate and will go to even 300% CPA on deposits, meaning a 500 deposit will make you a 1.500€ commission, or something like that depending on the one you choose.
The problem with them is that they will be very upset if they found out you’re promoting their casino this way (but will enjoy the money) so before you apply for their affiliate program here’s what you do:
You go to Blu3host and purchase 2 domains and hosting for each, about 70 bucks for each (will last 1 year) call one something like “makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and the other one “casinofunreviews(DOT)c0m”.
Use Blu3host because it has integrated wordpress.
Log into casinofunrevi3ws(DOT)c0m and log into wordpress, go to plugins and search for “pretty links” install that plugin (the logo is a start with blue lines behind it like a comet) what this plugin does is it CLOAKS your link, not for people, but for the casino, this is to make sure the casino thinks you’re promoting them in a legit way. Anyway, with the Prettylinks plugin you can create redirects like “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” will immediately redirect to the casino with your affiliate link, you can figure this out very very easily when you have Prettylinks in front of you.
Now, you still don’t have your affiliate link so you’ll only do this when you get it, here’s what you do. Click on “add post” and write a post about a game like “book of ra” making a fake review saying it looks good and it fun to play overall and rate it 7/10 or something and bla bla bla, add a picture of it and that’s it. Do this for a couple more games always WITHOUT ENCOURAGING GAMBLING, they have to look like posts aimed at sunday-gamblers who do it for fun.
When you ask for your application as an affiliate they will ask you for an url, send them your perfectly legit friendly gambling blog (casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m) when they approve you and you get the link create the redirect like casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino or something like that
Now go to your other domain (makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m) and basically only write one post writing “link to the website” (create hyperlink to your redirect link, NOT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK, so that the text “link to the website” sends to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino) and “link to the sequence” that you will upload somewhere for free download and create an hyperlink for that too.
In the video description type “for the website link and download link click h3re: makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and they will land on your website that just presents them the 2 hyperlinks and that’s it. Perfect.
Then go back to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m and create a new post and talk about the casino you’re an affiliate of, review it and say it looks very good, good design and all and very fun games, and create an hyperlink for it in the post, right on their name, like, if the casino’s name is “bananacasinogummybear” you write “so, i’ve recently played some games on bananacasinogummybear…. bla bla bla” and the hyperlink sends to “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” AGAIN.
The purpose of all this thing is that the casino will see where the new subscribers come from, if you put the redirect right on youtube they’d know you’re using youtube, and they would only have to google the link to find your video. If you do this like i explained to you they will see the traffic is coming from the super legit blog you showed them. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT.
So, this was my very black hat and highly manipulative way to make lots of money quickly af (just create a fake fb profile, search gambler-games-related pages and add a few people and post a status saying “i will post a video showing you a crazy method to makes lots of money, ask your dearest friends to add me” and keep adding people too, just spam a bit, it will go kinda viral very quickly (because the method kinda looks like it really works, but it doesn’t, so people will be sharing your video even after trying for themselves)
Make sure you make the youtube video “not listed” if you want to be really safe, because even thought this is legal it’s really immoral, and i suggest you to take it down after you made enough money to start a morally legit business, make sure the video doesn’t go super viral or you’ll be forever known in history as the scammer guy, trust me, you might end on tv sooner than you think, so make sure you take everything down if the views start getting out of hand, and my best advice is to take it down anyway after making 200k out of this, that’s enough money to start an insanely profitable online business very easily, a business that would make you 50k a month too, but morally.
I don’t care about morality, but being tagged as a scammer won’t be good for you, so avoid that at all costs.
Enjoy the money you’ll be making by tricking a casino into thinking you're just an amateur blogger who has fun playing games while in reality you're turning strangers into gambling addicts (even tho most people will quit after wasting a grand or so, sometimes less, a grand could be 3k commissions for you tho) and don’t start gambling yourself, the method doesn’t work, i can guarantee, just looks like it if you’re lucky enough to get it on video. it’s just like the dudeperfect videos or the yeahigotskills guy, those are not 1st try shots, but look like it.
ONE LAST THING: make sure you crop the video so that it doesn’t show the url of the casino so that even the smart guys will have to click on your link, when they get there they will just be too lazy and join through your affiliate link anyway.
submitted by MrRob20 to ImmoralHussler [link] [comments]

Slotland Casino - no deposit bonus, free spins, promo codes

Slotland Casino - no deposit bonus, free spins, promo codes

Slotland Casino Review & Free Chip Bonuses
Get $38 FREE BONUS (no deposit required) when you register your account with Slotland Casino! This casino is available for players from the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe. Enjoy Provably Fair Gaming with cryptocurrencies!
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About Slotland Casino [REVIEW]

Slotland is a highly experienced and enjoyable online casino that specializes in slots and video poker games. They have been in business since 1998 which is extremely impressive and it is clear that they are offering a superior product at this point in time. This popular online casino is owned by Slotland Entertainment S.A. which is a well-known gaming company that also owns their sister site WinADay.
Not only does Slotland make their own games, but you will never find these unique titles on any other gambling site. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key ingredients that Slotland is made of and try to figure out why it is that they have been successful for so many years.

Reputation of Slotland

Players Not Accepted: BY, CN, CZ, FR, ID, IN, KZ, LT, LV, MY, PT, RU, SK, TR, TW, UA and VN
Even though they have been in operation since 1998, it appears as if Slotland has made its way onto a couple of blacklists across the internet. When we investigated the casino further, we found that this was simply because their progressive jackpot video poker games play like slot games, and their old roulette games were apparently broken in a way that was unfair to players.
With that being said, there are a ton of gamblers who still enjoy their experience with Slotland and they don’t even offer any roulette games anymore. They are licensed and registered by the Government of Anjouan, which we have to admit we have never heard of before today. This might be because the only online casinos that they have licensed are Slotland and their sister casino WinADay.
After more research we found that this small island off of the southeastern corner of Africa has apparently licensed more than 300 offshore banks as well, so we feel that they are a relatively trustworthy entity. In addition to this, they also are responsible for issuing brokerage licenses, finance licenses, and insurance licenses. The only red flag that we can find is that there is zero information available on the internet about complaint and dispute resolutions from their operations.
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Software and Client at Slotland

There is no downloadable software to worry about on Slotland since every game is accessible via web browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Once you make an account and make your way to the game library on Slotland you simply need to click on the yellow “Instant Play” button that is underneath each game to give them a whirl. Unfortunately, there is no option to practice these games for free like most other casinos offer.
Before you begin to play these games you will be prompted to decide whether you wish to allow Adobe Flash Player to open the game. If you do not wish to use Adobe Flash Player, some games will allow you to play the HTML version of the game. Playing on the HTML version will not change the games in any way except that the graphics will be much less impressive. We are shocked at how colorful and clear all of the games are when played in Adobe Flash player since it might be some of the best graphics we have ever come across.
It seems as if the best way that Slotland could improve their software is to add in some more games since there are currently only 61 games in total. This is far below the industry standard, but they more than make up for this deficiency with eye-popping graphics and the fact that you can only find these games on Slotland.

Slot Games at Slotland

Slot Providers: Slotland Entertainment (Proprietary) Slot Betting Limits: $0.01 to $8.50
There are a total of 50 slot games available on, which is far less than we expected from a casino that has “Slot” in their name. However, the quality of these games and their graphics is extremely high so we will give them a pass for valuing quality over quantity.
The number of reels that you will find in these slot games ranges from 3-reels to 9-reels. The number of paylines that you will find ranges from 8 paylines to 40 paylines.
Many of these slot games share a progressive jackpot which is also shared with the video poker progressive games. Even the games that are not participating in the progressive jackpot appear to come with a ton of bonus features which keeps the games fun and your potential earnings high. A great example of this would be the Zodiac game which does not have a progressive jackpot but still comes with FOUR bonus features.
We are extremely impressed by the innovative nature of some of these games since some of them do not appear to be your usual average slot game. For example, Slotris incorporates the game of Tetris into their slot and your spins determine the shape of the piece that drops next. Another example is the Slot 21 game which incorporates a blackjack mini-game into the slot game.
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Table Games at Slotland

It is clear that Slotland does not feel that table games are an important part of an online casino since they left them out entirely. Whether they are correct about that or not is undetermined, but they do offer one slot game which has a blackjack mini-game built into it.

Baccarat at Slotland

Sorry, Baccarat fans. You will not find any sort of Baccarat games on Slotland Casino.

Blackjack at Slotland

Types of Blackjack Offered: Slot 21 You will not find any traditional blackjack games at Slotland Casino since they do not appear to be very fond of table games in general. However, one of the slot games named Slot 21 comes with a bonus blackjack game for those who are really itching to test their luck at this popular two-card table game.

Roulette at Slotland

If you are looking for roulette games, you will have to take a spin at another casino since Slotland does not currently offer any.

Video Poker Games at Slotland

Video Poker Games Offered: Jacks or Better, Double Bonus Poker, Aces & Eights, Deuces & Joker Wild, All American, Tens or Better, Joker Wild, Jacks or Better Progressive, Wild Heart, Striking 7’s Video Poker Betting Limits: $0.10 to $25 per hand
Video poker games are clearly the second most popular game that you can find on Slotland and nothing else really comes close. While you will find classic video poker games such as Jacks or Better and Double Bonus Poker, you will also find unique games that are tough to find on other casinos such as Wild Heart or Striking 7’s.
One of the most exciting parts of this collection of video poker games is that some of them come with a progressive jackpot attached to them. For example, Striking 7’s and Jacks or Better Progressive currently share a progressive jackpot of over a quarter of a million dollars which can only be won by hitting a natural royal flush while simultaneously betting the maximum amount of $10 per hand.
However, you should be warned that the odds of winning the jackpot are not the same as the odds of hitting a natural royal flush. Considering the fact that you need a natural royal flush to win the jackpot, this means that the game designers altered the odds to make these video poker jackpot games more like slot games, which is why some review sites have chosen to blacklist Slotland.

Specialty Games at Slotland

Keno 101 is the only game you will find on Slotland which is neither a slot game nor a video poker game. This popular lottery-style game simply requires you to pick what numbers you think will be the winners and also comes with a Quick Pick option which will select random numbers for you. You can bet anywhere from $0.50 to $10 per round.

Live Dealer Games at Slotland

Sorry folks, you won’t find any Live Dealer games in the game library of Slotland. If you can’t live without having a human dealer while you play, you can check out our list of highly recommended brick-and-mortar casinos here.
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Mobile Games at Slotland

There is no mobile app available on Slotland, but you can access the casino through your mobile web browser. All you need to do is download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to your phone, visit and then log into your account to begin playing.
The devices that you can use to access their website include iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and Wii consoles. We have never seen a Wii console as an option for an online casino so we give them props for being so innovative in this area.
As is the standard for mobile versions of online casinos, you will not be able to access every game that you normally would from a computer. In fact, the only type of games that you can play on your mobile device will be slot games. However, you will still be able to redeem any bonuses from your mobile device without any issues.

Welcome Bonus at Slotland

The welcome bonus promotion at Slotland gives new players a chance to claim up to $1,075 in bonus funds over the course of their first TEN deposits. This might seem like a lot of deposits, but the level of investment that is required is relatively low compared to other casinos.
On your first deposit, you will be greeted with a 100% match bonus up to $100, since $100 is the maximum deposit for your first three deposits. On the second and third deposits, you will be granted a 50% match bonus for up to $50 in bonus funds each time. For the seven deposits that follow those, you will be rewarded with a 50% match bonus on a maximum deposit of $250 each time. When all is said and done, you will need to deposit a total of $2,050 to receive a total of $1,075 in bonus funds.
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Other Promotions at Slotland

Once you have already taken advantage of the Welcome Bonus, you might be wondering what else Slotland has in store for you. The rest of their promotions program involves a tiered VIP, a ton of deposit bonuses, a weekly raffle drawing, and a unique newsletter which provides bonuses to its readers.
This is a fairly well-rounded list of bonus promotions, and if you combine that with the low playthrough requirements on every single bonus it is clear that this program is superior to that of most online casinos. We are extremely impressed with the effort that they have put into giving back to their regular players and highly recommend getting involved with as many of these promotions as possible.

VIP Program

The VIP Program on Slotland provides frequent gamblers with a way to win extra match bonuses, a subscription to the VIP newsletter, higher chances in the weekly draws, and special VIP customer service. The three VIP levels that currently exist are Bronze Level, Silver Level, and Gold Level.
Unlike other casino VIP programs, you will not belong to any VIP level when you first sign-up on Slotland. Once you have deposited at least $3,000 they will consider adding you to the Bronze Level, although this is not guaranteed to get you in since they use other unspecified criteria to decide who qualifies. The final level, otherwise known as the Gold Level, will provide you with 15% cash back, a $200 welcome bonus, a 200% match bonus in addition to all the other perks that Bronze Level players receive.
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Newsletter Bonuses

Slotland is smart to realize that most people do not read newsletters that come from online casinos, so they decided to add some incentives to get people to do so. By checking out the monthly newsletter that is posted right on their website, you will be able to find out what the game of the month is and exactly what perks come from playing this game.
Usually, the prizes for this promotion include a match bonus that you can claim twice per day using the code “GOTM” as well as a random cash drawing. For every 100 rounds you play on the game of the month, you will receive a ticket into the random cash drawing where $600 is up for grabs among the four players whose tickets are chosen. Every month these prizes will change and so will the game that you must play to clear the playthrough requirements, so be sure to keep an eye out for any new newsletters that pop up on their site.

Monthly Mystery Bonus

The monthly mystery bonus is another promotion that utilizes the monthly newsletter since the only way to earn this bonus is to play in the mini-slot game that can be found there. The only catch is that you must redeem this bonus during the first seven days of the month in question.
The results of your spins on the mini-slot game will decide which reload bonus will be waiting for you during the following month. The reload bonus that you are given will range anywhere from 30% to 100% for players with a low VIP status while the more experienced VIP players will be rewarded with a bonus that is anywhere from 45% to 150% of their deposit.
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Weekday Bonuses

No matter what weekday it is, there is guaranteed to be a deposit bonus that you can claim as long as you currently do not have any other active bonuses. Each bonus comes with its own wagering requirements and is only valid for specific types of games.
On Mondays, you will receive a 50% match bonus using the bonus code “50MOBILE” and you are only allowed to play slot games on your mobile phone. On Tuesdays, you will receive a 60% match bonus using the bonus code “KENO60” and you must clear this bonus using the game Keno 101. On Wednesdays, the match bonus is set at 75% and you have to clear the bonus using oldies slot games such as Booster, Golden 8, Lucky Ducts, and Lucky Stars. For Thursdays, the match bonus will be 40% if you use the bonus code “VPOKER” which can only be cleared using video poker games. Lastly, Fridays will reward you will a 50% match bonus that can be cleared using any slot game of Keno game.

Weekly Free Draw

For every dollar you deposit during any given week, you will be rewarded with one raffle ticket into the weekly free draw. Each Wednesday, a total of 20 players will be chosen to receive prizes and you will have to check your email to see if you won. The first place prize is an impressive $500 while 2nd through 10th place will receive $100 and 11th through 20th place will receive $10. If you are a winner, you will be required to wager your prize 1x before you can withdraw any of the money.
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Bonus Terms and Conditions at Slotland

Each bonus promotion on Slotland comes with a different playthrough requirement which is specified on the webpage that is dedicated to that specific promotion. These playthrough requirements appear to range anywhere from 1X to 18X, which is EXTREMELY easy compared to other casinos. In fact, this might be the easiest playthrough requirements that we have ever seen since most casinos set their requirements between 30x and 60x. There also appears to be a very lenient timeframe in which you have to complete these requirements since 90 days is more time than most casinos will give you.
However, just like on most other online casinos, not every game will contribute equally towards clearing the playthrough requirements for each bonus. In fact, the only type of game which will count 100% of your wagers are slot games. Keno will contribute 50% of your bets towards the wagering requirements, video poker games will contribute 20%, and roulette games will contribute 1%.
One strange clause in these terms and conditions that we have not seen before is that any players from the countries of Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania or the United Kingdom will have playthrough requirements that are 5x as hard as normal. For example, if the playthrough requirement for a specific bonus is originally 10x, players from these countries will need to wager 50x their bonus amount before they withdraw funds.

Customer Support at Slotland

Customer Support Options: Email, Live Chat
There are two ways to contact the customer support team at Slotland and the only key ingredient they seem to be missing is a telephone contact method. However, the Live Chat feature works INSTANTLY whenever the Live Chat button is yellow and says “Live Support Online”. Despite the fact that they advertise 24/7 customer service, this button is sometimes grey and says “Live Support Offline”, so you will need to use email in those instances.
Speaking of email, there are numerous email addresses that you can use to contact them and you will normally receive a response in under an hour which is relatively fast for this method. The email address that you choose to contact will be decided by the issue that you need to speak to them about. For general inquiries, you can contact them at [email protected]. For billing inquiries, you can contact them at [email protected]. Finally, any VIP players will be permitted to contact them at [email protected] which has a quicker response time guaranteed.

Deposit and Withdrawals at Slotland

Minimum Deposit: $25 Maximum Deposit: $100 ($250 after your first three deposits) Deposit Methods: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller Withdrawal Methods: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Check, Wire Transfer, Skrill, Neteller
If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast, then you will truly appreciate the fact that Slotland accepts three different forms of this digital currency. While it is normal to see Bitcoin on the list of deposit options for an online casino these days it is equally abnormal to find sites that accept Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash.
All deposit methods will be completed instantly and free of charge. They also have the exact same minimum and maximum limits. The only real difference between the cryptocurrency methods, e-wallet methods, and the bank card methods is that your bank might charge an international transaction fee of up to 10% if necessary since all transactions are processed in U.S. dollars.
If you plan on taking advantage of any of the deposit bonuses that we listed in the promotions section above, you will need to enter your bonus code BEFORE making a deposit. You can do this by clicking on the “Bonus Code” option on the side menu once you access your account cashier.
Once you are ready to withdraw the funds that are in your Slotland account there is a total of seven methods that you can choose from. Each of the methods that are available to players from the U.S. comes with a minimum withdrawal limit of $100, which is a little high considering the fact that the minimum deposit is $25. Players from other countries will be able to withdraw a minimum of $25 by using Neteller or Skrill.
When you choose Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Bitcoin Cash as your withdrawal option, your transaction will be processed the very next business day. This is much faster than the check or wire transfer withdrawal methods which will take 5-10 days to process and receive. Therefore, we recommend using one of Slotland’s supported cryptocurrencies so that you can take advantage of the high level of efficiency that these three coins offer. On the other hand, players from other countries will be able to take advantage of the 24 to 48-hour processing times of Skrill and Neteller.
In the event that you have a lucky day and win more than $5,000, you will need to make special arrangements to withdraw your money in increments. The best way to do this is to email them at [email protected] and they will work with you to figure out a payment plan.
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Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic Casino Free Bonus & Review
Receive $25 FREE when you sign up with Slotastic Casino! This exclusive free chip bonus requires a promo code that you can find under the link below. Additionally, new players to Slotastic Casino get a 100% bonus on deposit, extra free spins, and cashback. Players from the USA welcome!
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Slotastic Casino Full Review

As the brand name itself indicates, Slotastic is an online casino with a central focus on slots. Despite this, the website offers some gaming variety as its library also features a number of table games, video poker, and casino specialties.
This is a RealTime Gaming-powered casino that welcomes customers from all over the world, including the United States. The casino’s About Us page tells us Slotastic appeals to a motley customer base, consisting of more than 1 million registered players since its launch in December 2009.
The casino is home to more than 300 games available for play on desktop computers via its download platform. There is also a native Android app while iPhone users can access Slotastic in their browsers. Slotastic grabs the attention with a flashy yet organized lobby and an intuitive cashier that supports some of the most common banking methods in the world, such as Visa, Skrill, and Neteller. Similarly to other US-friendly gambling sites, this one, too, allows for payments via cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.
The casino maintains the interest of its players by providing them with a great variety of promotions and bonuses, including several welcome offers. Let’s dive deeper into the bonuses awaiting new Slotastic players.
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Slotastic Bonuses and Promotions

Slotastic poses as a great online gambling destination for bonus seekers who insist on having a wide choice of limited-time and ongoing promotions. These include free spins on exclusive slots, instant cashbacks, bonus matches on deposits, and a great loyalty scheme.
New customers can make a pick from three different welcome bonuses. The first offer is geared toward the preferences of slot buffs. It consists of 117 free spins on RealTime Gaming’s classic Bubble Bubble.
This bonus is awarded for deposits of at least $25 with the promo code BUBBLETASTIC. It appealed to us because there are no restrictions on the maximum winnings you can cash out. However, you need to wager the winnings amount at least 10x before you ask for a withdrawal. You can use this bonus code a single time only.
The second option newcomers at Slotastic have is a 150% welcome bonus of up to $300, granted on their first deposits of $25 or more with the promo code WINTASTIC. The bonus is valid on first deposits only and is intended for free play on the available slots and keno games.
It has wagering requirements of 30x the bonus and deposit amounts. There is no maximum cashout limit on the winnings you can withdraw. Only the slots, the scratchcards, and the keno games contribute toward the playthrough, but you cannot use the bonus credits to participate in the slot tournaments for free. The value of each free spin is limited to $0.01 per active line. Bubble Bubble is a 50-line slot, which is to say your bets should not exceed $0.50 per spin.
All bingo and table games like craps, baccarat, casino poker varieties, roulette, and blackjack are excluded. If you play them, the casino will terminate your bonus. The same goes for the video poker varieties which are also blocked from bonus participation. Maximum wagers with an active bonus in your account should not exceed $9.99 or else the winnings will be voided.
The third welcome option is geared toward the needs of new players who are looking to make their first deposits with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. They can receive a 250% up to $1,000 in free credits in exchange for a minimum deposit of $25 via Bitcoin. The code for this one is BTC250.
The terms coincide with those for the other deposit-match offer, i.e. the bonus is subject to wagering of 30x its amount plus the deposited sum. Only slots, scratchcards, and keno have a contribution (of 100%) toward the playthrough. There is a maximum bet restriction of $9.99. Players from the following locations are not entitled to welcome bonuses – Sweden, Bulgaria, Belarus, Indonesia, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Russia, and Mauritius.
If these perks fail to satiate your appetites for free reel spinning, you can redeem more free spins for the slot Hen House on a daily basis, i.e. once you have finished wagering your welcome bonuses. Players get 10 free spins for a deposit of $10, 20 free spins for deposits of $20, or the maximum of 50 bonus spins for deposits of $50 or more.
You must use the SPINTASTIC promo code in the cashier. Wagering of 30x the winnings is applicable, with max bet restrictions of $0.02 per active payline. The casino’s terms state no maximum cashout applies to this offer.
In addition to these gifts, Slotastic treats reel spinners to a great range of limited-time deposit bonuses, cashbacks, and free spins. As a matter of fact, there are so many offers, it would be next to impossible to cover them all here. It is best for interested players to regularly visit the casino’s cashier where you can see all the bonus coupons that are currently available.
There is also a three-tiered loyalty program you automatically become a part of upon registration. The casino rewards customers with 1 comp point for every $10 they bet on the website. The points can be converted into free credits at a rate of 100 points for $1. Respectively, you need to generate at least 100 points before conversion is possible.
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Slotastic Software Providers

If there is one thing most US-friendly online casinos have in common, it must be the software they run on. Slotastic utilizes the software platform of a single supplier, the well-known RealTime Gaming. This is a company with over 20 years of experience in the field of casino solutions development.
The casino boasts a well-designed website that enables you to browse the different gaming categories and locate all the important information with ease. The lobby pretty much has the standard RealTime Gaming interface. After you log in, you get to see the categories of Slots, Table Games, Video Poker, Specialties, Progressives, and Favorites.
The current value of the progressive prizes is displayed in the jackpot meter under the main menu. You can access the cashier with a single click of a button and get to see your available balance at all times. Several useful buttons take you to the live chat facility, the promotions page, and your notifications.
Slotastic gives its players a choice from several options. Customers who intend to play on Microsoft Windows-based desktop computers can download and install the casino’s software, which, unfortunately, is not compatible with any other operating systems. Mac users can load the lobby and the games straight in their desktop browsers.
The casino works just fine in the browsers of smartphones and tablets running on Android and iOS. You can access it in any browser, be it Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari as long as it is up to date and your wireless connection is reliable enough. Slotastic has also released a dedicated application for Android. You can download it from the casino’s website for free.

Slotastic Banking

Banking is one of the aspects where Slotastic Casino definitely bears improvement. We would like to see more deposit and withdrawal options added in the future as befits an operator that supports play from most countries worldwide.
For the time being, Slotastic customers can make deposits with commonly available payment solutions such as credit cards by Mastercard, American Express and Visa, e-wallets by Skrill, ecoPayz, and Neteller, the prepaid Paysafecard, Neosurf, and the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin.
EasyEFT is also available but can be used by players from South Africa only. Another option is to call customer support on the number we have provided in the table above. The support agents will help you deposit over the phone. No additional costs are associated with the deposits.
The minimum and maximum limits depend on the deposit method you use. You can top up your account with $25 to $500 with the credit cards or deposit anywhere between $5 and $2,000 with e-wallets like ecoPayz.
Deposits with Paysafecard can range between $5 and $300 while those made with the Neosurf vouchers have limits of $10 and $250. Cryptocurrency depositors must comply with limits of $25 and $2,500.
There are but a few options where withdrawals are concerned. Players can cash out the wins from their Slotastic accounts with Bitcoin, MoneyGram, ecoPayz, Skrill, Neteller, checks or wire transfers. The minimum limits on withdrawals are $25 for ecoPayz, $180 for courier checks, and $100 for the other supported solutions. The maximum is $2,500 per method ($3,000 for checks) and $10,000 per week.
You have the option to reverse your withdrawals while the requests are still pending. We personally think this works to the disadvantage of some players. People sometimes get tempted to continue gambling until they give whatever they have won back, so manual flushing is always the more preferable option in our opinion.
So what are the processing times for withdrawals from Slotastic? It all depends on what method you use. The quickest way to cash out would be to use the supported e-wallets or Bitcoin where withdrawals take place instantly after approval. Withdrawals with courier checks and wire transfers may take up to 10 business days.
Unfortunately, there is no good news to report where transaction costs are concerned. If you are looking to avoid extra charges, you should withdraw with the cryptocurrency or the e-wallets. The fees associated with the other available withdrawal methods are eye-watering. You have to pay $30 extra per courier check and $60 extra per wire transfer. You might also end up paying additionally for currency conversion since Slotastic works with USD only.
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Slotastic Mobile Casino

Slotastic provides mobile players with two options. There is a highly functional in-browser application that requires no additional software installation. This enables you to play without wasting any storage space on your smartphone. You simply have to type in the casino’s address in your browser or scan the QR code posted on the website. Android users can download a native app to install on their devices.
We regret to say there is not much versatility for mobile players at Slotastic, though. The in-browser app is home to 100 or so mobile games, most of which are slots. There are around 15 video poker variations including Deuces Wild, RealTime Gaming’s trademark Loose Deuces, and Jacks or Better.
The mobile casino is short of table games, but you still get to play European Roulette, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, Classic Blackjack, and Tri Card Poker. Some of the most popular RealTime Gaming jackpot games have also been optimized for play on the go. The biggest pots drop in the progressive Aztec’s Millions.
You can add games to your list of favorites by tapping the star icons next to the thumbnails. Tapping the info button shows you all you need to know about the games you are interested in, from their volatility level to their themes and special features.
Slotastic’s in-browser app compensates with a simplified, yet elegant and user-friendly design. The circular mobile lobby features oversized round buttons that take you to the different categories of games, the cashier, your favorites, the games you have last played, and the main menu, where you can view your bonus coupons, comp points, promotional messages, and the contact page.
The support chat is accessible at all times via a large-size button that remains glued to the lower right corner of your touchscreen regardless of which page you open. Similarly to the desktop version, the mobile casino can be loaded in English only.

Slotastic Casino Games

Slotastic is a relatively small online casino with a gaming library that comprises around 300 distinct games. Note that the full suite is available via the Windows-compatible download software only. Those who access the casino and play in their browsers are facing half the number of options, with a little over 150 titles. This limited choice makes sense considering the casino uses software by a single supplier only.
There is the standard set of RealTime Gaming titles you can play. Slots make for the largest portion of the portfolio although video poker, keno, scratchcards, and tables games are also available. But enough beating around the bush – let’s examine the gaming library in more detail.


This casino is called Slotastic for a good reason. It features a solid collection of RealTime Gaming slots with versatile themes, ranging from ancient civilizations and mythology to magical creatures and Vegas lifestyle. Branded slots like Ritchie Valens La Bamba, The Big Bopper, and The Three Stooges are also included.
Slotastic organizes its slot collection on the basis of reel number, features, and jackpot. The 6-reel titles are a must-try including games like Super 6 and Lucky 6. Some of the slots from RealTime Gaming’s Real Series have randomly triggered local jackpots that can drop on any spin regardless of the amount staked. Some of the most appealing slots from this category include Aladdin’s Wishes, Achilles, Ancient Gods, Cleopatra’s Gold, Fire Dragon, Naughty or Nice, and Ghost Ship.
Hairway to Heaven, Naughty or Nice Spring Break, and Polar Explorer have the so-called “Feature Guarantee”. This ensures players will trigger a bonus feature within a designated number of spins. One example is the slot Aztec’s Treasure where the feature meter is set at 150 spins. Players who choose this slot can have the confidence they will trigger a bonus feature at least once every 150 rounds.
The Win-Win feature some slots are equipped with is equally rewarding but in a different way. It gets activated at the end of a round of free spins if you have generated profits smaller than 8x your triggering bet. You need to play all paylines to benefit from the Win-Win feature, though. Some of the Win-Win slots include Loch Ness Loot, The Three Stooges, and Triple Twister.
Slotastic caters to fans of classic slots with several 3-reel titles like Double Ya Luck, Sevens and Stripes, Scuba Fishing, Santastic, and Jumping Beans. Other slot titles that appealed to us include Cai Hong, Bubble Bubble and its sequel, Enchanted Garden II, Eternal Love, Gods of Nature, and I, Zombie.

Table Games

Slotastic is home to a standard suite of table games that features around 18 variants of roulette, blackjack, and casino poker. Baccarat and craps are also available. Fans of the Devil’s wheel have a choice from American and European Roulette where the bets range between $1 and $50.
Blackjack buffs enjoy a greater versatility, having a choice from the standard version of the game, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack (this is a no-hole-card game), Face Up 21 (RealTime Gaming’s take on Double Exposure), Pontoon, Super 21, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, and Match Play 21.
Several variations of casino poker are also available. You can play against the virtual dealers in a game of Vegas Three Card Rummy, Tri Card Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Caribbean Hold’em (which is pretty much the casino version of Texas Hold’em but with an exotic name), and Caribbean Stud. The baccarat and craps games can be found in the Specialties section.

Progressive Jackpot Games

We counted roughly 75 games with local progressive jackpots. This means the prizes are pooled from bets made on the Slotastic platform only. Respectively, you cannot expect gargantuan pots from these games – their prizes typically escalate to four-figure amounts only. Some of the most popular slots with local pots include Small Fortune, Jumping Beans, Rudolph’s Revenge, Samba Sunset, Secret Symbol, Penguin Power, Paydirt, Mermaid Queen, and Mister Money.
You have a more limited choice if massive pots are what you are after. The casino features several slots linked to a wide-area progressive network, with prizes accumulating across all RealTime Gaming-powered websites.
The pots in Aztec’s Millions and Megasaur are symbol-driven whereas the prize in Spirit of the Inca drops whenever it reaches its boiling point. The jackpot of Aztec’s Millions is way overdue since it has not dropped since 2009. The table games Caribbean Stud and Caribbean Hold’em are also linked to progressive networks.

Video Poker

Fans of video poker are catered to with 14 distinct variations of their favorite game including Loose Deuces, Aces & Eights, All American Poker, Bonus Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker, Bonus Poker Deluxe, Deuces Wild, Double Bonus Poker, Double Jackpot Poker, Jacks or Better, Joker Poker, and Sevens Wild.
Each of the above-listed games is available in the multiple-hand format, with players having a choice from 1, 3, 10, or 52 hands at a time. Just keep in mind each hand you play requires an individual bet. For example, if you are playing five credits of $0.50 per hand in the 52-hand variant of Jacks or Better, you are practically wagering $130 per round.
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Slotastic Licensing and Regulations

Slotastic has not published any information in regard to licensing, ownership, and regulations on its official website, which only works to its detriment. In our opinion, it is common courtesy to inform one’s customers who they are gambling with and under what license. There are no details on who audits the games for fairness and what their theoretical return is. We hope to see higher levels of transparency from Slotastic in the future.
After a little digging on the web, it was established Slotastic allegedly operates under the licensing and regulations of the British Virgin Islands. Customers’ funds and personal information are protected with SSL encryptions.
Slotastic also embraces responsible gambling. Players can self-exclude, take a temporary break from gambling, or set limits on their deposits. The casino does not allow for real-money play from the UK and New Jersey.

Slotastic Customer Support

Slotastic players who need help are facing several avenues of communication with the casino’s support staff. The easiest and quickest way to contact them is via the live chat. The chat facility is staffed at all times of day and night, which is certainly beneficial for the casino’s vast multi-national player base.
The downside is that when all human agents are busy servicing other customers, you may end up chatting with the “friendly” Chat Bot. The latter is pretty much useless since it provides you with a link to the FAQ section most of the times.
You are automatically connected with a real human being as soon as an agent is available, though. The support staff makes an overall good impression with their professionalism and friendliness. You can also drop Slotastic’s support a few lines via email at [email protected]. Support is provided over the telephone as well. The number you need to dial is +1 866 890 6738.


Slotastic has both its downsides and advantages. The biggest positive here is that the casino welcomes play from a huge number of jurisdictions including the United States. Another benefit is that the website is jam-packed with bonuses and promotional incentives. If you are looking for generous offers, this is the place to drop by. We also liked the website’s design. All categories are easy to spot and the games load quickly both on desktop and mobile.
The biggest con here is the absence of regulatory information. As we said earlier, we hope to see this fixed in the future in the interest of transparency. It would have been great if the casino supported more payment options as well.
The gaming library itself is definitely not the most diverse one, with only 150 games in the casino’s flash version. Despite its downsides, Slotastic will appeal to RealTime Gaming fans from the US who insist on fast withdrawals and lots of bonuses.
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Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins Bonus & No Deposit Promotions

Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins Bonus & No Deposit Promotions

Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Claim 10 free spins now! This exclusive bonus without deposit is waiting for you here, at Arctic Spins Casino. Click on the link below to collect your free rounds. Also, get a 100% welcome bonus on your first deposit. Use code: ARCTIC to get more free spins and free money!
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Arctic Spins Casino Review

Arctic Spins is another newcomer on the online casino scene, joining many sites to have launched in 2017. This made its mark in May, just in time for summer – although this casino’s theme is anything but warm in terms of temperature.
It can be hard to keep track of all these new releases, but every new addition is very welcome, giving players more choice of themes, games and overall style. Whether you want to stay loyal to one brand, or prefer to play the casino field as well as the games, the more options the better.

Cool Card Games and All Things Ice

While the name would suggest there’s some reel fun to be found here, there are a good choice of live games too at Arctic Spins: Blackjack, Roulette (including an immersive Roulette, speed Roulette, auto Roulette), Dream Catcher, Baccarat (speed, squeeze and control squeeze variations), Caribbean Stud Poker, Texas Holdem Poker and Three Card/Tri Card Poker. These are powered by the ubiquitous and reliable evolution gaming, assuring you of a quality gambling journey. A range of well-groomed, attractive looking dealers await your custom, with plenty of interactive gambling opportunities afforded to the would be player.
The design of the website is straightforwardly simple and while featuring the cold setting of the polar plains, is warm and fuzzy in its cartoon cuteness. Given how popular the Disney movie Frozen has been, this winter ambience is clearly a winner and sparks an imaginative response from us, to the lands of fish hunting bears, whales and penguins (not to mention being the home of Santa Claus). Whatever the season, a trip to Arctic Spins provides plenty to talk about.
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Pop-up Promotions

So what of bonuses in this casino? Well there’s an offer to entice new players to this new casino. Deposit £10 and you’ll receive 25 free spins on Starburst - if you’re not familiar with this game, it’s a mega popular slot with loads of great aspects and very simple to play, meaning it’s often used as part of a welcome promo, bonus or offer scheme in online casinos at large.
Other promotions pop up for a period and so it’s worth keeping an eye on the site for fresh upload, with the current one being a Live Dealer Lucky Draw where you have a guaranteed win of between £2 and £500 in credits. It’s still early days, so we’re likely to see more coming from Arctic Spins, in the way of promos.

Splendid Slots

There is a whole lot of choice here when it comes to spinning those reels, with plenty of different slots on offer for you to try. The middle left hand side of the screen has a handy little menu from which you can filter by software providers, categories concerning the type of game and a nice little addition: type of wins. This allows you to search not just on the biggest wins, but also frequency and regularity of wins - ideal for both the risk loving high rollers and those who are looking for a fat percentage of Return To Player rate, without needing to checking every single game.
You’ll find high profile software developers games here including slots from the likes of IGT, NetEnt, MicroGaming and NextGen. Whatever your gaming oeuvre there’s a slot theme for you including some of the most popular ones like slots featuring animals or the lands of mysterious ancient Egypt. If you’re a particularly keen reel fan, you could also try well established Casumo casino, which has an equally great selection and a strong user interface (not in yer face).
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VIP Privileges

We love being referred to as a very important person – and casinos are some of the easiest places to earn this title (depending on the casino, mind you). Among the tick list of casino attributes to look for, is a good VIP scheme that’ll reward you for your custom. It can be tricky to find some info on this site - like specifics in terms of restricted territories and details of the VIP scheme.
You’ll find a search box, but this is only geared toward games, so searches on anything else will come back blank. However, there is such a programme the Privileged VIP club, enticing loyal players with prizes such as cameras, coffee machines, vouchers and much more. Expect special seasonal treats too, but you’ll have to work your way into it first.

On the Move?

Every new casino release should be mobile compatible and it’s important to find one optimised to the small screen. It’s so handy to be able to log on and play, especially when you need to kill time while out and about. Thankfully Arctic Spins is fully optimised for mobile play and looks great on the small screen with smart device calibrated design.
Things look very similar on all devices, except the sized down version uses a series of drop down and expandable menus with recognisable icons to make the most of the space and ensure a smaller screen isn’t too cluttered with wordiness and elaborated options. The most important buttons are very evident, so you won’t lose any time hunting for what you need.
Of course it depends on your devices and browser, but it is often an even better, faster experience on a mobile device than a laptop or desktop computer. Arctic Spins even advertises itself as a mobile casino in its welcome strapline. So you can enjoy playing wherever you fancy, on your smartphone, smartwatch, kindle, tablet or ipad. Just make sure you’re connected to a reliable WiFi source or have a generous data allowance - especially if you’re spinning those cinematic sequence video slots or playing the tables with a live dealer.
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Arctic’s Hot Support

If you have any questions or issues, a click on the support or live chat buttons (found on the to access your options. You can aso visit the frequently answered questions and answers section, which might solve the problem. Advisors are available via email, live chat or the old fashioned method: the telephone. As this is a very new casino we don’t know too much about their service reputation yet, but the site certainly gives us plenty of confidence and assurance in them.

Your Payment Options

There’s an increasing variety of payment methods popping up these days and you can use both the old school and modern options such as Paysafecard, Zimpler, Trustly, Sofort and Boku here. There may well be at least a coupe in there which you don’t recognise – Zimpler is a Swedish mobile pay service, while Sofort provides international money transfers. Do be careful with Boku which incurs a 15% fee on your deposit, meaning your budget won’t go quite as far and you won’t have as much credit to play with.
All other deposit methods are free, having no fee attached. The minimum deposit for Boku is higher too, set as £15, rather than the £10 across the board for all the others. One withdrawal is allowed per 24 hour period, with a minimum amount of £20 and a maximum limit of £2000. Checks are made prior to your request being granted, taking up to 72 hours (there may be an additional wait time on top of this depending on your method - cards make this period especially lengthy).
Licenced by the UK Gambling Commission, this site operates complies with responsible gambling and so requires you to prove you are who you say you are when verifying your account. It might seem a hindrance in the short term, but take it from us, it’s a total help to everyone in the long.
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Crisp Stuff Indeed

This is generally a very user-friendly layout, making it super easy to find the games you want to play and offering variety in terms of slot and table options. A handy filter system for games is always a boon and this one has sorted its categories into useful groups that enable you to get to the right place quickly and easily. Using the New Games filter is a great way to check out what’s recently been added and keep your favourites fresh and funky.
The theme of Arctic Spins is subtle, yet bright and cheery and features some nice crisp graphics. It can be hard to find some of the info on the website (most notably, specific details and a guide to the VIP scheme - something that might deter very loyal high rolling players wanting the full exposition before signing up), but with live support available and decent functionality, this shouldn't have any effect on your play experience. The choice of payment options and currencies make it an international player in the online market (with the significant exception of the United States) and a cool new casino in more ways than one.
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Wagering on GOLF to consistently make money

This needs to be said as PGA handicapping interest seems to be growing on here:

For anyone newer to PGA betting, DO NOT TAIL ANYONE. No matter their record on here or them throwing their twitter handle out for you to easily follow. I know that sounds ridiculous to start with, espesually for someone starting new who has only been wagering on golf for a couple of years. You think.. Obviously they know more than me and have put more time into this than me right? Maybe. But to learn how to make money betting on golf you honestly need only one week to figure it out and that's all. Honestly it takes one week to understand VALUE and OPPORTUNITY and how to do it on your own. You need to be in control on your money and earn and lose it on your own conscience after doing your own due diligence.
You will find plenty of people online posting their expert picks. Some are very knowledgeable. Some are not. Where as some are playing the numbers and betting 10 outright, 10 match-ups and multiple daily leaders and each ways per tournament, there is nothing wrong with this. Although this style of investing in golf handicapping is no different than betting a ML on another sport. If this style of handicapping makes you money, stick with it. Just beware of people advertising their picks online in this format. Of course its easy to say "I've hit the last 4 or 3 winners" when they bet 15 Outright's that are all below 66/1 a week. Keep an eye out for this if you do follow. They are in deep with value plays to the point where their odds are diminished to even or slightly above. And that is up to you to decide if the choices are worth it over the money line in any other sport.

I'm not saying pick one or even only two players a week but never too many low odd players that diminish our winners when they do hit.

I've won 5 of the last 6 tournaments.
I'n 6 Weeks I've turned $200 into over $20,000. That's with never upping my unit amount.
Last year I ended the season at +$16,000.

Last 6 weeks:
Nick Taylor at +10000 for $7500.
Adam Scott at +3300 for $3300.
Patrick Reed at +4000 for $4000.
Sunglae Im +3500 for $3200.
(profited -$400 less as I put money on Fleetwood on Sunday as insurance.)
Tyrrell Hatton +5000 for $2500.
note: I also bet $1-200 total each week on other players which are -$ against the wins.
Was there a formula for each win? Not exactly. I won off of Value bets as well as Opportunity bets. We are here to make money and There never should be only one way of making that happen.

So if you read this far, let's get to how you can make your own money in a few weeks, possibly without even knowing anything about golf.
Easiest way (OPPORTUNITY):
The very first thing you need to do is get with a book that has Live updated odds during all the rounds.
Opportunity.. I'm sure everyone in here is betting with money they worked hard for. Remember that. So put that same time into your wagers as your daily work. Specifically Thursday and Friday Live Bets hold a ton of value. A lot of my winners are Value bets (We will get into) but for instance my Nick Taylor bet at +10,000 for $75 into $7500. or my Adam Long bet last year for $20 into $5000 are opportunity bets that just make absolutely too much sense not to take stabs at. Do these always hit. Obviously not always but, do they always make sense.. absolutely.
But when I placed the live bet is whats most important to how I make money.
Let's say its Thursday or Friday and you're home watching the tournament. Keep your favorite friendly gambling website(That offers live betting on PGA) open on your computer or phone..
Oh.. Wyndham Clark is on the broadcast and at -2 on the 12th. The leader is at -5 in the clubhouse. Wyndham JUST stuck his 2nd shot to 5 feet ... He has a 5 footer for eagle. This is where you should have already be signed on. and you rush to place whatever responsible amount you are willing to lose on a longshot. Lets say $20. You see him at +15000 and Hammer it for $20. Boom. He hits an easy 5 footer and now his odds are are +60/1. He has 6 holes remaining.. You know 2 of those are birdie holes. As long as you know your golfer and chose someone respectable he will at the very lease gain one more stroke before the clubhouse. Now you are going into the weekend with a $3000 opportunity that is at the very least tied for the lead off of a $20 bet with 2 days to go. Does that guy buckle to Rory.. or Phil? Sometimes. But sometimes..... Nick Taylor outlasts Phil Mickelson. Sometimes... Adam Long hits an amazing 2nd shot against a 3 way playoff to beat Phil Mickelson.

But if you don't know if this golfer named say Joel Dahmen who is about to putt for Eagle and at the very least make birdie with 2 birdie holes remaining, a quick google search to see if they have firstly a winning mentality or chance to win is important. Don't wager too much on a guy who can't finish if betting for the win. Their current form, their play at this tournament the previous couple years as well as their play at comparable courses (Extreme weather history is to be ignored but also remembered for who did well in this situation. Leishman, Lowry, Hatton...)

At this point I don't care if I'm betting on Rory at +400 or a +50000 rookie. It is completely statistical opportunities that we are looking for. Example is Adam Scott at 33/1 at a course he has been dying to win, he said it in every interview but no one gave much attention. He technically won here on a short week because of weather. As well as he's coming off a win. But then a multi month break which scared betters and the books off... Also the previous win wasn't an important tournament. Yet it shows me he was and is in form.
And once you start to gain more understanding of the wind speed, grass type, who is in form, putting surface, shots gained on approach.. you begin to give yourself a damn good chance. As long as you keep to your money management throughout.

Some friends who don't know much about handicapping ask why I don't up my bet after winning $3,000-$8,000 the week before. And if anyone reads any of this post I want them to read this: Trust me... Bankroll management is the difference between making money to buy what you want as a side income and just losing a few hundred every day/week. That is honestly the hardest part of making money off of handicapping. You don't need to hit 65% of even money bets. All you need is to be smart about handling loses and that's all. Don't chase. Know that you can make the picks and wait till the next day/tournament. Don't chase on women's Czech tennis live at 2AM. Don't drunkenly bet! This is not how you earn money, this is how you lose it. Remember that next time you're tempted.

I just want to say I'm open to any questions anyone has in here or PM. As well as any criticism anyone might have as I am always interested in hearing another point of view on the matter of how we can all make money. $ Cheers.
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Understanding an Arbitrage in Sports Betting

Over the years, sports betting has become more popular. It all started with fantasy sports games and the ability to analyze player statistics. This soon moved into betting where you can look at odds and back your favorite teams to win money. Indeed, many sports enthusiasts have said that it boosts their fan experience and makes games more exciting. Six out of 10 Americans said that they approved of sports betting.
But how much do you really know about the ins and outs of sports betting? For example, you may have heard of the term ‘arbitrage’. But do you know what it means? Let’s take a look.
What is an Arbitrage?
We all know that in any capacity, gambling is about risk. You are betting money with the potential to win or lose. So, when it comes to arbitrage in sports betting, this is about people wanting to better their odds of winning. An arbitrage involves making several bets on the same sports match in order to win and gain a profit from the event. Indeed, people believe that it no longer matters what the result is; they think they will win either way. It is viewed as security when it comes to sports betting.
There are many ways that you can enjoy arbitrage betting. For example, it can be used in roulette, craps and online blackjack, but it is particularly popular in sports betting since you can bet on the two teams that are playing against each other. For instance, this can be done in soccer, American football, basketball and baseball. The idea is that you use different sportsbooks to spread the risk.
Are There Advantages to this Strategy?
Of course, the purpose of arbitrage betting is to always win. In this way, a lot of players view it as a safe strategy that means that you are going to profit every time you play. If you are new to gambling, perhaps you view arbitrage betting as a safety blanket. But this is going to be the case if you do it right. What’s more, you often only make a small profit from this type of strategy.
The only thing is, it is easy to get carried away when it comes to arbitrage betting. In other words, you can get too confident and end up making mistakes. This is the last thing that anybody wants. Thus, you will need to do a lot of work in order for this strategy to be successful for you. As arbitrage betting means there is a small profit margin, this means that some people will make high bets. Again, if you do not do your research, this means that you could end up losing big.
In addition, you have to be careful. There are some sportsbooks that do not like arbitrage betting. This means that your account could be closed and it may be best to adopt another strategy. The purpose of gambling is to have fun and see if you can win. Trying to beat the system is not always the best idea nor is it the easiest.
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It's a Gamble! Gambling - Great? Gruesome? Gambling - Essential, Addictive, Destructive

I'm used to thinking of gambling as horrible. Every day I hear stories of people destroying their lives, and the well-being of their families, because they can't stop gambling. Everything goes. A woman speaks from her prison cell: she turned to robbing banks to pay for her addiction. She doesn't excuse herself. But she couldn't help herself. She wanted to be arrested. Despair.
I've been thinking about gambling differently this past while. Not "pure gambling" (lottery tickets, casinos, online gambling). But gambling as an essential feature of healthy, hopeful living that takes us beyond the routine.
My partner and I are building a business. Now, that's a gamble - with our time, our lives. I'm also building this site - Elsa's Creativity Emporium. Another huge gamble with time, energy, creativity. Columbus sailed for America. His gamble: that he would end up in the Far East. He didn't get was he was aiming for - but the gamble paid off for the Europeans.
Farmers plant seeds. The gamble: that the season will be good. Designers design The gamble: that the design will find a market.
People fall in love, and decide to try to make a live with that person - one of the biggest gambles in life.
On the other hand, many people want a predictable salary. No gambling, please. So and so much an hour. Anything else feels wrong, out of control, dangerous. How can anyone live like that, they shudder and recoil.
An observation. Many people don't want to gamble with work time. They want steady dependable pay. At the same time, they have a hugely developed urge, even an overwhelming urge, to gamble.
In other words, quite a number of the same people who want a steady paycheck spend a huge chunk of their everyday earnings on gambling!
"It's just for fun." "It's my right." "I have every right to do what I want with my money. I earned it, after all. It's mine." "Everyone's entitled to have a good time every now and then. All those hours I work. I deserve something."
So, though many people are entirely unable to consider working "on a gamble," (building a business, doing creative projects that may well never pay), they gamble over and over in ways that are set up to make the huge majority of people lose.
But most of the world does live "on a gamble" - or combining the gamble with as much certainty as possible. Traditional gatherer-hunting societies for instance have the relative dependability of gathering (which brings in about 90% of food) and the gamble on what is brought in through hunting (10% of the average food supply, according to my reading). Even with the gathering part, no year is like any other year. The steady dependable pay-off (salary, berries, etc.) is not the norm.
And with that, back to gambling. I'm going to call the kind of gambling I'm used to recoiling from "pure gambling" - in other words, one isn't gambling that the weather will cooperate with one's efforts, one isn't trying to make a sale, one isn't trying to build a site or a business, one isn't courting and hoping another will respond to us. "Pure gambling" - bingo, casinos, lotteries, slot machines, computer games like minesweeper and so on. The goal is winning in a game stacked against us, and the win builds nothing except the win. No book is written, no grain is harvested, nothing is built.
In everyday gambling - which I'll call "part-of-life gambling", the pleasure of winning is part of so many other things. It's part of building a life - gambling that our reaching out to someone will pay off, gambling that our design will find a market, gambling that the move to another city where there are supposed to be better jobs will lead to a better job.
In "pure gambling," all that other stuff has been taken out. The goal: the win. The goal: the payoff. In some forms of "pure gambling", one does build some skills - one learns to play bingo well, to know the ins and outs of computer games. One becomes fast, the moves automatic. In other forms of pure gambling, people just, say, pull the arm of a one-armed bandit - and the craving to keep doing this that be so strong that people have resorted (or so I've heard) to wearing diapers so they don't need to leave to go to the bathroom.
I've felt the pull of pure gambling, as well as part-of-life gambling. The time: about ten years ago. Too much stress. One day, I opened minesweeper, a computer game, and played a few games. The stress disappeared. I ended up playing minesweeper for several days, getting better and better. Wonderful and relaxing. At some point, I couldn't get better at minesweeper. From that point on, winning or losing (most often losing), became a matter of luck. And yet I still wanted to play. Very much so.
I did what was easiest for me to do: I asked my partner to take the game off my computer (at the time I didn't have the skill to know how to delete it myself). I don't think, though, that I could have used the computer and not played. The pull felt irresistible. I felt deprived when the game was gone. I wanted it back. I didn't ask for it back, though. I was able to have that much power over the pull of the game.
I did, for a number of years, turn to solitaire - not on the computer. Too dangerous. The old-fashioned way, with cards. If I played more than I thought was okay, I would put the cards in a place where it was inconvenient for me to get them - in a corner of the basement, for instance. Sometimes I would go and get them. More often I wouldn't.
The last several years have been so busy that there hasn't been time to reach for the cards. And I've noticed that the urge is gone. I want, if I have a few minutes, to take a walk, to make supper, to do nothing. I like life better that way.
I've been gambling enormously, these past few years, but the healthy way - doing things, hoping and planning that the projects will make it in the world.
I'm back to gambling: the good, the bad, the ugly.
The good. This is when we take gambles in life, gambles that come from as much knowledge and experience as possible. Even then, it's important that we check out the risks as well as possible - because in everyday life just as in a casino, one can gamble away one's savings, one's home, and so on. I took a gamble fifteen years ago: I had work (flight attendant) that was dependable but didn't satisfy me. I was finishing my Ph.D. when the airline hit hard times and offered a golden handshake to people willing to leave. I didn't have full-time college or university teaching lined up. Worse, there was hardly any teaching of any kind available where I lived. Still, I took a gamble. After all, I had an almost completed Ph.D. in hand, and had been doing university teaching part-time for years.
It wasn't an instant win. But I finally got college teaching, and eventually even steady college teaching. And that again isn't an instant fix, like a casino win. It means having to work at making the teaching successful, learning how to make the more difficult classes work (when one can), etc. There are ongoing challenges.
I think of Crick and Watson, who worked on figuring out the structure of DNA - and only after 10 years came to the realization (through a dream) that there was a double helix. They gambled with 10 years of their life.
I think of Banting, who figured out how diabetes can be controlled through insulin. So much time and effort, done despite the lack of success of others.
The dangerous good. I am thinking of people my parents knew. Not gamblers of any sort. They had built a financially successful life through steady paid-by-the-hour work. Then their 20-year-old son saw a "golden business opportunity". A local successful business was for sale. The parents mortgaged their house to the max to buy it. In a year, the successful business was destroyed through a serious of stupid choices made by their inexperienced son who had all kinds of ideas for "improving" it. The parents lost everything.
The bad. Pure gambling, when it's more than an occasional pleasure. My mother would buy an Irish Sweepstakes ticket at a time when gambling was illegal in Canada. She got a thrill out of doing something illegal. Also the ticket was a kind of miracle hope for an instant fix to all the everyday financial struggles. But it was a small cost.
For all too many people, the cost is high - financially, and in time and focus. Apparently over 15% of Canadian teenagers have at least a moderate addiction to what I call bad gambling.
Of course it can also give some kind of gratification to people leading small boring lives. Bingo halls enthrall thousands of people week after week.
The gruesome. This is when the pure gambling urge takes over someone's life, and often destroys everything else in that life. Couple life, parenting, other interests.
What to do? One, recognize the intense power of the "gambling pay-off pull." There it is, the jackpot - like a carrot to a donkey. Not easy to resist.
Societies and countries which outlaw gambling - like both Canada and the States used to - recognize the destructive power of "the pay-off pull" central to pure gambling.
Personally, I find it insane to take away the laws that prohibit gambling without at least, at the same time, mandating huge public education - from earliest childhood on - on the destructive power of "the gambling pay-off pull."
It's like no longer ensuring that water is drinkable, but not doing anything so that people each take care of their own water supply. Can you imagine a huge campaign against providing drinkable water on the basis that this tampers with individual liberty? that each person has the right to drink the water of one's choice?
And yet to go back to good gambling. I will now call it "integrated gambling" - gambling as part of other activities. The same intense pay-off pull may help us through tough times. We practice and practice a difficult guitar piece - we know there will be a pay-off and the high of getting there (at least for a moment, before we move on to the next challenge). We put in long hours working with a child with learning difficulties - and we exult when learning happens. Pay-off.
Good gambling. I'd say that's a core part of human development. It keeps us going - we're not only doing whatever it is (trying to keep the corps alive in a hard season), but longing for the pay-off. And when it does happen, euphoria, a natural high. Yeah!!!
Good gambling combines with creativity. It helps us move out of ruts, into the unknown. Something in us knows this is a good direction. There is a pull from deep inside ourselves.
As with so much about us, it's easy to mess things up.
Gambling - well. Gambling combined with a project, a goal, an end that does not have to do with gambling, a goal in itself that usually leads to further development.
Gambling - bad. Gambling for the lure of the win, the pay-off - usually unrelated to the efforts we put in. (There was nothing my mother did, that would make her more likely to win the Irish Sweepstakes than what anyone else did - it was just luck. And she never won.)
Gambling - gruesome - when "pure gambling" has taken over someone's life.
All it takes is a tiny change inside ourselves to go from the good to the bad to the gruesome - a disconnection of the pay-off pull from something constructive.
I started with words from a song I wrote years ago, on a gamble Western society gives huge value to: love. Young people are expected to find a partner to live with, taking a huge gamble with their lives. I would call it a central healthy gamble. And again here, it's been found that, time after time, learning is important. People who have been around healthy love relationships are way more likely to have the love gamble pay off.
I think we need to learn to gamble well - to do the right kind, and do it well.
I'll end with lines from that song - when can be about the best of a good gamble:
Love is my kind of tangle Love is my kind of gamble I've got all that I can handleLove More of Love Gamble, Love Tangle
Where to send you from here? You can click here for Creativity Pure and Applied. Creativity - another side of ourselves that can be pure (creativity for the sake of creativity) and applied (creativity in the service of something else). The dynamics are decidedly different than with gambling!
My writing, by the way, is a gamble. I'm gambling that it's worth it - to me and to you.
Comments welcome.
For more good thinking and stimulating ideas, click and find ELSA'S IDEA EMPORIUM. Thought-provoking arguments plus stupid opinions exposed.
Click and find: How To Think - Helpful Tip Number One - Ask Yourself This One Question. Whose Dog Is It Anyway? On Pets, Ownership, Slavery – Human Rights, Animal Rights, Who's Right? Elsa, age 7, Takes on God - Elsa Knows God is Wrong (the one she read about, anyway). The Rottweiler Pope, the Danish Cartoon, and Muslim Moderates. Stupid Opinion Number One – The Opinion That We Are Where We Are Meant To Be. Stupid Opinion Number Two – The Opinion That All Opinions Are Equal. Don't Keep it Simple, Stupid - We're Not All Mental Vegetables. The Rage of the "Righteous".
Click. THE IDEA EMPORIUM. Think. Click!
What matters is not agreement or disagreement. What matters is good thinking - ideas backed by evidence. logic, etc. Comments welcome. Elsa
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